Exploring the Role of Synanthropes in Urban Areas

As cities become more densely populated, they often bring with them an influx of nuisance wildlife. These animals are known as synanthropes – species that have adapted to living in close proximity to humans and make their homes in urban areas. Synanthropes can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on the circumstances.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of synanthropes in urban areas and look at ways to manage them effectively, so they don’t become a nuisance or hazard. We’ll also discuss how animal removal services can help keep these populations under control while still allowing us to appreciate the beauty of nature even within our cities.

Call Our Raccoon Trappers in Nashville TN at 615-610-0962 Today.
Call Our Raccoon Trappers in Nashville TN at 615-610-0962 Today.

The Pros and Cons of Synanthropes

In urbanized areas, synanthropes are beneficial in that they help keep the environment clean by eating insects and small animals. Synanthropic species like raccoons, skunks, opossums, foxes, and coyotes can help reduce the number of pests that have become a nuisance in cities. Synanthrope populations can also help balance the ecosystem by providing food for predators like owls and bobcats.

Unfortunately, synanthropic animals can become a nuisance if their populations are not managed properly. Synanthropes like rats, mice, and pigeons can carry diseases that threaten public health; other species such as raccoons and opossums may raid garbage cans and damage property. Synanthrope populations can also become overpopulated, leading to competition for resources like food and shelter that can cause increased aggression between animals.

Solutions to Synanthropic Behaviors

The best way to manage urban wildlife is through animal control services. Wildlife removal experts are trained to safely and humanely remove nuisance wildlife from urban areas without causing harm to either the animals or people. Animal removal services in Nashville also provide education about how to prevent animal infestations in urban areas by eliminating sources of food and shelter, such as garbage cans and compost piles.

Nashville Animal Removal Services

Wildlife removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee is essential for keeping synanthropic populations under control while still allowing us to appreciate their presence in our cities. Synanthropes are an important part of urban ecology, providing balance and beauty to our urban environments. By safely and humanely removing these nuisance wildlife from our cities, we can enjoy the beauty of nature even within city limits.

Do-It-Yourself Nuisance Wildlife Control

Controlling nuisance animals around your property can be a nuisance in itself, but there are ways to ensure that any wildlife passing through is either discouraged from settling down or deterred away altogether. Animal proofing your property is essential, including making sure all entryways are sealed and refuse is properly disposed of so as not to attract scavenging wildlife. You may want to use scent repellents or motion-activated water sprays if nuisance wildlife problems are especially persistent, as these can help keep animals like skunks and raccoons away. If the problem persists, contact a licensed Nashville wildlife control service who will be able to assist you in safely removing nuisance wildlife from your property.

If you are having trouble with wild animals in Tennessee or the Smoky Mountain area, don’t wait any longer and hire a professional operator to help manage your critter control. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional animal removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We also provide animal infestation cleanup and repair for both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Get Rid of Woodchucks Without Harming Them

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are a common sight in many suburban and rural areas here in the Smoky Mountain region. While they may be cute little creatures, they can also be a nuisance to homeowners. This is because groundhogs are excellent diggers, and can easily burrow under homes and gardens, causing extensive damage. In addition, woodchucks can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets.

If you have a groundhog problem on your property, there are several steps you can take to get rid of them without harming them. Continue reading to learn how.

Call Our Nashville Tennessee Woodchuck Trappers at 615-610-0962 Today
Call Our Nashville Tennessee Woodchuck Trappers at 615-610-0962 Today

Top Groundhog Removal and Control Tips

The first step in getting rid of groundhogs is to stop them from entering your property. You can do this by animal-proofing the area around your home and garden. This includes sealing off any potential entry points, such as gaps under fences or cracked foundations. It is also important to clear away ground cover and debris that groundhogs may be using as shelter.

If groundhogs have already established a burrow on your property, there are several humane ways to help them leave. One way is to use a groundhog repellent such as coyote urine or predator scents that groundhogs find unpleasant. Another option is to flood the woodchuck burrow with water, which will encourage groundhogs to move on. You can also trap groundhogs and relocate them away from your property.

If you choose to use a trap, make sure that it is the right size for groundhogs and that it has been checked and maintained regularly. Place the trap near woodchuck activity and make sure it is securely anchored to the ground. You should also use a groundhog-friendly bait, such as vegetables or fruits.

Finally, you can hire a professional Nashville animal removal company to trap groundhogs and remove them from your property. They will be able to assess the groundhog problem accurately and provide the best solution for your particular situation.

Safe and Humane Groundhog Control is Essential

By following these steps, you can get rid of groundhogs without harming them. The key is to act swiftly and take preventative measures to keep groundhogs away from your property in the first place. If groundhogs have already made themselves at home on your property, there are humane ways to get them to leave without causing them any harm. With the right measures in place, you can protect your home and garden from groundhog damage while also keeping groundhogs safe.

For more information on groundhog control and removal, turn to the pros. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and affordable woodchuck control service in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We will be able to advise on the best solutions for your nuisance groundhog situation. Our wildlife control operators serve both residential and commercial clients.

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What To Do If You or Your Pet is Sprayed By a Skunk

Are you one of the unlucky few who has had the misfortune of coming too close to a skunk and getting sprayed? Perhaps it was your curious dog that had the bad luck? Either way, join the club. Skunks are notorious for their smelly spray, which can leave an unforgettable stench in your nose and clothes that just won’t go away.

But don’t worry – it’s possible to get rid of the smell. Continue below to learn how to remove skunk smell on yourself and your pet, plus tips on how to handle a skunk encounter.

Call 615-610-0962 For Skunk Removal in Nashville Tennessee!
Call 615-610-0962 For Skunk Removal in Nashville Tennessee!

What is Skunk Spray?

Skunks are some of the most unique and fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom. Known for their unmistakable black-and-white stripes, skunks possess an incredible defense mechanism that can ward off even the biggest of predators: their infamous spray! But what exactly is this powerful odor, and why do skunks spray it?

When threatened or feeling threatened, skunks will usually give off a warning rather than immediately spraying their musk. This warning may include stomping their feet or hissing. If the perceived threat does not back away at this point, then the skunk will spray its musk as a last line of defense.

Skunk musk is actually a combination of various chemicals, including thiols and other sulfur-containing compounds. Its odor is so strong that it has been known to travel for up to a mile, and has been called the “stink of death”!

Why Do Skunks Smell Bad?

But why does skunk spray smell so bad? It turns out that the unpleasant smell is actually an evolutionary adaptation. Skunks spray their musk to temporarily incapacitate predators, giving them time to make a quick getaway. The strong smell also serves as an effective way of warning potential predators that they should stay away in the future.

It’s safe to say that skunk’s remarkable defense mechanism is something to be admired. As fascinating and powerful as it is, skunk musk can also be a bit of an annoyance when encountered in the wild. So next time you come across one of these unique creatures, remember to admire them from a safe distance!

How to Clean Off Skunk Smell

Here are a few tips for dealing with a skunk encounter and getting your clothes or dog’s fur smelling good again:

1. Avoid direct contact with skunks by keeping your distance and not approaching them.

2. If you do find yourself too close, back away slowly – sudden movements can scare the skunk and make it feel threatened.

3. If you do get sprayed, the first thing to do is get out of the way! Then, put on some old clothes and head outside with a bucket of vinegar water. Soak a towel in the solution and use it to scrub your skin and clothing. This will help neutralize the smell of skunk spray.

4. Once you’ve washed off the stench, hang your clothes outside and let them air out in the sun. The sun’s UV rays will help to break down and remove any remaining odor molecules.

5. If the smell persists, consider using a special skunk odor remover. These products are specifically formulated to remove the chemical compounds that make up skunk spray and can be applied directly to your clothes.

6. Finally, don’t forget to keep your windows open in case there’s any lingering smell inside!

No one enjoys getting sprayed by a skunk, but with the right methods you can do away with the smell and move on with your day. Good luck!

Have you had one too many skunk encounters or sightings on your property and wish to eliminate the problem altogether? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed skunk removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Middle Tennessee and its surrounding counties.

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Top Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For This Fall and Winter

The wide array of species here in Tennessee is quite the blessing. But when wildlife get too close, they can cross over into the nuisance end of the spectrum. This fall and winter, be sure you know how to protect your home and business from nuisance wildlife tampering and infestations.

Continue below to learn which animals tend to be the top nuisances during this time of year, plus what you can do to prevent wildlife problems on your property.

Call 615-610-0962 For Licensed Smoky Mountain Critter Control in Tennessee!
Call 615-610-0962 For Licensed Smoky Mountain Critter Control in Tennessee!

Fall Season Nuisance Wildlife

In Tennessee, there are a few nuisance animals that you should be on the lookout for during the fall and winter months. Here are a few of the top ones:

1. Raccoons – These pesky little creatures can cause all sorts of problems, from raiding your trash cans to getting into your attic or chimney. Be sure to keep your trash cans securely covered and your home sealed up tight to prevent raccoons from becoming a nuisance.

2. Squirrels – These little rodents can be a real pain, especially if they get into your attic or eaves. Be sure to seal up any openings that squirrels or chipmunks could use to get into your home and consider using squirrel-proof bird feeders to keep them from raiding your bird seed.

3. Opossums – These marsupials are not known to be aggressive, but they can carry disease and their scavenging habits can make them a nuisance. Be sure to keep your trash cans securely covered and your home sealed up tight to prevent opossums from becoming a nuisance.

4. Snakes – While most snakes are not aggressive and are actually beneficial to the environment, there are a few species that can be dangerous. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the different types of snakes that live in your area and call a professional Nashville snake trapper if you encounter one that you’re not comfortable handling.

5. Bears – While black bears are not typically aggressive, they can be dangerous if they feel threatened. If you live in an area where bears are known to roam, be sure to take precautions such as keeping your garbage cans securely covered and avoiding areas where bears are known to congregate.

By taking a few simple precautions, you can avoid becoming a victim of nuisance animals this fall and winter. Be sure to keep an eye out for these and other nuisance animals and take steps to prevent them from becoming a problem in your home or yard.

Professional Nashville Wildlife Control is Here to Help

Wildlife damage and intrusions can be a serious problem for homeowners and businesses alike. Not only are animals an aesthetic nuisance, but they can also cause considerable structural damage as well. And if you’re unlucky enough to have a wild animal break into your home, you could be dealing with some serious health risks too. That’s where professional Nashville wildlife control services come in.

Wildlife control companies in Tennessee have the expertise and equipment necessary to safely remove unwanted animals from your property and prevent them from returning. They can also provide advice on how to best protect your home or business from future animal invasions. So, if you’re experiencing problems with wildlife, don’t hesitate to call a professional Nashville wildlife removal operator for help.

Are you dealing with nuisance wildlife in or around your Smoky Mountain property? If so, contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed critter control services in Nashville, Tennessee, and its surrounding areas. We serve both residential and commercial clients with the most competitive prices around.

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Freaky Fun Facts About Vampire Bats

There are many popular misconceptions about bats. They are often portrayed as sinister creatures of the night, associated with darkness and death. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood bat species with a bad rep is the Vampire bat, mostly due to its unfortunate and misleading moniker.

So, for a Halloween treat this year, let’s take a closer look at Vampire bats and learn some freaky fun facts about them!

Bat Removal Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Bat Removal Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Clearing Up the Myths About Vampire Bats

Vampire bats are small, winged mammals that live in Central and South America. There are three species of vampire bat, all of which are relatively small. The largest of these, the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus), has a body length of around 3.5 inches (9 cm) and a wingspan of up to 8.5 inches (22 cm). The other two species, the White-Winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi) and the hairy-legged vampire bat (Trachops cirrhosus), are both slightly smaller.

Vampire bats are found in tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America. Common vampire bats inhabit a wide range of habitats, including rainforests, savannas, and even urban areas. White-winged vampire bats are found primarily in forested areas, while hairy-legged vampire bats prefer more open habitats such as grasslands. All three species of vampire bat are nocturnal, meaning that they are most active at night. During the day, they roost in dark, sheltered areas such as caves, trees, or buildings.

Vampire Bats Do Not Suck Blood

These bats are unique in that they feed primarily on blood, which they obtain by biting their victim’s skin and licking the blood that flows from the wound. Though they are capable of feeding on other animals, vampires prefer to dine on livestock such as cows and chickens. Vampire bats have a number of adaptations that enable them to feed on blood. Their sharp teeth are perfect for puncturing skin, and their saliva contains an anticoagulant that prevents the blood from clotting. They also have a special heat-sensing ability that allows them to locate warm-blooded prey in the dark.

Despite their reputation, vampire bats are fascinating creatures that play an important role in the ecosystems where they live. By feeding on blood, they help to control the populations of their prey animals. They also play a part in the dispersal of seeds and pollen, as they often defecate while in flight. As a result, vampire bats play an important role in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems.

Risk of Disease

Though they are capable of spreading disease, vampire bats are not considered to be a major public health concern. The diseases that they can transmit, such as rabies, are relatively rare. In addition, vampire bats typically only feed on animals, and so the risk of them transmitting disease to humans is considered to be low.

The Importance of All Bat Species

There are many popular misconceptions about bats. They are often portrayed as sinister creatures of the night, associated with darkness and death. However, bats are actually incredibly interesting and important animals. There are over 1,200 species of bats in the world, making them the second largest group of mammals (after rodents). They are found on every continent except Antarctica and can live in a wide variety of habitats, from rainforests to deserts. Bats play an important role in many ecosystems, serving as pollinators and seed dispersers as well as helping to control insect populations.

Despite their importance, bats are often misunderstood and feared. In many cultures, they are associated with darkness, death, and evil. This negative portrayal of bats is unjustified and can lead to real harm. Bats are vital to the health of our planet, and we should do everything we can to protect them.

Are you dealing with a nuisance bat problem on your property and need to get rid of them fast? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and Clarksville, TN. We serve commercial clients, as well.

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Interesting Facts About Armadillos

Armadillos are small and interesting mammals that have a hard shell on their backs, which protects them from predators and helps them to stay cool in hot weather. In the United States, we only have one species of armadillo, the Nine-Banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), also known as the Long-Nosed armadillo.

Continue reading to learn some more interesting and fun facts about armadillos, including what to do if you are dealing with nuisance armadillos in or around your Nashville property.

Armadillo Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Armadillo Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Nine-Banded Armadillos in Tennessee

Nine-Banded armadillos can be found in North, Central, and South America, including here in Tennessee. They have an average body length of about 24 to 36 inches (60 to 90 cm) and a weight of 8 to 17 pounds (3.6 to 7.7 kg). Nine-Banded armadillos are unique mammals because they are covered in a shell of thick, protective scales. They are also distinguishable by their long snout and tiny eyes.

More Interesting Facts About Tennessee Armadillos

Armadillos are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and deserts.

Armadillos are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. They like to eat insects and other small animals.

Armadillos are proficient diggers and often make burrows in which to live and rear their young.

Armadillos are not very good swimmers, but they can hold their breath for a long time. This allows them to cross rivers and streams without drowning. Armadillos can also run very fast, up to 30 miles per hour!

Beware of Nuisance Armadillos in Tennessee

Some people think armadillos are cute, but they can actually be a nuisance. Armadillos are often considered a nuisance because they dig up yards in search of food. They also carry a disease called leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, which causes skin and nerve damages. Furthermore, they have quite a nasty bite, as armadillos will attack if threatened or provoked, which is often the case with curious pets like dogs and cats. If you have an armadillo problem, the best solution is to call a wildlife removal specialist. If you see an armadillo, it is best to leave it alone.

Are you looking for a trusted Nashville critter control service that can help you get rid of armadillos at an affordable price? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured armadillo removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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What You Need to Know About Wild Raccoons

Our animal kingdom embraces a long list of fascinating and beneficial critters. Depending on the region in which you live, you are likely to spot a variety wildlife, whether on car rides, hikes, picnics, rounds of golf, bike rides, fishing trips, or even a stroll through your neighborhood. Here in the Smoky Mountain region, one of the most predominant species of wildlife known to explore both woodlands and human territories are raccoons.

Raccoons are regularly spotted in rural and urban communities, but they also stick to the natural forests and wooded areas in the Smoky Mountains. When it comes to wild raccoons, namely raccoon sightings, there is much to beware of. The more knowledge you have about wild raccoons, the better you can react and navigate an encounter.

Continue reading to learn some general information about wild raccoons, some fun facts, and who to call for professional assistance and advice when it comes to raccoon control and preservation.

Raccoon Trapper Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Trapper Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

The Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor)

Raccoons have many names and appellations. This is because they are found in several different regions of the United States, and exhibit marginally different features, habits, and lifestyles. Raccoons are part of the Procyon genus and scientifically referred to as Procyon Lotor, loosely meaning “dog-like”.  In addition to this very formal title, these animals are also known as the Common Raccoon, North American Raccoon, and the Northern Raccoon. 

Raccoon Species Around the World

In addition to these colloquial names, raccoons are also referred to by their habitat and behaviors.  There are at least six known species of raccoon and various subspecies. They are highly adaptable mammals that can live in a variety of different climates all over the world, including Central, South and North America, Canada, Asia, Europe, and even the Caribbean. This variety leaves room for a lot of interesting names. 

Other species of raccoons include, but are not limited to, the Ring-Tailed Raccoon, Upper Mississippi Valley Raccoon, the Eastern Raccoon, Ten Thousand Island Raccoon, the Crab-Eating Raccoon, the Tres Marias Raccoon, the Guadeloupe Raccoon, the Coati, the Cozumel Raccoon, and more. The differences among each species include size, weight, fur color, diet, behavior, and other identifiable and physical characteristics.

Local Raccoons in Tennessee

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, meaning they are active at night and rest during the day.  During the night, raccoons generally hunt and forage for food. Although primarily nocturnal, they are known to venture out in the day from time to time for particular food sources. In the United States, these food sources are commonly turning out to be residential and urban garbage cans and dumpsters. 

Raccoons travel and behave in colonies, usually consisting of their own kin.  The beginning of the year has proven to be their breeding time, with a gestation period of about sixty five days or so. The males do not partake in raising the raccoon pups, so females separate following reproduction.  Raising baby raccoons is not a terribly dangerous time period for female raccoons, mostly because raccoons have very few predators. This does not mean that they cannot be subjected to danger. 

In certain parts of the world, animals such as coyotes, cougars, mountain lions, and bobcats, and more, will feed on wild raccoons.  As natural instinct allows, raccoons are known to claw, bite, hiss, growl, and scream at anything threatening it. This defensive behavior is commonly seen in urban areas near humans and domesticated pets.

Raccoons are an Omnivorous Species Like Us

Raccoons are omnivorous so their diet can consist of everything from invertebrates to plant material.  Depending on the time of year, habitat, and species of raccoon, food sources will differ.  For example, in the late summer and autumn months, Northern raccoons are known to indulge in fruits, acorns, walnuts, and other seasonal foods that are rich in nutrients and calories. This better prepares them for their winter hibernation period.  In the springtime and early summer months, raccoons dine on less favorable items, such as worms, insects, and other readily accessible invertebrates. 

On top of these easy-to-obtain foodstuffs, raccoons will also eat fish, bird eggs, snakes, amphibians, and several other vertebrates, so long as they can reach them or catch them!  Other regionally raccoon food preferences include crabs, lizards, plants, berries, crayfish, and even human food.  This all depends on where they live and how accessible the food items are.  Different species of raccoon display different habits when it comes to hunting and feeding.

Although not conclusively proven, raccoons are thought to wash their food before eating, also referred to as “dousing”. There are several theories to explain this behavior, however, most believe it is simply an archaic habit dating back to when raccoons mostly fed on shorelines and foraged food sources from watering holes. Other theories suggest that raccoons cannot produce an adequate amount of saliva to consume their food, so they must moisten it with water for sufficient digestion.

Raccoons are Losing Natural Habitats

Unfortunately, due to over-development and mass construction, some species of raccoon have been forced to live among humans in residential and urban areas. These raccoons have learned to adapt to this kind of living over the past fifty years. They use our municipal waste sites to forage food, as well as, home gardens, dumpsters, pet food bowls, and more. They use every opportunity they can find to gather and eat foodstuffs in our metropolitan areas. 

For shelter, raccoons in suburban areas are known to use houses, buildings, attics, garages, sheds, and roofs, sewer drains, outside play sets, pet houses, hollowed trees, crawl spaces, porches, decks, and more. They are moderately intelligent mammals that can learn to overcome obstacles and remember certain tasks for up to three years! They can use their dexterous hands and claws to open gates, pick locks, dig holes, lift, push, and rip away anything in their way.  This causes a lot of structural damage to homes and buildings in these municipal neighborhoods and areas.

Raccoon Removal and Control

When building and homeowners experience an animal infestation problem, it is important that they act fast.  Structural damage, repairs, cleanup, and attacks are all potential consequences of a raccoon infestation. This is especially vital for families or buildings with small children.  Wild raccoons can not only be defensive and protective of their clan, but they can also carry a plethora of communicable diseases, including Rabies, Canine Distemper, Leptospirosis, and more.  To avoid a raccoon attack or contagious infection, it is crucial to remove raccoons as soon as you are aware they of their presence.  Typically, a Nashville TN wildlife control company can be called out to diagnose the issue and facilitate a set of remedies to eliminate the threat. 

Are you having trouble with nuisance raccoons around your Tennessee home or office building? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for raccoon removal and control service in Nashville and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial properties.

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How to Eliminate Dead Animal Odor in Your House

There are many types of nuisance wildlife in Tennessee, but some are more prone to infesting our interior spaces and eventually biting the dust. Animals like raccoons, opossums, birds, squirrels, and rodents are notorious for getting inside and getting stuck; or simply living out the remainder of their lives inside your home or business.

Nuisance critters like these generally seek out shelter in residential and commercial settings, finding their way inside roof vents, wall voids, crawlspaces, attics, and beneath porches, decks, and stoops. Once there, they generate an unthinkable mess with their hair oils, urine, feces, rotting food scraps, nesting, and destructive habits. But there are some things worse than an animal infestation mess, and that is the smell of a dead animal carcass.

After hiring a certified Nashville wildlife removal company to get rid of a dead animal, you can opt for infestation cleanup and decontamination services to treat the affected area. However, it is quite common for dead animal odors, as pungent as they are, to linger well after dead animal cleanup services. This is especially true for cases of multiple carcasses.

If this sounds like your current dilemma, continue reading below to learn what you can do to abate these odors until they have dissipated for good.

Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Household Remedies for Treating Dead Animal Smells

When animals die in or around your home, the smell can be virtually impossible to tolerate, especially right after dead animal removal service. Cleanup and decontamination treatments can only do so much when it comes to eliminating dead animal smells, which is why it is important for you to treat post cleanup lingering odors with basic household remedies.

You wouldn’t think that a dead skunk under the deck or a groundhog under the stoop would generate enough decay odor to seep inside the property, but they can. Even dead animals outside can cause lingering death odors inside your home or business if they are in close enough proximity.

Fortunately, there are several products and remedies you can implement that will help reduce the pungency and make your indoor spaces tolerable until the smell stops naturally. These dead animal smell hacks will not grant instant gratification, nor 100% eliminate the dead animal odor in your home. They will, however, take the edge off. But if the smell is faint, they can mask it entirely.

Dead Animal Odor Removal Granules

For dead animals that expire in non-traffic areas of a home, like crawlspaces, attics, and wall voids, dead animal odor removal granules are a great way to go. These are chemical-free and all-natural odor absorbing granules that you simply scatter over the affected area. These also prevent bacterial hazard and pest infestations.

Odor Eliminating Fogging Cans

Odor control fogging products are an effective way to eliminate the toughest of dead animal smells. Also known as “odor bombs” or “eliminating foggers”, these products are automated. All you have to do is push a button; and 10 or 20 seconds later, a strong force of deodorizer is released. These fogging treatments can treat spaces up to 600 square feet.

Odor Absorbers

You can purchase residential grade or commercial grade odor absorbers through your choice online retailer or at your local home improvement store. Grocery store also common carriers of odor absorbing products. You can place multiple odor absorber containers around the smelly areas of your home to help clear out some of the pungency. Residential grade odor absorbers are recommended for minor to moderate cases of dead animal odors. If you’re dead animal odors are stronger, opt for commercial grade odor absorber.

Odor Neutralizers

Odor neutralizers are popular product on the market for both residential and commercial environments. When you think of an odor neutralizers spray, you might think of a popular brand like Febreze or Ozium. And you would be right to do so. These two products are sprays that work well to sanitize the surrounding air and eliminate airborne odors.

Home Fragrances

Whether in addition to one of the options above, or as a lone resort to cover up residual dead carcass smells, home fragrances like candles, wax burners, incense, essential oils, fragrance plugins, and even fresh, aromatic flowers.

Are you looking for prompt and professional assistance with a dead carcass or animal infestation? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional dead animal removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We also provide animal infestation cleanup and repair for both residential and commercial clients.

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3 Effective Strategies For Keeping Raccoons Out of Your Trashcans

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat anything that we do, plus some more! So, it is no surprise that trashcans are a common target for raccoon pillaging. Raccoons see garbage as an all-you-can-eat buffet, and they can sniff out a good trashcan or receptacle from a mile away. If your garbage cans have been tampered with by raccoons or other types of wildlife, it is time to take action and make a plan for defense.

Continue reading to learn 3 simple and cheap ways to keep raccoons out of your trashcans for good, plus a bonus tip on how to protect the entirety of your property from wildlife damages.

Raccoon Trappers Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Trappers Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Raccoon Control for Garbage Cans

Raccoons have highly dexterous paws that are human-like, giving them the ability to grip and grasp trashcan lids with acute manipulation. Raccoons are also excellent climbers, which gives them the ability to access areas of a property that other animals cannot. So, while you think your trashcans are protected against wildlife tampering, raccoons might still be able to get to them because of their unique physical abilities.

For this reason, it is necessary to implement strategic raccoon control for garbage cans. Fortunately, there are three highly effective and affordable ways you can do this: Christmas lights, ammonia, and/or bungee cords.

Christmas Lights

If you really want a unique approach to garbage can, raccoon control, consider stringing Christmas lights around your trashcans. The blinking lights will divert their interest because they are bright and reduce their privacy. Simply turn them on at night and flick them off in the morning. You can even set them up on a timer that does this for you.


Not only will ammonia keep raccoons away, but it will also thwart several other species of wildlife from tampering with your garbage, including stray dogs and coyotes. You can purchase ammonia in the local department store or through your trusted online retailer for as little as three dollars a pack. Simply sprinkle some inside your trashcan or on the trash bags themselves before putting them inside.

Bungee Cords

If you are not confident that Christmas lights in ammonia will keep raccoons out of your trash, get yourself some bungee cords and secure the trashcan lids down manually. Although raccoons have dexterous paws, they do not have super strength. So long as you secure the trashcan lids down well enough, raccoons won’t be able to lift the lids and gain access to the scraps inside.

Use an Animal Repellent to Keep All Critters Away

You can make your own non-toxic animal repellent to keep all nuisance critters off of your property. You will need capsaicin oil, putrescent egg, water, and a large spray bottle. Simply mix all the ingredients together and spray the perimeter of your property. Because of the capsaicin oil, be sure to keep young children and pets away from any treated area, as the spice can irritate their eyes, nose, mouth, lungs, and ears. If this happens, contact a doctor immediately.

For full on protection against nuisance wildlife like raccoons, you need a professional to develop and initiate an effective critter control plan for your property. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional raccoon removal and control services in Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee. We serve both residential and commercial clients of the most competitive rates around.

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How to Feed Squirrels Without Turning Them Into a Nuisance

When feeding the wildlife around your home or office, it is important to follow certain guidelines if you want to prevent future nuisance critter problems. This point is especially true for squirrels. Squirrels are notorious for overstaying their welcome in terms of nuisance wildlife tampering and activity. Not only can they pillage your pots and planters, but they can also steal all your birdseed, pet food, and even your garbage.

As a squirrel admirer, you will be happy to learn that there is an easy way to nurture and feed your backyard squirrels without turning them into a nuisance. Continue below for these tips and more!

Squirrel Critter Control Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Squirrel Critter Control Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Tips for Feeding Squirrels

You can find squirrel feeders all over the place. From your local home improvement and garden stores to your favorite all-encompassing online retailer, squirrel feeders are easy to procure and even easier to set up. Just be sure you get yourself some quality squirrel feed! This is just one way you can protect your property from nuisance squirrel activity.

Let’s review some of the most important rules when feeding squirrels around your house:

Avoid Using Human Foods

Although it may be tempting to leave out some fresh fruit and vegetables, or some crunchy peanut butter, is not recommended to feed human food to squirrels. Not only is people food deficient of certain nutrients essential in a squirrel’s diet, but depending on manufacturing and ingredients, it can also make them sick. If you wish to make your own squirrel feed, aim for organic, unprocessed ingredients like nuts, legumes, and seeds.

Secure Your Trash

Squirrels love a good garbage raid. They will pillage any open and accessible trashcan whenever possible. Even if you are feeding squirrels, they will still go after your garbage receptacles if the opportunity is there. To prevent squirrels from reaching this level of nuisance activity, be sure to secure your trashcans inside until collection day or replace your trashcans with metal ones that cannot be chewed through. The same goes for pet food that is kept outdoors.

Place Feeders Further Away From Your House

When choosing locations for your squirrel feeders, it can be tempting to lodge them close by where you can see them and enjoy the show. But if squirrel feeders are too close to your house, you may run into some nuisance squirrel problems down the line. Hanging feeders too close to your siding can give squirrels access to your roof, which is a prime target for attic and chimney invasions. Hanging them from your patio can cause concern if you have young children or pets, as squirrels are known to carry diseases, and can become too comfortable, causing them to turn territorial and aggressive.

Are you concerned about the nuisance squirrel activity on or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed squirrel removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee, and surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Tell if You Have Squirrels in the Attic
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