What a Tennessee Wildlife Removal Company Can Do For You

Living in the beautiful state of Tennessee comes with its perks—breathtaking landscapes, lush forests, and abundant wildlife. However, these benefits sometimes come with their own set of challenges, particularly when wildlife decides to make your home or business their home, too. Dealing with unwanted wildlife can be stressful and potentially dangerous.

Fortunately, professional wildlife removal services offer a comprehensive solution to these problems. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a Tennessee wildlife removal company can do for you and why it’s crucial to seek professional help for humane and effective wildlife control.

Call 615-610-0962 For a Trusted and Licensed Wildlife Removal Company in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For a Trusted and Licensed Wildlife Removal Company in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding Tennessee Wildlife

Tennessee is home to a diverse array of wildlife species, each with its own unique behaviors and tendencies. Understanding the habits and behaviors of these animals is the first step in effective wildlife control. Common intruders include:

Raccoons: Known for their intelligence and dexterity, raccoons can easily break into attics, basements, and trash cans. They are nocturnal and can cause significant property damage while searching for food.

Bats: Often found in attics and barns, bats can create health hazards through their droppings, which may harbor harmful fungi. They are also protected species, making humane removal essential.

Squirrels: These agile creatures can gnaw through cables, insulation, and wooden structures, posing fire risks and causing substantial damage.

Birds: Pigeons, starlings, and sparrows frequently nest in vents, chimneys, and eaves, leading to blockages and potential structural issues.

The Importance of Professional Wildlife Removal

You might be tempted to handle wildlife intrusions on your own, but there are several compelling reasons to opt for professional animal removal services instead:

Safety – Wild animals can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous when threatened. Professional wildlife removal experts have the necessary training and equipment to handle these situations safely, minimizing risks to you and your property.

Humane Methods – Professional wildlife control businesses prioritize humane techniques to capture and relocate animals without causing unnecessary harm. This approach is not only ethical but also often required by law, especially for protected species like bats.

Effective Solutions – DIY methods may provide temporary relief but often fail to address the root cause of the intrusion. Professionals conduct thorough inspections to identify entry points and implement long-term solutions to prevent future issues.

Services Offered by Local Wildlife Removal Businesses

Professional wildlife removal services encompass a range of offerings designed to address your wildlife woes comprehensively. Here’s a detailed overview:

Inspection – A thorough inspection is the cornerstone of effective wildlife control. Technicians will examine your property to identify signs of wildlife activity, entry points, and potential attractants.

Removal/Extraction – Using safe and humane methods, professionals will capture and remove the offending animals from your property. This may involve live traps, exclusion devices, or other specialized equipment.

Exclusion/Control – The best way to deal with wildlife intrusions is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Animal removal and control companies offer a variety of abatement and exclusion services, such as sealing entry points, installing barriers, and providing ongoing monitoring to ensure that your home or business remains wildlife-free.

Cleanup and Repairs – Wildlife intrusions can leave behind contamination, odors, and structural damage. Many companies offer cleanup and repair services to restore your property to its original condition, including decontaminating affected areas and repairing damage caused by the animals.

Preventing Future Intrusions

While professional wildlife removal is highly effective, there are additional steps homeowners and businesses can take to prevent future intrusions:

  • Secure Trash Bins – Ensure that all trash bins are securely closed and stored in areas inaccessible to wildlife. Raccoons, in particular, are known for raiding garbage cans in search of food.
  • Maintain Landscaping – Keep trees and shrubs trimmed back from your building to eliminate easy access points for animals. Regularly clean up any fallen fruit or nuts that could attract wildlife.
  • Inspect and Seal Entry Points – Regularly inspect your property for potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof, vents, and foundations. Seal these openings with durable materials to prevent animals from gaining access.
  • Install Bird Deterrents – Use bird deterrents, such as spikes or nets, to prevent birds from nesting in vents, chimneys, or other areas of your property.

Choosing the Right Wildlife Removal Company

Selecting the right wildlife removal company is crucial for ensuring effective and humane wildlife control. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Licenses and Certifications – Ensure that the business is licensed and certified to perform wildlife removal services in Tennessee. This indicates that they meet the necessary legal and ethical standards.
  • Experience and Expertise – Look for a company with a proven track record and experience dealing with the specific types of wildlife common in your area. Experienced technicians are more likely to provide effective and reliable solutions.
  • Insurance – Verify that the company has liability insurance to protect you and your property in case of accidents or damage during the removal process.
  • Customer Reviews – Check online reviews and testimonials to gauge the company’s reputation and customer satisfaction levels. Positive feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into the quality of their services.


Dealing with wildlife intrusions can be daunting, but professional wildlife removal services in Tennessee offer a comprehensive and humane solution. By understanding the behaviors of common wildlife species, recognizing the importance of professional removal, and taking preventive measures, you can protect your home or business from unwanted intrusions.

If you’re experiencing nuisance wildlife issues, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. For more information and to schedule a consultation, reach out to Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962, today. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients. Protect your property and enjoy the beauty of Tennessee’s wildlife from a safe distance.

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The Ultimate Guide to Opossum Removal: Keep Your Home Safe

Opossums, also known as possums, might not be the first animal that comes to mind when thinking about wildlife in urban or suburban settings, but these creatures have increasingly become a concern for homeowners. Their unique adaptability and scavenging nature often lead them directly into our communities and, at times, our homes. Understanding opossum behavior and knowing how to effectively control their presence is vital for safeguarding your property.

Call 615-610-0962 For TWRA Licensed Opossum Removal in Nashville & Clarksville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For TWRA Licensed Opossum Removal in Nashville & Clarksville Tennessee

Understanding Opossum Behavior and Habits

Before formulating a control strategy, it’s crucial to understand the animal you’re dealing with. Opossums are solitary, nocturnal creatures that prefer to make their homes in dark, secure areas. They are omnivores with a diet that includes carrion, insects, rodents, birds, eggs, plants, fruits, and even garbage. This wide range in diet is one reason they can thrive in various habitats, including your backyard.

Habitat and Behavior

Opossums typically use abandoned burrows, tree cavities, and brush piles for shelter but have been known to create dens under porches, storage sheds, and in attics. They are excellent climbers and swimmers, which grants them access to yards with varying landscapes.

Attractants to Residential Areas

Opossums are opportunistic feeders attracted by the scent of food and garbage. Pet food left outside, accessible bird feeders, and uncovered trash cans are common attractants. Additionally, the warmth and darkness of sheltered spaces in or around homes can be an attractive nesting option.

Signs of Opossum Activity

Identifying opossum intrusion early is the first step in effective control. Opossums leave behind several signs that can alert homeowners to their presence.

Physical Traces

Look for opossum tracks, scat, and chew marks indicating their feeding activity. Tracks will be hand-like and include an opposable “thumb,” unique to opossums. Their scat resembles that of domestic cats or dogs and is often found in or around their nest or feeding spots.

Behavioral Clues

Opossums are known for “playing dead” as a defensive mechanism, so a seemingly lifeless opossum may actually be alive. Other behaviors include hissing and baring teeth when provoked or threatened, and they often trail after a family of young.

Effective Opossum Control Methods

Once you’ve identified opossum activity, it’s time to take action. There are several effective opossum control methods ranging from deterring opossums in the first place to safely removing them if they’ve already made themselves at home.

Prevention Techniques

Preventing opossum access is key. This includes securing outdoor pet food, covering garbage cans with tight-fitting lids, and removing brush or debris that could serve as shelter. Fencing can also be an effective barrier if properly installed. You can also apply a homemade, non-toxic animal repellent.

Safe Removal Strategies

If opossums have already taken up residence in your home or yard, it’s important to remove them safely and humanely. Trapping is a common method, but it’s essential to check local regulations and ensure you’re using a trap designed for wildlife, and that you release the captured opossum at least a few miles away.

Long-Term Property Protection

Eliminating existing opossums is just the first step. You must also focus on long-term protection to prevent a future infestation.

Ongoing Preventative Measures

Continue with the preventative techniques that deter opossums, such as securing food sources and regular yard maintenance. Regularly inspect your property for any signs of new opossum activity.

Property Modifications

Structural modifications to your home, such as sealing off entry points to basements and attics, and installing one-way exclusion devices can prevent opossums from finding a way back in.

Enhancing Your Property’s Security Against Wildlife

In addition to opossum-specific strategies, enhancing your property’s security against all types of wildlife can provide overall protection.

General Wildlife Deterrents

Utilize motion-activated lights, sprinklers, or sound devices to startle and keep wildlife away. Consider natural repellents like ammonia-soaked rags or predator urine.

Property Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your property includes keeping trees and bushes trimmed, fencing in good repair, and excluding access to potential shelter spots. A well-maintained property is less likely to attract opossums or any other wildlife.

Conclusion: Take a Proactive Approach

The presence of opossums on your property doesn’t have to be a lengthy or frustrating issue. By recognizing the signs of their activity, implementing effective control methods, and taking long-term protective measures, you can safeguard your home from these nocturnal creatures. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the task of opossum control, reach out to professional wildlife control services. They can provide expert help tailored to your specific situation and local wildlife regulations.

By staying informed and taking action, you ensure the comfort and safety of your home and family. With these measures, you can enjoy your property without unwanted visitors disrupting your peace of mind. Remember that when it comes to managing wildlife, taking a proactive stance will always be your best strategy.

Are you tired of dealing with the nuisance opossum activity on your property? Are they causing your landscape all sorts of grief? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured opossum removal and control in Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Opossums in Tennessee
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How to Safely Get Rid of Opossums in the Yard

Effective Opossum Control: How to Safeguard Your Property

Opossums, while intriguing creatures of the night, can become unwanted guests in our homes and gardens, causing chaos and destruction. This blog post delves into effective opossum control, helping you understand these marsupials better and learn strategic ways to safeguard your property.

We will explore how to identify the telltale signs of an opossum infestation, and the necessary steps for humane opossum removal. By the end of this post, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to ensure these nocturnal nomads respect the boundaries of your home.

Call 615-610-0962 For Opossum Control Service in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Opossum Control Service in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding Opossums

Opossums are the only marsupials native to the United States and Canada, known for their iconic white face and long pink tail. While they look like large rats, they are more closely related to kangaroos than rodents. They are solitary creatures that prefer a quiet life in trees but can also adapt well to urban living. Opossums are omnivorous and will eat almost anything, including fruits, insects, small animals, and garbage.

Signs of an Opossum Infestation

The first step in effective opossum control is identifying if you have an infestation. Here are some signs to look out for:

Damage to your property: Opossums can cause significant damage to your garden, lawn, and home. They will feed on fruits and vegetables in your garden, dig up your yard for insects, and nest in attics or crawl spaces.

Foul odor: Opossums have a natural defense mechanism where they release an unpleasant odor when threatened. If you notice a strong musky smell around your property, there is a high chance an opossum is nearby.

Tracks and droppings: Opossums leave distinct tracks and droppings that can help identify their presence. Opossum tracks have five toes with sharp claws, while their droppings are small and tapered at the ends.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to take action immediately to prevent any further damage.

Humane Opossum Removal

While opossums may seem like pesky intruders, it’s important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated with respect. Here are some tips for humane opossum removal:

Do not attempt to handle them: Opossums are gentle creatures, but they can become aggressive when threatened. It’s best to leave the removal process to professionals who have experience in handling these animals.

Use deterrents: There are various natural and commercial opossum repellents available that can help keep these creatures away from your property. These include sprinkling cayenne pepper or ammonia around your yard, using motion-activated lights or sprinklers, and installing fencing around your garden.

Secure garbage cans: Opossums are scavengers and will be attracted to easy food sources, such as open garbage cans. Make sure to secure your trash cans with tight lids or bungee cords to prevent opossums from rummaging through them.

Prevention is Key

The best way to control an opossum infestation is by preventing it in the first place. Here are some tips to keep these marsupials away from your property:

Remove food sources: Opossums are opportunistic feeders, so removing any potential food sources can help deter them. Make sure to clean up fallen fruits and vegetables, secure garbage cans, and feed pets indoors.

Seal off entry points: Opossums can easily enter your home through small openings, such as vents or gaps in the walls. Inspect your property for any potential entry points and seal them off with wire mesh or other appropriate materials.

Keep your yard tidy: Opossums are attracted to cluttered and overgrown areas that provide shelter. Keeping your yard well-maintained and free of debris can help make your property less appealing to these creatures.

By following these prevention measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of an opossum infestation in your home or garden. However, if you do encounter an opossum on your property, remember to approach with caution and contact a professional for assistance.

Final Thoughts

With their unique appearance and behavior, opossums make for interesting neighbors. However, an unwanted infestation can quickly turn into a nuisance. By understanding the basics of opossum control, you can effectively safeguard your property and coexist peacefully with these nocturnal creatures. Remember to always prioritize humane removal methods and take preventative measures to keep them at bay.

We hope this blog has been informative and helpful in your quest for getting rid of nuisance possums. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured opossum removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife.

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How to Safely Get Rid of Opossums in the Yard
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Natural Solutions to Controlling Opossum Populations

Opossums, also known as possums, are notorious for their scavenging behavior and can cause a lot of damage to gardens and landscapes. But while these animals may be a nuisance, it’s important to remember that they play an important role in the ecosystem by helping keep populations of other pests in check. That said, if you find yourself with an opossum problem on your hands, there are several natural solutions you can use for controlling their population.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most effective methods for safely removing opossums from your property without resorting to lethal means.

Call 615-610-0962 For Opossum Removal and Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Opossum Removal and Control in Nashville Tennessee

How to Deter Opossums Safely and Humanely

Opossums are interesting creatures with many unique traits, but when they start making a home in your yard or garden, they can quickly become a nuisance. Luckily, there are safe and humane ways to deter them from your property. One effective option is to secure your garbage cans with tight-fitting lids, as opossums are often drawn to easy food sources.

Additionally, you can install motion-activated lights or sprinklers to startle and discourage them. If you have fruit trees, pick fallen fruit regularly to avoid attracting opossums. And finally, be sure to seal off any potential entry points, such as gaps in fences or under your deck. By implementing these opossum control methods, you can protect your property while respecting these fascinating creatures.

Safe and Natural Strategies to Get Rid of Opossums

► Environmental Modification

The first step in opossum control is to make sure that your garden or landscape is not providing an attractive habitat for them. Opossums are scavengers and will take advantage of any available food sources, so it’s important to keep garbage cans tightly closed and pick ripe fruits and vegetables from the ground before they become a meal for the animals. Additionally, removing potential nesting areas such as woodpiles and old furniture can help discourage them from taking up residence on your property.

► Automated Scare Tactics

Another natural approach for controlling opossums is to install motion-activated sprinklers or lights around your yard; these devices will startle the animals when they come close, causing them to flee quickly.

► Opossum Repellent

One natural way to keep nuisance possums from munching on your plants and making a mess of your yard is to make homemade opossum repellent. There are several opossum control recipes available online, including ones that feature garlic and chili powder. These ingredients are known to have strong odors that opossums find offensive, so placing them around your property can help deter these pesky critters. Plus, making your own opossum repellent is an Eco-friendly solution that won’t harm any animals or plants in the process.

► Opossum Traps (state dependent)

If your state permits, you can also set out traps baited with food to catch and remove them from your property. If you choose to use this method, be sure to check the traps frequently and release the possums in a safe location away from any human habitation.

► Legal Knowledge

Finally, if you’re dealing with an opossum population, it’s important to remember that they are protected animals under most state laws. For this reason, lethal means of control should always be avoided; instead contact a licensed Indiana wildlife removal expert who can help you humanely trap and relocate nuisance possums safely.

Protect Your Property Against Nuisance Opossums

With these natural solutions for controlling opossum populations, you can keep your garden or landscaping free of these nuisance animals without resorting to harmful practices. By following the steps outlined above, you can keep these animals away from your property without causing any harm.

If you’re looking for more information on how to control opossums and effectively remove them from your property, contact an Indianapolis wildlife removal company. A professional will be able to help you safely and humanely rid your garden or landscape of these nuisance animals.

Are you concerned about the nuisance possums on or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured opossum removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Safely Get Rid of Opossums in the Yard
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Exploring the Role of Synanthropes in Urban Areas

As cities become more densely populated, they often bring with them an influx of nuisance wildlife. These animals are known as synanthropes – species that have adapted to living in close proximity to humans and make their homes in urban areas. Synanthropes can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on the circumstances.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of synanthropes in urban areas and look at ways to manage them effectively, so they don’t become a nuisance or hazard. We’ll also discuss how animal removal services can help keep these populations under control while still allowing us to appreciate the beauty of nature even within our cities.

Call Our Raccoon Trappers in Nashville TN at 615-610-0962 Today.
Call Our Raccoon Trappers in Nashville TN at 615-610-0962 Today.

The Pros and Cons of Synanthropes

In urbanized areas, synanthropes are beneficial in that they help keep the environment clean by eating insects and small animals. Synanthropic species like raccoons, skunks, opossums, foxes, and coyotes can help reduce the number of pests that have become a nuisance in cities. Synanthrope populations can also help balance the ecosystem by providing food for predators like owls and bobcats.

Unfortunately, synanthropic animals can become a nuisance if their populations are not managed properly. Synanthropes like rats, mice, and pigeons can carry diseases that threaten public health; other species such as raccoons and opossums may raid garbage cans and damage property. Synanthrope populations can also become overpopulated, leading to competition for resources like food and shelter that can cause increased aggression between animals.

Solutions to Synanthropic Behaviors

The best way to manage urban wildlife is through animal control services. Wildlife removal experts are trained to safely and humanely remove nuisance wildlife from urban areas without causing harm to either the animals or people. Animal removal services in Nashville also provide education about how to prevent animal infestations in urban areas by eliminating sources of food and shelter, such as garbage cans and compost piles.

Nashville Animal Removal Services

Wildlife removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee is essential for keeping synanthropic populations under control while still allowing us to appreciate their presence in our cities. Synanthropes are an important part of urban ecology, providing balance and beauty to our urban environments. By safely and humanely removing these nuisance wildlife from our cities, we can enjoy the beauty of nature even within city limits.

Do-It-Yourself Nuisance Wildlife Control

Controlling nuisance animals around your property can be a nuisance in itself, but there are ways to ensure that any wildlife passing through is either discouraged from settling down or deterred away altogether. Animal proofing your property is essential, including making sure all entryways are sealed and refuse is properly disposed of so as not to attract scavenging wildlife. You may want to use scent repellents or motion-activated water sprays if nuisance wildlife problems are especially persistent, as these can help keep animals like skunks and raccoons away. If the problem persists, contact a licensed Nashville wildlife control service who will be able to assist you in safely removing nuisance wildlife from your property.

If you are having trouble with wild animals in Tennessee or the Smoky Mountain area, don’t wait any longer and hire a professional operator to help manage your critter control. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional animal removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We also provide animal infestation cleanup and repair for both residential and commercial clients.

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Top Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For This Fall and Winter

The wide array of species here in Tennessee is quite the blessing. But when wildlife get too close, they can cross over into the nuisance end of the spectrum. This fall and winter, be sure you know how to protect your home and business from nuisance wildlife tampering and infestations.

Continue below to learn which animals tend to be the top nuisances during this time of year, plus what you can do to prevent wildlife problems on your property.

Call 615-610-0962 For Licensed Smoky Mountain Critter Control in Tennessee!
Call 615-610-0962 For Licensed Smoky Mountain Critter Control in Tennessee!

Fall Season Nuisance Wildlife

In Tennessee, there are a few nuisance animals that you should be on the lookout for during the fall and winter months. Here are a few of the top ones:

1. Raccoons – These pesky little creatures can cause all sorts of problems, from raiding your trash cans to getting into your attic or chimney. Be sure to keep your trash cans securely covered and your home sealed up tight to prevent raccoons from becoming a nuisance.

2. Squirrels – These little rodents can be a real pain, especially if they get into your attic or eaves. Be sure to seal up any openings that squirrels or chipmunks could use to get into your home and consider using squirrel-proof bird feeders to keep them from raiding your bird seed.

3. Opossums – These marsupials are not known to be aggressive, but they can carry disease and their scavenging habits can make them a nuisance. Be sure to keep your trash cans securely covered and your home sealed up tight to prevent opossums from becoming a nuisance.

4. Snakes – While most snakes are not aggressive and are actually beneficial to the environment, there are a few species that can be dangerous. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the different types of snakes that live in your area and call a professional Nashville snake trapper if you encounter one that you’re not comfortable handling.

5. Bears – While black bears are not typically aggressive, they can be dangerous if they feel threatened. If you live in an area where bears are known to roam, be sure to take precautions such as keeping your garbage cans securely covered and avoiding areas where bears are known to congregate.

By taking a few simple precautions, you can avoid becoming a victim of nuisance animals this fall and winter. Be sure to keep an eye out for these and other nuisance animals and take steps to prevent them from becoming a problem in your home or yard.

Professional Nashville Wildlife Control is Here to Help

Wildlife damage and intrusions can be a serious problem for homeowners and businesses alike. Not only are animals an aesthetic nuisance, but they can also cause considerable structural damage as well. And if you’re unlucky enough to have a wild animal break into your home, you could be dealing with some serious health risks too. That’s where professional Nashville wildlife control services come in.

Wildlife control companies in Tennessee have the expertise and equipment necessary to safely remove unwanted animals from your property and prevent them from returning. They can also provide advice on how to best protect your home or business from future animal invasions. So, if you’re experiencing problems with wildlife, don’t hesitate to call a professional Nashville wildlife removal operator for help.

Are you dealing with nuisance wildlife in or around your Smoky Mountain property? If so, contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed critter control services in Nashville, Tennessee, and its surrounding areas. We serve both residential and commercial clients with the most competitive prices around.

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How to Safely Get Rid of Opossums in the Yard

Opossums are wonderful creatures of the Earth. They help protect our gardens by eating up all the snails, slugs, and plant-eating insects, plus they keep our farming lots clean and clear by eating up all the fallen fruit that has spoiled. They are even known to be great rodent control! But aside from these few and simple benefits bestowed to us by possums, it is important to remember just how destructive they are. If you are noticing an increase in possum activity in or around your yard, it is wise to take action and defend your property against nuisance opossum tampering.

Continue below to learn some effective tips on how to safely get rid of opossums in the yard, including who to trust in the Smoky Mountain region for humane critter control solutions at an affordable price.

Opossum Removal Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Opossum Removal Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Why Opossums are a Bother

Opossums are up to a lot more than just playing possum when they are existing in or around your property. Although these North American marsupials are non-aggressive and unlikely to attack or carry Rabies, they are massively destructive, and they usually commit their offenses while we are asleep. You see, opossums are nocturnal, which means they are active from dusk till dawn. During the late evening and early morning hours are when you are most likely to spot an opossum.

Additionally, they are well-equipped with long, sharp claws and teeth, which helps them dig up lawns, gardens, and flowerbeds, plus pillage trashcans, pet feeders, dumpsters, and more. After a big night of opossum tampering, you could wake up to a front or backyard that looks more like a detonated mine field! Needless to say, you really don’t want opossums visiting your property on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are plenty of safe and humane ways to get rid of opossums.

Tips for Getting Rid of Possums

There are 3 chief methods to getting rid of possums. These are animal repellent, environmental modification, and professional animal trapping.

As for repellents, you can purchase them at local garden or home improvement stores, or you can make your own, non-toxic version for a fraction of the cost. Simply get yourself a clean, plastic spray bottle, preferably 16 to 32 ounces, and fill it with clean water and all the fixings that opossums hate. Recommended opossum repellent ingredients include putrescent egg, capsaicin, and menthol.

To modify your environment, simply block off or remove all things that attract opossums to your property. This includes exposed pet food, feeders, trashcans, and fallen fruit from trees or shrubs. You might even install a fencing system around important assets, like gardens, compost piles, fruit crops, Koi ponds, and even chicken coups. Homeowners have been successful with automatic, motion-sensing lighting, too. Be sure to also block off den-like areas, such as under the porch.

Professional animal trapping and control is the best approach to get rid of an opossum problem, especially if you are a commercial site. They have the proper tools, training, resources, and permits to extract nuisance opossums and prevent their return. Just be sure to choose a TWRA licensed critter control company that adheres to all state and EPA regulations for animal trapping and removal.

Are you dealing with a nuisance possum problem on your property and need to get rid of opossums fast? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional opossum removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and Clarksville, TN. We serve commercial clients, as well.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Opossums in Tennessee

When you spot an opossum sneaking around your backyard, driveway, or front porch, you might get a little creeped out. Opossums are funny looking creatures, and the nighttime light reflects off their eyes in a way that makes them look almost possessed. This leaves many homeowners asking, “what’s the deal with opossums?”

Continue reading to review some frequently asked questions about opossums, including how to get rid of opossums in Nashville when they become a nuisance around your property.

Nashville Tennessee Opossum Removal 615-610-0962
Nashville Tennessee Opossum Removal 615-610-0962

Opossum FAQS You Need to Know

Whether you are experiencing heightened level of opossum activity around your property lately, or you have a passel of opossums taking shelter somewhere within your premises, you should be immediately motivated to get rid of opossums as fast as possible. Not only can they be highly destructive, but they are also common carriers of several transmissible diseases that can affect both people and pets.

Hopefully these frequently asked questions about opossums can help you quickly resolve a nuisance opossum problem, safely and humanely.

What Type of Animal is an Opossum?

An opossum is a marsupial, similar to a kangaroo. In fact, they are the only marsupial here in North America. They even carry their babies in a little pouch on their bellies. After 65 days or so, babies leave their mother’s pouch and climb onto her back, where they will take a free ride until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Where Do Opossums Live?

The most common habitat for opossums here in Tennessee includes hollowed trees, abandoned animal dens, wide rock crevices, beneath porches, under decks, and even in dumpsters.

Do Opossums Use Their Tail to Hang Upside Down?

Due to media and cartoons, many people wrongly assume that opossums hang upside down from their tails. But this is not true. Opossums do use their long, rat-like tails for other reasons, such as balancing and climbing.

Our Opossums Dangerous?

Opossums are considered dangerous in the wild because they are known carriers of several transmissible diseases, such as rabies virus, leptospirosis, bacterial infections, and more. These types of diseases can be transmitted through saliva, blood, or even air. It is important to keep your pets accident all times against such diseases.

Will An Opossum Attack Me?

Although opossums are deemed dangerous, they are not aggressive animals. In fact, they are quite peaceful and docile, only likely to attack if they feel provoked, threatened, or if they are protecting their young. You have likely heard the phrase playing possum, which is derived from the opossum’s primitive instinct to drop and pretend they are dead in the presence of perceived danger.

How Do I Get Rid of Opossums?

The best way to get rid of opossums is to remove or obstruct access to the things they want on your property. This includes shelter, water sources, and food sources. Speak with a professional Nashville Tennessee critic control company for professional advice on getting rid of opossums, safely.

Are you experiencing heightened opossum activity in or around your Tennessee property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for safe and affordable opossum removal in Nashville, TN and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962