Say Goodbye to Molehills: Essential Tips for Lawn Care and Yard Mole Removal

Is your once pristine lawn starting to resemble a mini mountain range? If you’ve noticed small mounds of soil popping up in your yard, you’ve likely got a mole problem. Molehills can be a nuisance for homeowners, gardeners, and landscaping enthusiasts alike. These unsightly heaps not only ruin the aesthetic appeal of your lawn but can also cause damage to your plants and turf. In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about molehills, from identifying them to effectively managing and preventing these pesky invaders.

Call 615-610-0962 For Mole Control and Removal Service in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Mole Control and Removal Service in Nashville Tennessee

Identifying Molehills

Before tackling the problem, it’s essential to confirm that what you’re dealing with are indeed molehills. These mounds are typically circular or oval-shaped and composed of loose, fresh soil. They can range in size but are usually about 6-8 inches in diameter and about 2 inches high. By recognizing these signs, you’ll be better equipped to spot mole activity in your yard and take appropriate action. Here’s what to look for:

  • Distinguishing Features: Molehills are characterized by the fine, crumbly texture of the soil. Unlike ant hills or gopher mounds, molehills lack visible entrance holes.
  • Location: Moles prefer areas with moist, loamy soil that’s rich in insects and grubs. You’ll often find molehills in well-irrigated lawns, garden beds, and around the base of trees.
  • Seasonality: Moles are most active during spring and fall when the soil is easy to dig through. Keep an eye out for new mounds during these seasons.

Mole Behavior

Understanding why moles create molehills can help you manage them more effectively. Moles are solitary, insectivorous animals that spend most of their lives underground. They dig extensive tunnel systems in search of food, primarily earthworms, and insects. By learning about mole behavior, you can better anticipate their movements and devise strategies to keep them at bay.

  • Feeding Tunnels: Moles create shallow, temporary tunnels near the surface while hunting for food. The removed soil is pushed up to form molehills.
  • Living Chambers: Deeper underground, moles construct more permanent tunnels and living chambers. These networks can cover large areas and intersect with other moles’ territories.
  • Activity Patterns: Moles are most active during early morning and late evening. Their digging can be sporadic, leading to the sudden appearance of multiple molehills overnight.

The Impact of Yard Mole Damage

Molehills might seem like minor annoyances, but they can have significant implications for your lawn and garden. Understanding the potential harm caused by molehills underscores the importance of timely and effective management. Here are some ways in which mole activity can negatively affect your outdoor spaces:

  • Turf Damage: The constant digging and tunneling can disrupt the grass roots, leading to brown patches and uneven surfaces. This can make mowing difficult and create tripping hazards.
  • Plant Stress: Moles often displace soil around plant roots while tunneling, causing stress to your plants. This can result in stunted growth or even plant death if left unchecked.
  • Secondary Pests: Mole tunnels can provide easy access for other pests like voles and mice, which may use the tunnels to reach plant roots and bulbs, causing additional damage.

Yard Mole Controls and Prevention

Managing molehills requires a combination of strategies to deter moles and restore your lawn’s appearance. By implementing these management techniques, you can reduce mole activity and minimize the impact on your lawn. Here are some practical tips to help you tackle the problem:

  • Natural Repellents: Planting mole-repellent plants like marigolds, daffodils, and castor beans can help deter moles from your garden. Castor oil-based sprays are also effective in repelling moles without harming them.
  • Physical Barriers: Installing hardware cloth or wire mesh around garden beds and lawn perimeters can prevent moles from entering specific areas. Ensure the barriers extend at least 12 inches below the soil surface to block their tunnels.
  • Traps and Baits: While not always humane, trapping and baiting are options for severe infestations. Consult a professional pest control service to ensure these methods are used safely and effectively.

Restoring Your Lawn After a Mole Infestation

Once you’ve managed to control the mole population, it’s time to repair the damage they’ve caused. With these restorative measures, your lawn will be back to its lush, green state in no time. Here are some steps to help restore your lawn to its former glory:

  • Leveling Molehills: Use a rake to flatten the molehills, redistributing the soil evenly across the affected areas. This will create a smoother surface and prevent further damage during mowing.
  • Reseeding and Sodding: Reseed any bare patches with high-quality grass seed, ensuring good soil-to-seed contact for optimal germination. For larger damaged areas, consider laying new sod for quicker results.
  • Aeration and Fertilization: Regular lawn aeration can help improve soil structure and promote healthy root growth. Follow up with a balanced fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for your recovering lawn.


Molehills can be a frustrating challenge for homeowners, gardeners, and landscaping enthusiasts. However, with a proactive approach and the right strategies, you can effectively manage mole activity and maintain a beautiful, healthy lawn. Remember to stay vigilant, implement preventive measures, and repair any damage promptly.

For those who prefer professional assistance, our yard mole removal service is here to help. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for safe and affordable animal removal services for yard moles in Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee. Our experts can provide tailored solutions to keep your lawn mole-free and looking its best.

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Moles in Your Garden: Villain or Victim?

Welcome to a world beneath your garden, an unseen realm inhabited by the humble mole. Often viewed simply as a nuisance, these burrowing creatures can disrupt our carefully manicured lawns and flower beds, leading many to resort to mole control or mole repellents. But did you ever stop to wonder whether our garden moles are truly villains, or if they might, in fact, be victims of our misunderstood perception? This blog post aims to shed light on this often-overlooked question, leading you down the tunnel of knowledge towards a more balanced understanding of these intriguing creatures.

Call 615-610-0962 For Garden Mole Removal in Nashville & Clarksville TN
Call 615-610-0962 For Garden Mole Removal in Nashville & Clarksville TN

The Life of a Garden Mole

Before we delve into the question of villainy versus victimhood, let’s take a moment to understand the life of a garden mole. These small mammals belong to the Talpidae family and are commonly found in gardens across Europe, Asia, and North America. They possess powerful front limbs and large claws that allow them to dig complex tunnel systems, often spanning up to 200 meters in length. These tunnels are their homes, providing protection from predators and a safe place to raise their young.

Moles are insectivores, meaning they primarily feed on insects such as earthworms, grubs, and beetles. They spend most of their time underground, using their keen sense of smell to locate their next meal. Contrary to popular belief, garden moles do not eat the roots of plants, but rather aerate the soil and promote healthy plant growth by consuming insects that can harm them.

The Case Against Moles

Despite their integral role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem and promoting healthy soil, garden moles have been branded as villains by many homeowners. One of the main reasons for this is their extensive tunnel systems, which can cause damage to lawns and gardens. The raised ridges created by mole burrows can be unsightly and make mowing difficult. Additionally, their tunnels can cause plants to become uprooted or die due to a lack of stability in the soil.

Moles have also been accused of destroying crops and gardens by consuming plant bulbs and seeds. While they may occasionally eat small amounts of these, it is not a significant part of their diet. In most cases, any damage to plants can be attributed to the grubs and insects that moles actually eat.

The Truth About Mole Control

With their reputation as garden villains, many people turn to mole control methods in an attempt to rid their gardens of these creatures. However, it’s important to note that many of these methods can not only be ineffective but also cruel and harmful to other animals and the environment.

Trapping is a common form of mole control, but this method often leads to the death of innocent animals such as shrews or voles who may wander into the traps. Chemical repellents can also be harmful to other animals and beneficial insects in the area. The use of sound and vibration devices has not been proven to be effective, and ultrasonic repellents have no effect on moles at all.

A More Humane Approach to Get Rid of Yard Moles

Instead of viewing garden moles as villains and resorting to harmful mole control methods, we should consider a more humane approach. One solution is to simply tolerate the presence of moles in our gardens and appreciate the important role they play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

You can also try natural mole repellents, such as planting daffodils or crown imperial plants, which are known to deter moles with their strong scents. Another option is to create designated areas for moles to dig, such as a section of the garden with loose soil. This can redirect their burrowing habits away from areas you wish to keep pristine.

In Conclusion

Garden moles are not villains but rather essential members of our ecosystem. While they may cause some minor inconveniences in our gardens, their benefits far outweigh any perceived harm. Before resorting to mole control methods, consider a more humane and tolerant approach to coexisting with these fascinating creatures. Who knows, you might even learn to appreciate their presence in your garden! So, the next time you spot a molehill or ridge in your lawn, take a moment to appreciate the unseen world beneath your feet – one that wouldn’t be possible without our humble garden moles. 

Are you looking for a trusted Nashville animal removal service that can help you get rid of moles at an affordable price? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured animal mole removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Best Solutions for a Yard Mole Problem

Yard moles are primitively programmed to dig and tunnel through the ground. They do this behavior to develop their underground infrastructure of dens and burrows, but also to hunt down juicy grubs and similar soil-dwelling larvae. Yard mole behaviors are infamous for resulting in unsightly dirt mounds and canals all throughout the yard, as well as damage to shrubs, plants, flowerbeds, and even foundations. So, it is no surprise that homeowners are eager to get rid of animal moles as soon as they reveal their presence.

If you are experiencing similar yard mole pest problems, continue reading to learn some safe and effective solutions to get rid of moles in Tennessee for good.

Yard Mole Removal Nashville TN 615-610-0962
Yard Mole Removal Nashville TN 615-610-0962

Get Rid of Animal Moles in the Yard

The method suggested for animal mole removal and control depends on the type of problem you have. If there is just one mole causing an issue on your property, the solution will not be as invasive as having multiple moles. It is important to contact a professional Tennessee wildlife control company for help determining the best solutions for getting rid of moles on your property. They can provide assessments, recommendations, and any critter abatement services to prevent wildlife intrusion and damage.

Nashville Critter Control for Yard Moles

A professional Nashville critter control company retains the resources and equipment necessary to eliminate a yard mole problem. You can block tunnels all you want, but they can just dig new tunnels around the old ones. If you really want to get rid of moles for good, you need professional intervention. A licensed Nashville wildlife control specialist will first determine which tunnels are active and which are not.

From there, they will begin to set non-lethal mole traps, and implement exclusion methods to prevent moles from entering areas within or underneath your home. Once these services are complete, the wildlife contractors will implement all the necessary preventative maintenance tasks to ensure moles are not attracted to your property. This mostly includes lawn treatments for grub control, since this is what moles are ultimately after.

Unlawful and Inhumane Animal Mole Removal Methods

There are several methods of animal mole removal that should never be attempted due to safety concerns. Without the proper training, knowledge, licensing, and industry resources, these methods of yard mole removal can be inhumane, ineffective, and most importantly, potentially dangerous for you and other animals. So, never use these devices or methods to trap or harm moles or any other wildlife for that matter:

✘ Impaling Traps
✘ Suffocation Traps
✘ Pesticides
✘ Concrete and Mesh Wire Blockades
✘ Flooding Tunnels
✘ Chemicals
✘ Explosives
✘ Hound Dogs
✘ Fire or Smoke
✘ Bubble Gum (Juicy Fruit Method)

Are you struggling to manage the nuisance yard moles on your Tennessee property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable animal mole removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial animal control.

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