Birds of Prey in Tennessee: A Guide for Safety and Appreciation

Nestled amidst the rolling hills and vibrant green landscapes of Tennessee, Nashville isn’t just the heartthrob of music lovers but also a sanctuary for a fascinating diversity of wildlife, particularly birds of prey. These majestic creatures, with their keen eyesight and graceful flight, play a pivotal role in the local ecosystem, making Nashville a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Call 615-610-0962 For Bird Control Service in Nashville Tennessee
Cooper’s Hawk

Common Birds of Prey in Nashville, Tennessee

The skies of Nashville are graced with an impressive array of raptors. From the silent swoop of the owl to the high-pitched screech of the hawk, birds of prey are integral to the local biodiversity, controlling populations of smaller animals and adding to the natural beauty of the area.

The most commonly sighted birds of prey in Nashville include the Red-tailed Hawk, known for its distinctive reddish tail and sharp eyesight, and the majestic Bald Eagle, America’s national bird, often seen near bodies of water hunting for fish. The Great Horned Owl, with its deep hooting voice and large, glaring eyes, also calls this region home, along with the Cooper’s Hawk and the American Kestrel, the smallest falcon in North America.

Habitats and Behaviors

These birds can be found in a variety of habitats, from the dense forests of Radnor Lake State Park to the riverbanks of the Cumberland River and even urban areas where they can surprise the unsuspecting passerby. Understanding their behaviors and habitats can greatly enhance your birdwatching experience. For instance, many raptors are more active during dawn and dusk, making these ideal times for observation.

Their Contribution to the Local Ecosystem

Birds of prey play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. By controlling the population of rodents and other small mammals, they help prevent the spread of diseases and maintain a balance in the wildlife population.

Tips for Bird-Watching in Nashville, Tennessee

For those interested in birdwatching, Nashville offers numerous spots rich in avian diversity. The Shelby Bottoms Nature Center and Greenway, along with the aforementioned Radnor Lake State Park, are prime locations to catch a glimpse of these magnificent birds in their natural habitat. Bringing along a pair of binoculars and a guidebook on local wildlife can greatly enhance your experience.

Become a Local Supporter

Nashville’s community has a shared responsibility to protect these birds and their habitats. Conservation efforts and educational programs aimed at preserving natural areas and promoting wildlife-friendly practices are vital to ensure these birds thrive. Local rehabilitation centers and wildlife organizations also play a significant role in rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds of prey.

Safety Tips for Small Pet Owners

For small pet owners, it’s important to be vigilant, especially during the birds’ feeding times. Keeping pets on a leash or supervised while outdoors can prevent unwanted encounters. Installing visual deterrents in your backyard can also discourage birds of prey from visiting. Be extra cautious around dusk and dawn, when many predator birds are out hunting for a meal.

Nuisance Bird Control Tips

While birds of prey are protected by law, and their presence is often beneficial, there can be situations where they may pose a nuisance. Employing non-lethal measures like scare devices or altering habitats to make them less attractive to raptors can mitigate these issues without harming the birds. Hiring a professional wildlife removal and control company for expert bird abatement service is strongly encouraged, and usually more effective than DIY deterrents.

Closing Thoughts

The birds of prey in Nashville, Tennessee, are a vital part of the ecosystem and a source of fascination for many. By respecting these creatures and their habitats, practicing safe birdwatching etiquette, and taking precautions for small pets, we can coexist peacefully with these majestic birds and ensure they remain a cherished part of Nashville’s natural heritage.

Remember, whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or a curious newcomer, Nashville’s birds of prey offer a spectacular glimpse into the world of raptors. With a bit of knowledge and preparation, you can enjoy the beauty and majesty of these creatures while contributing to their preservation for future generations.

Remember, prevention is key, but if you do find yourself dealing unwanted predators around your property, handle the situation carefully and humanely for the best results. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured bird control and removal service in Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial customers at the most competitive prices around. Ask us for free advice and estimates, anytime!

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Fly Away Home: How to Deal with Nuisance Birds Effectively

Unwanted avian visitors can often transform our peaceful abodes into chaotic environments. From pigeons nesting in our attics to starlings taking over our gardens, nuisance birds can pose a significant problem to homeowners. But how can we effectively control and remove these feathered intruders without causing them harm?

In this blog post, we will discuss safe and humane methods for bird control, helping you reclaim your home and garden while ensuring the well-being of our winged companions. So, if you’re tired of the early morning chorus or the constant cleaning up after these unwelcome guests, read on to learn how to send these birds flying back to their natural homes.

Call 615-610-0962 For Bird Control Services in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Bird Control Services in Nashville Tennessee

The Problems Caused By Nuisance Birds

Nuisance birds can cause a variety of problems to homeowners, from the soiling of outdoor surfaces and health risks caused by bacteria-ridden droppings to noise disturbances that can be particularly disruptive for those living in urban areas. Moreover, they can wreak havoc on our gardens, destroying flowers and plants through their scavenging activities.

These birds can also carry various diseases, which can be passed on to humans. For instance, pigeons and starlings are known carriers of histoplasmosis, a fungal infection that is contracted by inhaling the spores present in their droppings. Furthermore, they may also spread parasites such as mites and fleas into our homes.

Identifying Problematic Birds

The first step in dealing with nuisance birds is to identify the species that are causing the problem. Common culprits include pigeons, gulls, starlings, and crows. In some cases, certain species of woodpecker can also cause problems. Knowing which type of bird is causing the issue will help you choose an appropriate solution. For example, pigeon-proofing your home will be ineffective if the birds causing the problem are starlings or gulls.

Bird Control Solutions

Once you have identified which species of bird is causing problems in or around your property, you can begin to look into appropriate solutions for bird control. The most important thing to remember is that all methods should be safe, humane, and respectful of the birds’ welfare.

For example, if pigeons are roosting in your attic or balcony, installing a physical barrier like netting or spikes can deter them from returning. Similarly, setting up audio deterrents such as ultrasonic sound machines or bird distress calls can also help to keep pigeons away. As a last resort, you can also make use of bird repellents like chili pepper or other natural ingredients.

For species like starlings or crows, removing food sources such as uncovered garbage bins or seed-bearing plants can be an effective way to keep them from returning. If birds are nesting in trees on your property, pruning the branches may discourage them from staying. It is also important to note that any bird nests found should be left undisturbed, as removing them may harm the birds or cause them distress.

Bird Removal Services

In some cases, homeowners may find it difficult to effectively and humanely remove nuisance birds on their own. In these instances, it can be beneficial to call in the help of expert bird removal services. These professionals can assess the issue and provide safe, humane solutions tailored to your specific needs.

When searching for a bird removal service provider, it is important to make sure they are experienced and knowledgeable about best practices in bird control. They should be committed to finding lasting solutions that don’t just move the birds from one place to another, but effectively discourage them from returning to your property.

The Takeaway

Nuisance birds can be a source of frustration for homeowners, but there are a number of safe and humane methods for dealing with these feathered intruders. If you do find yourself unable to solve the problem on your own, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional bird removal service. With the right solutions, you can reclaim your home and garden while ensuring the welfare of your feathered friends.

Are you tired of dealing with the nuisance bird activity on your property? Are pigeons and crows causing your landscape all sorts of grief? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured bird removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Identify and Remove Problematic Bird Species in Tennessee

How to Identify and Remove Problematic Bird Species in Tennessee

Living in Tennessee, you may have noticed an increase in the number of bird species that are causing problems. Whether it’s a flock of noisy starlings or a group of woodpeckers damaging your home, birds can be quite pesky creatures. Fortunately, there are ways to identify and remove these problematic bird species so you can enjoy peace and quiet again.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to identify problem bird species in Tennessee and what steps you should take to remove them from your property. We’ll start by discussing the types of birds that commonly cause issues before going into detail about how to hire professional bird trappers for removal services. Finally, we’ll discuss some tips on how to prevent future infestations as well as other methods for controlling nuisance birds around your home or business. By keeping these important points in mind, you can effectively manage any bird-related issue quickly and safely.

Call Our Nashville Tennessee Bird Trappers at 615-610-0962 Today.
Call Our Nashville Tennessee Bird Trappers at 615-610-0962 Today.

Common Nuisance Bird Species in Tennessee

When it comes to identifying problem bird species in Tennessee, there are a few key types of birds that you should watch out for. These include the European Starling, the Rock Pigeon, and the Red-Winged Blackbird. All three of these bird species can cause extensive damage to homes and buildings due to their large numbers and habit of nesting in a single area. Additionally, woodpeckers are also a common nuisance bird due to the amount of noise they can make and the damage they do to buildings as they search for food.

Professional Bird Removal and Control

Once you have identified which birds are causing problems, it’s time to contact a professional bird trapper for removal services. Bird trappers are experts in bird control and removal, and they can help you get rid of your problem bird species quickly and safely. They use traps to capture the birds, which can then be relocated or released in a different area. If severe damage has already been done to buildings or property, they may also be able to help with repairs or prevention efforts.

When hiring a local animal trapper in Nashville, make sure they are licensed and insured to provide the bird removal and control services you need. You should also ask questions about their experience in bird removal, as well as the methods they use for capturing birds safely. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that any trapping or removal services adhere to local and state laws regarding wildlife.

DIY Bird Control

In addition to hiring a bird trapper, there are some things you can do yourself to prevent future infestations of problem birds. One way is to make your property less attractive to the birds by removing any potential nesting sites, such as wood piles or overgrown shrubs. You should also keep food sources, such as bird feeders, away from your home or business to discourage birds from returning. Finally, it’s important to keep your property clean and free of debris so that birds don’t have anywhere to hide or roost.

Safely Control Nuisance Birds in Tennessee

By following these steps, you can effectively manage any bird-related issue in Tennessee. From identifying problem bird species to hiring professional Nashville bird trappers for removal services, you can keep your property safe and sound. Remember to always use caution when dealing with nuisance birds and adhere to local and state laws regarding wildlife trapping and relocation. With a little bit of knowledge and the right tools, you can rid your property of those pesky birds in no time!

If you’re looking to fully protect your property from pesky critters such as raccoons, a specialist is the only way to create and implement an effective critter control strategy. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed bird removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee, and surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Get Rid of Red Winged Blackbirds

Red-Winged Blackbirds are abundant in population here in Tennessee. And although both males and females are beautiful on the outside, they have a bit of a reputation. Red-Winged Blackbirds are known to be highly territorial, which causes them to act aggressively and threatening when a person or pet comes too close. They’ve even been known to attack larger birds, like hawks and crows! Although this is most common during breeding season, which is typically late spring through mid-summer, Red-Winged Blackbirds are known to demonstrate angry behaviors in the cooler seasons too, making aggressive bird encounters quite possible.

If you are dealing with aggressive Red-Winged Blackbirds in Tennessee, not to worry; there are some effective strategies you can apply that will protect your loved ones and your property, year-round.

Continue reading to learn how to get rid of Red-Winged Blackbirds safely and humanely, plus what you can do if you are ever confronted with one, face-to-face.

Bird Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Bird Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Red-Winged Blackbirds Behavioral Traits

By understanding why Red-Winged Blackbirds behave the way they do, you can better develop strategies to keep them at bay. As Passerine birds of the family Icteridae, it is suggested that Red-Winged Blackbirds are aggressive and territorial because they have a natural instinct to protect their breeding grounds.

Their prime breeding season typically begins in mid to late spring and extends to mid-summer. During this time, males protect the female nesting territories, and as their reputation suggests, will forcefully dart and dive at anything they perceive as a threat to that space.

If you are out on a walk and get thumped on the head by a Red-Winged Blackbird, you have probably walked too close to a female’s nest. Simply look up!

Red-Winged Blackbird Encounters

If you ever happen to come face-to-face with an aggressive Red-Winged Blackbird, there are some guidelines you should follow to keep yourself in the bird protected. Whether you are actively being attacked by a Red-Winged Blackbird or witnessing a display of threatening behaviors, here are some things you can do:

Get Away Fast – Quickly jog in the opposite direction and get away from the birds as fast as possible. If you can, take cover inside a shelter.

Stare Them Down – It is suggested that if you look directly at a Red-Winged Blackbird, you have less of a chance of being attacked. They usually hit their targets from behind.

Cover Your Head – If you frequent an area that is populated by Red-Winged Blackbirds, it is recommended to keep your head covered or protected, especially during breeding season. You wear a helmet, but a simple hat should do.

Nuisance Red Winged Blackbirds

To get rid of Red Winged Blackbirds that have proven to be a nuisance around your residential or commercial property, contact a local and trusted Nashville wildlife control company for professional bird abatement services. They have the necessary resources and acumen to safely control a nuisance bird problem in Tennessee.  

Are you dealing with nuisance birds in and around your property, but you have no idea how to get rid of them? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional bird removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients at the most competitive prices around.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers in Nashville

Woodpeckers are an interesting breed of bird that have earned themselves a bad reputation among tenants, homeowners, and commercial property owners. Although highly beneficial parts of our surrounding Nashville, Tennessee Eco-systems, woodpeckers are a real nuisance for home and business owners. Not only are they noisy, but they also leave behind unsightly structural damage to homes, sheds, buildings, and even trees. If you are experiencing a woodpecker problem in Nashville, it is time to learn how to manage it safely and effectively.

Continue reading to learn more about woodpeckers, and how to get rid of them on your Nashville, Tennessee property.

Woodpecker Removal Nashville Tennessee
Woodpecker Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Why Do Woodpeckers Peck?

There are three main reasons why woodpeckers peck: foraging for food, marking their territory, and chiseling for shelter. All three of these initiatives are carried out with a different type of pecking manner, the most damaging of which is excavating for shelter. Woodpeckers can cause an extreme amount of damage to siding and wood structures on residential and commercial properties with these pecking behaviors. They leave behind large, hollow pecking holes that are distinctive to woodpecker damage.

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers Safely

Fortunately, there are some safe and simple ways to get rid of woodpeckers without harming or killing them. In fact, it is important to know that woodpeckers are protected by state and federal laws. It is illegal and highly immoral to trap, harm, shoot, or kill woodpeckers without the proper licenses. The only authorized personnel permitted to deal with woodpecker control is wildlife rescue contractors.

Bird Deterrents That Target Woodpecker Species in Tennessee

You have a few options, in terms of deterrents, when it comes to getting rid of woodpeckers. You can choose to use tactile deterrents, visual deterrents, or sound deterrents to thwart woodpecker activity on your property. All three of these methods are non-lethal to birds and other animals, and relatively inexpensive to purchase.

Tactile Deterrents – There are products available on the market that are designed to adhere to woodpeckers down feather or fluff, preventing them from being able to fly or stay warm. These sticky repellents are not a good option since they put woodpeckers in danger and cause them to suffer. It is only recommended to use these products for extreme cases of woodpecker infestation. Examples of brands available include Bird Stop, Roost-No-More, and Tanglefoot Pest Control.

Visual Deterrents – Also a much safer approach, visual deterrents tend to work very well. Things like aluminum foil or reflective tape strips are frightening to woodpeckers. Hanging strips of aluminum foil, or using products like Irri-Tape, can thwart woodpecker presence overnight. Hang them long enough to blow in the breeze for best results. Also consider hanging windsocks, handheld windmills, and even plastic owls.

Sound Deterrents – Using sound machines that mimic common woodpecker predators, like hawks, can work well. The BirdXPeller Pro sound machine uses a woodpecker distress call followed by a Sharp-shinned Hawk call to scare woodpeckers away. Using sound deterrents works very well, especially when coupled with visual deterrents as well.

Looking for professional bird and wildlife abatement you can afford? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional bird removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all surrounding areas with commercial and residential critter control and cleanup.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962