Yard Maintenance Tips for Animal Proofing Against Nuisance Wildlife

Nuisance wildlife is a challenge many homeowners across the country face, especially in areas with diverse ecosystems like the heartlands of Tennessee. Unwanted animals such as raccoons, opossums, and deer can wreak havoc on yards and gardens, disturbing the natural balance you work so hard to maintain. Understanding their behavior and implementing effective yard maintenance and control strategies are key to safeguarding your outdoor space. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical tips for animal-proofing your yard, ensuring that you can enjoy the beauty of nature without unwanted guests causing trouble.

Call 615-610-0962 For Smoky Mountain Animal Removal Services
Call 615-610-0962 For Smoky Mountain Animal Removal Services

Understanding Nuisance Wildlife in Tennessee

Common Nuisance Animals

Tennessee’s rich flora and varied landscapes attract a wide range of wildlife. Unfortunately, some of these animals, like skunks and squirrels, can become pesky nuisances in residential areas. Understanding the habits and preferences of these critters is the first step in deterring them from your yard.

Behaviors and Risks

Nuisance animals aren’t just unwelcome; they can be destructive and pose health risks. Raccoons, for example, are known to knock over trash cans, and their scavenging can spread disease. Opossums may uproot garden plants and even enter homes in search of food. Learning to recognize signs of their presence and understanding the potential hazards can inform your approach to yard maintenance and wildlife control.

Fundamental Yard Maintenance Tips

Proper yard maintenance plays a crucial role in deterring nuisance wildlife. By creating an environment that is less inviting to these animals, you can significantly reduce their presence.

Lawn Care

Maintaining a well-groomed lawn not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property but also minimizes hiding spots for wildlife. Regular mowing keeps the grass at a length that’s less desirable for animals seeking cover.

Tree and Shrub Trimming

Overhanging branches can provide access to your roof or deck, which might be an entry point for animals like squirrels. They can also serve as bridges for animals to access your property from neighboring trees or structures. Trimming back branches keeps these routes inaccessible.

Pest Control Measures

Insects and rodents are attractive food sources for larger wildlife. By keeping pest populations in check with traps or natural predators like birds of prey, you remove a significant draw for nuisance animals.

Garbage Management

Properly securing trash bins and keeping waste covered minimizes the odors and accessible food sources that attract wildlife. For particularly persistent pests, consider investing in animal-proof garbage storage.

Safe and Humane Wildlife Control Tips

When simple maintenance isn’t enough, it may be necessary to implement specific wildlife control measures to protect your yard and home.

Secure Fencing and Gates

Installing a sturdy fence with no gaps at the bottom and using locks on gates is an effective way to keep out larger animals. Be sure any fencing material is appropriate for the types of animals common in your area.

Wildlife-Repelling Plants

Some plants naturally deter wildlife due to their strong scents or tastes. Consider adding species like marigolds, lavender, or daffodils to your garden beds to keep certain animals at bay.

Proper Waste Management

Separating compost and using enclosed bins help to prevent odors that attract wildlife. Additionally, being mindful of what is composted can reduce the risk of unwanted animal visitors.

Pet-Friendly Deterrents

If you have pets, make sure you’re not using repellents that could be harmful to them. Scents like ammonia and predator urine can be effective deterrents and are safe for your furry friends.

Non-Toxic Animal Repellents

For a natural approach to animal-proofing, explore non-toxic repellents like capsaicin-based sprays or granules. These products leverage strong scents or tastes to discourage wildlife from entering your yard.

When to Seek Out Professional Wildlife Control

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, wildlife issues can escalate beyond what DIY or preventive measures can handle. Knowing when to call professionals is essential. Licensed wildlife control experts have the knowledge and tools to deal with nuisance animals safely and effectively. They can also offer valuable advice on long-term animal-proofing solutions.


Maintaining an animal-proof yard is an ongoing process that requires a combination of foresight, regular maintenance, and, at times, the help of professionals. By implementing the tips outlined in this guide, you’re not only protecting your property but also the wildlife that surrounds it. Be vigilant, and take pride in knowing that your yard is a sanctuary for you, your family, and the wildlife that belongs there. After all, a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is the ultimate goal.

Are you looking for a trusted Nashville animal removal service that can help you get rid of nuisance critters at an affordable price? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured animal removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House

Dealing with a Dead Animal Carcass in Your Yard: A Guide to Safe Disposal

Discovering a dead animal carcass in your yard can be an unnerving and often distressing experience. The sight and smell that come with this scenario warrant immediate action, but many homeowners aren’t sure about the right steps to take. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the process of safely and efficiently handling a dead animal carcass, reinforcing the importance of prompt action for both your health and the environment.

Call 615-610-0962 For Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville & Clarksville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville & Clarksville Tennessee

Why You Can’t Ignore a Dead Animal in Your Yard

Before we move on to the practical aspects of animal carcass removal, it’s crucial to understand the seriousness of the issue. Deceased animals, no matter their size, can present significant health hazards. They often carry diseases, and their remains attract a variety of pests, including flies, maggots, and larger scavengers. Leaving a dead animal to decompose in your yard not only poses immediate risks but can also contaminate soil and water sources over time.

Health and Safety Concerns When Handling Dead Animal Carcasses

There’s a laundry list of health risks associated with dead animal carcasses, from bacterial and parasitic infections to the spread of zoonotic diseases like rabies and leptospirosis. Exposure to some of these pathogens can occur through direct contact with the carcass, its bodily fluids, or contaminated surfaces. It’s not just your health at risk, either—pets that have access to the yard or other animals in the vicinity are in danger as well.

Identifying and Assessing the Situation

Your approach to handling a deceased animal will depend on a few key factors. It’s important to gauge the situation thoroughly before taking any further steps.

Size and Type Matters

The type and size of the animal will dictate your response. A small bird, for instance, may warrant a different process than a larger mammal. Identifying the animal will also help in understanding potential diseases it may carry, especially if you’re dealing with wildlife instead of domesticated pets.

Assess for Decay

The level of decomposition is a critical factor in risk assessment. A freshly deceased animal will pose fewer health hazards than one that has been decomposing for days or weeks. Knowing the state of the carcass will guide you on whether to proceed with the disposal yourself or to opt for professional help.

DIY Dead Animal Removal Techniques

If you decide to tackle the removal process on your own, safety should be your number one priority. Here are some steps to keep in mind:

Dress for Success

Before coming into contact with the carcass, it’s essential to protect yourself. Wear disposable gloves, a mask, and clothing that covers your body properly. If you have any cuts or abrasions on your skin, consider covering them with waterproof bandages.

Use the Right Tools

Put together a “clean-up kit” that includes a durable shovel, a sturdy garbage bag, and a strong cleaning solution. Use the shovel to carefully transfer the animal into the bag. Avoid any contact with your skin.

Disposing of the Remains

Once the animal is securely bagged, tie the bag tightly and place it within a second garbage bag for an extra layer of protection against leaks or odors. Promptly dispose of the double-bagged carcass in a covered trash can, or, if local laws allow, bury the remains at a good distance from any water sources or vegetable gardens on your property.

Professional Wildlife Control Services for Dead Animal Removal

Sometimes, the best course of action is to leave dead animal removal in the hands of professionals. Wildlife control services are equipped to handle the process safely, efficiently, and legally.

Benefits of Professional Help

Wildlife removal experts have the necessary training and equipment to handle dead animals without putting themselves or others at risk. They are also well-versed in local laws and regulations regarding dead animal disposal.

Choosing the Right Service

When selecting a wildlife control service, be sure to vet them thoroughly. Look for certifications, ask about their methods for handling and disposing of carcasses, and inquire about the guarantee and cost of their services.

Preventive Measures to Safeguard Your Property

The last thing any homeowner wants is to encounter a dead animal in their yard. Taking proactive wildlife control steps can minimize the chances of it happening again.

Minimizing Yard Attractions

Regularly check your yard for any potential attractors, such as accessible trash or pet food, and promptly remove them. Keep your yard clean and well-maintained to dissuade animals from establishing it as a potential resting place.

Inspections and Maintenance

Conduct periodic inspections of your property, including your fences and any potential entry points. If you know a particular species of wildlife is prevalent in your area, take extra precautions, such as securing lids on your trash cans, to avoid inviting them onto your property.


Dealing with a dead animal carcass is an unpleasant but at times necessary duty. By approaching the task with caution and, when needed, involving professional assistance, you protect not only yourself and your family but also contribute to keeping your community safe and healthy. Swift and appropriate action is key, and the measures taken to dispose of the animal are as crucial as those to prevent its untimely demise in the first place. With this comprehensive guide, you are well-equipped to face the circumstances if and when they arise, ensuring your yard remains a sanctuary of health and peace.

Are you concerned about the nuisance wildlife on or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured wildlife removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee, and surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Beyond the Fluff: Dealing with Tennessee’s Nuisance Rabbits

In the scenic state of Tennessee, there’s a small, furry creature that’s causing quite the stir. Adorable and seemingly harmless, the native rabbits of Tennessee have taken a leap from being cute forest dwellers to becoming an invasive nuisance for many residents. But beyond the fluff and innocent eyes, these rabbits can wreak havoc on our lawns, gardens, and the local ecosystem.

In this post, we’ll delve into the issue of nuisance rabbits, exploring their impact, the necessity of rabbit control, and the most effective methods for rabbit removal. So, if you’re in the midst of a bunny battle, read on as we guide you through dealing with Tennessee’s most adorable pest.

Call 615-610-0962 For Wildlife Control and Removal in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Wildlife Control and Removal in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding Nuisance Rabbits

Before we dive into the specifics of rabbit control and removal, it’s crucial to understand what makes these furry creatures a nuisance in the first place. While rabbits may seem harmless, they are prolific breeders and can reproduce multiple times a year. This means that a seemingly small population can quickly grow out of control, leading to widespread damage to gardens and crops. Additionally, rabbits are herbivores and can consume large quantities of vegetation in a short period, posing a threat to natural habitats and local flora.

Furthermore, because rabbits have virtually no predators in urban settings, their populations can quickly become unbalanced, leading to overgrazing and destruction of vegetation. This not only affects the aesthetic appeal of our lawns and gardens but also disrupts the delicate balance of our local ecosystem.

The Necessity of Rabbit Control

Given their potential for widespread destruction, rabbit control is essential in areas where these creatures have become a nuisance. While there are humane ways to deter rabbits from your property, it’s vital to address the issue before it escalates. If left unchecked, nuisance rabbits can cause significant damage, leading to costly repairs and potential health hazards. Additionally, if rabbits have taken up residence in your home or backyard, their droppings can attract other pests and pose a risk of disease transmission.

When it comes to keeping rabbits at bay, there are several methods you can try. One of the most popular is rabbit repellent, which works by emitting a scent or taste that rabbits find unpleasant. Additionally, some people opt for more natural rabbit control methods, such as planting rabbit-resistant plants or using decoys to trick them into thinking predators are nearby. Whatever method you choose, it’s important to stay vigilant and experiment to find the best approach for your specific situation.

Methods for Rabbit Removal

When it comes to rabbit removal, there are various methods available, ranging from DIY solutions to professional services. The most common and humane method for rabbit control is fencing, as it prevents rabbits from entering your property without causing them harm. Another effective way to deter rabbits is by using natural repellents like plants with strong scents or predator urine. However, if the population has become unmanageable, it’s best to seek professional help in trapping and removing the rabbits safely.


In conclusion, while rabbits may appear harmless and lovable, they can quickly turn into a nuisance if left unchecked. To maintain the balance of our local ecosystem and protect our properties from damage, it’s crucial to address rabbit control and removal promptly. By understanding the nature of nuisance rabbits and utilizing effective methods for their removal, we can coexist with these adorable creatures without compromising our homes and environment. So, the next time you spot a fluffy bunny hopping around your backyard, remember to take the necessary measures to keep it from becoming a nuisance. 

Want to enjoy the beauty of Tennessee’s landscape while keeping those pesky rabbits at bay? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured rabbit removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife.

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The Role of Responsible Wildlife Control in Nashville’s Ecosystem

Nestled within the heart of the beautiful Smoky Mountains, Nashville is home to a diverse array of wildlife, a living testament to nature’s bounty. Yet, with the intersection of human and animal habitats, the need for responsible wildlife control becomes paramount. This blog aims to shed light on the vital role that responsible wildlife control plays in maintaining Nashville’s delicate ecosystem.

By exploring the intricacies of wildlife conservation, we will delve into how we can coexist peacefully with our wild neighbors, ensuring their survival while protecting our own interests. Join us as we traverse the verdant landscapes of Nashville and the Smoky Mountains, understanding the need for balance in our shared environment.

Call 615-610-0962 for Licensed Wildlife Control Service in Nashville TN
Call 615-610-0962 for Licensed Wildlife Control Service in Nashville TN

Protecting Wildlife for Future Generations

The Smoky Mountains have long been a haven for wildlife, with over 800 square miles of protected land to call home. This vast expanse is home to numerous species, including black bears, elk, and deer. However, with the increasing human population in Nashville and surrounding areas, protecting these animals becomes increasingly challenging. Responsible wildlife control is crucial in maintaining a healthy population of these species for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Striking a Balance between Human and Wildlife Habitats

As humans continue to expand their footprint on the planet, we inevitably encroach on the natural habitats of animals. This can lead to conflicts between human and wildlife populations, with animals often being seen as nuisances or potential threats. However, responsible wildlife control seeks to find a balance between human and animal habitats by implementing humane and sustainable methods to manage wildlife populations. This includes techniques such as habitat modification, relocation, and non-lethal deterrents. By striking this balance, we can coexist peacefully with our wild neighbors while protecting our homes and businesses from potential damage caused by their presence.

The Essential Role of Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife conservation goes hand in hand with responsible wild animal control. By conserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species, we can ensure the long-term survival of these animals. In Nashville, the Smoky Mountains serve as a critical area for wildlife conservation efforts. With pristine forests, streams, and mountains, this region provides an ideal environment for various species to thrive. By implementing responsible critter control, we can preserve this natural balance and continue to protect Nashville’s diverse wildlife for generations to come.

The Call for Responsible Wildlife Control

As the population in Nashville continues to grow, so does the need for responsible wildlife abatement and control. It is imperative that we take proactive measures to ensure the well-being of both humans and animals. By working together, we can find solutions that benefit all parties involved, striking a balance between human and wildlife needs. Remember, responsible wildlife management is not just about protecting ourselves; it’s about preserving the natural world for future generations to enjoy. Next time you encounter a wild animal in Nashville or the Smoky Mountains, remember their vital role in our ecosystem and act responsibly towards their presence. Together, we can ensure the sustainability of our beautiful city and its inhabitants for years to come.

Final takeaway

Nashville’s ecosystem is a delicate balance between humans and wildlife. Responsible critter control plays a crucial role in maintaining this balance, protecting both human interests and the well-being of wild animals. By understanding the importance of coexisting with our wild neighbors and implementing responsible practices, we can ensure a harmonious relationship with the natural world around us.

Let us work together to preserve Nashville’s beautiful ecosystem and its diverse wildlife for future generations to experience and appreciate.  So, always remember – be responsible, be kind, and coexist peacefully with our wild neighbors in Nashville and the Smoky Mountains.

Are you concerned about the nuisance wildlife on or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured wildlife removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee, and surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Exploring the Role of Synanthropes in Urban Areas
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Bats in the Belfry? More Like the Attic: A Closer Look at Bat Infestations

Bats are often portrayed as eerie creatures of the night, flitting around in belfries and haunted houses. But in reality, these winged mammals are more likely to be found somewhere much closer to home – your attic. Bat infestations in residential properties are more common than you might think, and they can pose some serious problems for homeowners.

Join us as we take a closer look at bat infestations, the issues they can cause, and how professional bat removal services can help restore peace and safety to your home.

Call 615-610-0962 For Bat Removal Service in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Bat Removal Service in Nashville Tennessee

What You Need to Know About Bat Infestations

Bat infestations can be caused by a variety of factors. They are often attracted to residential properties due to the availability of food sources, like insects or pet food. The ideal environment for bats is one that provides them with shelter, such as an attic or other space that offers protection from the elements and predators. Additionally, bats may enter your home through small cracks and crevices in the exterior, or through gaps around roof vents or chimneys.

The Problem With Bats in the House

The presence of bats in your home can bring with it a variety of concerns. Bats can leave behind guano (bat droppings) which contain parasites like histoplasmosis that can be hazardous to humans. The pests themselves may also carry diseases such as Rabies that can be hazardous to your health. In addition, bats can cause damage to insulation and other materials in the attic or other areas of your home.

How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic

If you suspect that you have bats in the attic, walls, or chimney, it’s important to deal with it quickly and effectively before the issue becomes worse. Professional bat removal services are highly recommended over DIY approaches such as specialized animal repellents and exclusion techniques. A licensed and insured wildlife control operator can identify the species of bat, determine the size and nature of the infestation, provide humane removal services, seal up entry points to prevent further infestations, and safely dispose of any guano or other debris left behind. They may also offer attic repair and insulation replacement services. By getting a handle on your bat infestation as soon as possible with the help of a professional, you can ensure the safety and integrity of your home and family.

Bat Proofing Techniques

Bat infestations, while not common, can be a significant disturbance. Bats are beneficial to our ecosystem, but they can create a mess in our homes and pose potential health risks. Therefore, bat-proofing your home is a crucial step in preventing bat infestations. Start by identifying any potential entry points. Look for cracks, crevices, holes, or spaces in your home’s wall, roof, eaves, and other areas. Bats can squeeze through gaps as small as 3/8th of an inch! Seal these entries with high-quality caulk or a similar material to prevent bats from gaining access.

Don’t forget about your yard, either. Reducing your home’s attractiveness to bats involves maintaining your outdoor space. Trim back trees and branches close to your home, keep your trash cans sealed, and avoid leaving pet food outside. This will discourage bats and other wildlife from making your property their residence.

In Summary

No matter where you live or what kind of environment your property offers, it’s important to be aware of potential bat infestations and know how to respond if one occurs. With the right knowledge and help from a professional bat removal service, you can take back control of your home and make sure your family can rest easy.

Are you looking for a trusted Nashville animal removal service that can help you get rid of bats at an affordable price? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured bat removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House

As children, we have wonderful memories of feeding the ducks at the park pond, or refilling our bird feeders with seed and nectar. Feeding wildlife on separate grounds is consequence-free; but now that you are a homeowner, is it really a good idea to be feeding wildlife from your own backyard? The answer sits on a spectrum, yet tends to veer towards, “no.”

Continue reading to learn why feeding wild animals can cause problems, and what you can do if you are already in over your head with nuisance wildlife activity on your property. 

Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

The Most Common Problems with Feeding Local Wildlife

The animals that are near your property likely include the usual species found here in Tennessee, such as birds, squirrels, raccoons, opossum, and skunks. If you live near wooded areas or bodies of water, then you can expect a much steadier frequency of animal activity. So, when you combine such locations with such species, you can open the door to a world of trouble if you choose to feed wild animals on your property.

Wild Animals Will Come Back for More

These animals are already on a hunt for food every night. And when they find a steady food source, they will remember it for a long time. This means they will cease to stop visiting your property, night after night. And what’s worse is that if they do not find the food that has been provide before, they will continue their search around your property for some. This leads to the consequences we mentioned before.

Wild Animals are Very Destructive

Not only will wild animals remember that your property is a sure source for food and continue to visit each night with more and more friends, but they will also cause a load of destruction. Animals like raccoons have human-like paws that allow them to grip, grasp, rip, and tear. With this advantage, raccoons will rip up lawns in search of grubs, pillage gardens for fruits and vegetables, and even try to access the inner parts of your home through the siding, roof, or garage. Once inside, the level of destruction only worsens; plus, it poses several health and safety risks since wild animals are known carriers of several infectious diseases and parasites.

They Will Make Your Home Their Own

So once animals know your yard is the place to eat, they will begin to help themselves to whatever else they want on your property. This includes shelter. They will make their nests under your porch or deck, in crawl spaces and attics, outdoor sheds and garages, and even tree houses and play sets! Log piles and stationary vehicles are other popular nesting destinations for animals like raccoons, skunks, and opossum.

They Carry Infectious Diseases and Parasites

The biggest threat that goes along with feeding wild animals on your property is the risk of being attacked or infected. As mentioned, wild animals are known carriers of diseases, parasites, and more. They are also capable of attacking curious pets and children if provoked, ill, or protecting their young. It is in the best interest of your home and family to not feed wildlife around your property.

If you insist on feeding animals, try to follow these tips:

☑ Use an animal-specific feeder, such as a bird feeder or squirrel feeder.

☑ Reduce the amount of food in warmer seasons when natural food sources are more abundant.

☑ Place the food in a centralized location to deter animals from walking across your lawn.

☑ If over-crowding occurs, spread out your sources to prevent aggressive or competitive behaviors.

☑ If you see an animal abandoned, injured, or behaving oddly, contact a licensed Tennessee critter control company, ASAP.

Are you having nuisance critter and pest problems at home or the office? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for professional wild animal removal services in Nashville, Tennessee. We provide service in all surrounding counties and districts too.

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FAQS About Animal Damages and Clean Up

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

FAQS About Animal Damages and Clean Up

Learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions asked about animal damages, as well as the cleanup and restoration services available to those who fall victim to a messy critter infestation. Scroll below to get started.

Nashville Tennessee Animal Infestation Cleanup
Animal Infestation Cleanup and Repair Services – Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

What Kinds of Damage Do Wild Animals Cause?

Animals such as pigeons, moles, rabbits, raccoons, bats, and snakes are popular deviants that trespass onto our properties and leave behind costly messes, inside and out. They dig up lawns and gardens, rip off roof shingles and siding, pry open door frames, rip down insulation, chew through electrical wiring, and soil everything in sight with urine and droppings. Consequences of such damages include saturated floorboards and sheetrock, urine stained ceilings and walls, terrible odors, flea and mite infestations, weakened structural integrity of attics and roofing, and much more.

Will Wildlife Leave Behind Diseases?

Wild animals pose several health and safety hazards to people and pets. Many wild animals can be carriers of infectious diseases like Leptospirosis and Rabies. Furthermore, animal droppings can contain harmful pathogens, like parasites, fungi, and bacteria, all of which can be harmful to both people and pets. Additional common diseases and illnesses that can be contracted by nuisance wildlife include roundworm, distemper, Bordetella, Histoplasmosis, Parvovirus, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, ticks, lice, and several zoonotic and parasitic diseases.

Do Homeowners’ Insurance Policies Cover Wild Animal Damages?

Not many homeowners are aware that their insurance policy for their home covers wild animal damages and infestations; however, there are always clauses on which type of animals are covered in your plan, all of which differ greatly from state to state and company to company. So be sure to always check with your assigned insurance agent to be sure your policy is compliant with wildlife cleanup and restoration.

Keep in mind, however, your homeowners’ insurance may cover these animal damages, but the damages can still be very costly. Damage expenses can range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.  It is best to get an estimate from a licensed Nashville TN critter control company to better understand the extent of destruction in and around your property.

What Does Wildlife Cleanup and Restoration Do?

Cleaning and repair services for animal damages are comprehensive, and involve a long list of possible services. The services implemented will depend on the extent and type of damages. Standard services include waste removal, disinfection, sanitization, deodorization, louse fumigation, drywall and insulation replacement, and more.

Remediation may also include a final treatment applied with an atomizing mist machine that produces a fog of enzyme-based hazardous waste cleanser to ensure a property is 100% decontaminated. For additional information, consult with a licensed and insured Nashville Tennessee wildlife removal and control company for expert advice and service you can trust.

Was your home damaged by nuisance wildlife? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable animal damage cleanup and repair in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962