3 Effective Strategies For Keeping Raccoons Out of Your Trashcans

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat anything that we do, plus some more! So, it is no surprise that trashcans are a common target for raccoon pillaging. Raccoons see garbage as an all-you-can-eat buffet, and they can sniff out a good trashcan or receptacle from a mile away. If your garbage cans have been tampered with by raccoons or other types of wildlife, it is time to take action and make a plan for defense.

Continue reading to learn 3 simple and cheap ways to keep raccoons out of your trashcans for good, plus a bonus tip on how to protect the entirety of your property from wildlife damages.

Raccoon Trappers Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Trappers Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Raccoon Control for Garbage Cans

Raccoons have highly dexterous paws that are human-like, giving them the ability to grip and grasp trashcan lids with acute manipulation. Raccoons are also excellent climbers, which gives them the ability to access areas of a property that other animals cannot. So, while you think your trashcans are protected against wildlife tampering, raccoons might still be able to get to them because of their unique physical abilities.

For this reason, it is necessary to implement strategic raccoon control for garbage cans. Fortunately, there are three highly effective and affordable ways you can do this: Christmas lights, ammonia, and/or bungee cords.

Christmas Lights

If you really want a unique approach to garbage can, raccoon control, consider stringing Christmas lights around your trashcans. The blinking lights will divert their interest because they are bright and reduce their privacy. Simply turn them on at night and flick them off in the morning. You can even set them up on a timer that does this for you.


Not only will ammonia keep raccoons away, but it will also thwart several other species of wildlife from tampering with your garbage, including stray dogs and coyotes. You can purchase ammonia in the local department store or through your trusted online retailer for as little as three dollars a pack. Simply sprinkle some inside your trashcan or on the trash bags themselves before putting them inside.

Bungee Cords

If you are not confident that Christmas lights in ammonia will keep raccoons out of your trash, get yourself some bungee cords and secure the trashcan lids down manually. Although raccoons have dexterous paws, they do not have super strength. So long as you secure the trashcan lids down well enough, raccoons won’t be able to lift the lids and gain access to the scraps inside.

Use an Animal Repellent to Keep All Critters Away

You can make your own non-toxic animal repellent to keep all nuisance critters off of your property. You will need capsaicin oil, putrescent egg, water, and a large spray bottle. Simply mix all the ingredients together and spray the perimeter of your property. Because of the capsaicin oil, be sure to keep young children and pets away from any treated area, as the spice can irritate their eyes, nose, mouth, lungs, and ears. If this happens, contact a doctor immediately.

For full on protection against nuisance wildlife like raccoons, you need a professional to develop and initiate an effective critter control plan for your property. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional raccoon removal and control services in Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee. We serve both residential and commercial clients of the most competitive rates around.

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How to Tell if You Have Squirrels in the Attic

It is not difficult to confirm a squirrel infestation in the attic. After all, you are here because you have likely already experienced a few tell-tale signs, like sounds of chatter and scurrying about. Squirrels are nimble and fast, plus experienced at accessing residential structures, like attics and crawl spaces. If you suspect that you have squirrels in the attic, here’s what you need to know:

Squirrel Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Squirrel Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Squirrel Damages Can Add Up Fast

Squirrels are rodents, and like most rodents, they are filthy and carry a long list of diseases and parasites. They mark their territories, in this case your attic and insulation, with their urine, which creates foul, lingering odors throughout your home. Their droppings carry and transmit salmonella, which can put both people and pets at risk of infection. Squirrels are also avid chewers and will pilfer all electrical wiring and more in your attic space.

Overall, squirrels in the attic will cause a lot of damage and unhygienic environments. The longer they hold occupancy, the more damages will accrue, which makes renovations timelier and costlier.  

Squirrel Control is a Must

Before getting started on extracting squirrels from the attic, it is important to understand how to keep them out of there in the first place. If you do not implement any degree of animal-proofing around your house, you cannot prevent future tampering and infestations. Squirrel control involves sealing up any exterior openings and access points that will allow squirrels to get in. This includes installing squirrel abatement devices like valves and mesh screening, as well as roof vent covers and chimney caps.

Once you understand how to protect your property against nuisance animals like squirrels and chipmunks, you can better assist in the process of getting rid of squirrels, altogether.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

There is really only one tried and true method of squirrel removal and that is to hire a licensed and insured wildlife control company in Nashville. Not only are specific permits and licenses required to raise and relocate wildlife in Tennessee, but there are also strict procedures on how to extract wildlife and facilitate safe animal-proofing strategies for residential and commercial properties. What does all this mean? It means you should never attempt to touch, harm, trap, or kill animals unless you are permitted under law to do so.

When experiencing problems with squirrels in the attic, crawl space, roof, chimney, or wall voids, your best tool is a skilled wildlife control operator. They have the authority, resources, equipment, and knowledge to safely extract squirrels and prevent them from becoming a problem in the future. They can also provide minor attic restorations and cleanup services for animal damages.

Not sure who to trust for safe and humane critter control in Tennessee? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable squirrel removal in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Safely Get Rid of Opossums in the Yard

Opossums are wonderful creatures of the Earth. They help protect our gardens by eating up all the snails, slugs, and plant-eating insects, plus they keep our farming lots clean and clear by eating up all the fallen fruit that has spoiled. They are even known to be great rodent control! But aside from these few and simple benefits bestowed to us by possums, it is important to remember just how destructive they are. If you are noticing an increase in possum activity in or around your yard, it is wise to take action and defend your property against nuisance opossum tampering.

Continue below to learn some effective tips on how to safely get rid of opossums in the yard, including who to trust in the Smoky Mountain region for humane critter control solutions at an affordable price.

Opossum Removal Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Opossum Removal Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Why Opossums are a Bother

Opossums are up to a lot more than just playing possum when they are existing in or around your property. Although these North American marsupials are non-aggressive and unlikely to attack or carry Rabies, they are massively destructive, and they usually commit their offenses while we are asleep. You see, opossums are nocturnal, which means they are active from dusk till dawn. During the late evening and early morning hours are when you are most likely to spot an opossum.

Additionally, they are well-equipped with long, sharp claws and teeth, which helps them dig up lawns, gardens, and flowerbeds, plus pillage trashcans, pet feeders, dumpsters, and more. After a big night of opossum tampering, you could wake up to a front or backyard that looks more like a detonated mine field! Needless to say, you really don’t want opossums visiting your property on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are plenty of safe and humane ways to get rid of opossums.

Tips for Getting Rid of Possums

There are 3 chief methods to getting rid of possums. These are animal repellent, environmental modification, and professional animal trapping.

As for repellents, you can purchase them at local garden or home improvement stores, or you can make your own, non-toxic version for a fraction of the cost. Simply get yourself a clean, plastic spray bottle, preferably 16 to 32 ounces, and fill it with clean water and all the fixings that opossums hate. Recommended opossum repellent ingredients include putrescent egg, capsaicin, and menthol.

To modify your environment, simply block off or remove all things that attract opossums to your property. This includes exposed pet food, feeders, trashcans, and fallen fruit from trees or shrubs. You might even install a fencing system around important assets, like gardens, compost piles, fruit crops, Koi ponds, and even chicken coups. Homeowners have been successful with automatic, motion-sensing lighting, too. Be sure to also block off den-like areas, such as under the porch.

Professional animal trapping and control is the best approach to get rid of an opossum problem, especially if you are a commercial site. They have the proper tools, training, resources, and permits to extract nuisance opossums and prevent their return. Just be sure to choose a TWRA licensed critter control company that adheres to all state and EPA regulations for animal trapping and removal.

Are you dealing with a nuisance possum problem on your property and need to get rid of opossums fast? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional opossum removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and Clarksville, TN. We serve commercial clients, as well.

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Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow on Groundhog’s Day 2022?

Are we getting an early Spring? Or are we faced with 6 more weeks of winter? Continue below to learn what Punxsutawney Phil predicted on February 2nd, 2022, Groundhog’s Day, plus some effective and safe wildlife control tips for managing nuisance groundhogs in or around your property!

Groundhog Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Groundhog Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Punxsutawney Phil Saw His Shadow!

This year, on February 2, 2022, the beloved and famous Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his Pennsylvania burrow and saw his shadow. According to fun folklore, this means we have 6 more weeks of winter! But not to worry. Spring will be here before we know it, which can bring on a whole new set of problems, specifically with groundhogs like Punxsutawney Phil!

Nuisance Groundhog Season is Coming

Groundhogs are mostly hibernating still, resting in their burrows at a lower heart rate and body temperatures. But come April and May, nuisance groundhog activity increases, especially in areas near large bodies of water. Properties near lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams tend to experience more problems with groundhogs, but all properties, regardless of location, are susceptible to nuisance groundhog activity.

How are groundhogs a nuisance? Well, these medium-sized rodents are known for digging intricate burrow systems below ground, which can reach up to 30 feet long and 5 feet deep. These tunnels can disrupt underground utility lines, lawns, gardens, foundations, and more. They are also avid chewers, gnawing on hardwood trees and shrubs whenever they can get their teeth on them. These behaviors alone can cause a load of challenges and structural damages for property owners.

Groundhog Woodchuck Control Tips

Are you seeing too many Punxsutawney Phil replicas on or around your premises, leaving you concerned about possible interference or property damages? If so, you should contact a local and trusted Nashville wildlife abatement company for professional groundhog control services.

There are plenty of safe and humane ways to get rid of nuisance groundhogs, or at least keep them at bay. The best option is to contact a local and certified wildlife control company for groundhog animal trapping and relocation services. They retain the proper permits, resources, training, and equipment to safely exclude groundhogs and even trap and relocate some if necessary.

Other methods of groundhog control that work for both residential and commercial properties include environmental modification. This critter abatement strategy involves changing certain elements or aspects of a premise to thwart or divert groundhogs.

Non-lethal animal traps, fencing, row covers, garden protection, tall grass and shrub removal, lot clearing, and removing their favorites foods (alfalfa, beans, clover, dandelions, and peas) are some examples of such strategies.

Are you looking for a licensed and insured Nashville wildlife control company to help you get rid of groundhogs and other nuisance animals around your house or business? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable groundhog removal in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Top 3 Tips for Dead Animal Removal

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Top 3 Tips for Dead Animal Removal

Dead animal smell cannot be mistaken. You have certainly detected the tell-tale odor of rot and decay before, but when it is coming from your property, or worse, inside your house, you are on high alert. No one wants to put dead animal removal off to the next morning; it is a task that must be dealt with upon immediate detection. But before you go around investigating your premises, be sure you are well-equipped to handle the job.

Continue reading to learn the top 3 dead animal removal tips you need to know to protect your home, yourself, and all of your loved ones, including pets!

Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

What You Need to Know About Dead Animal Removal

Dead animals are a hazardous material since they can carry disease and parasites. So, the task of removing a dead animal from your house or yard is a risky one. As soon as you discover a dead animal, the first step is to isolate the area, keeping children and pets away. Your next step is to prepare yourself for the task of getting rid of a dead animal.

Here are the top 3 tips for dead animal removal:

1) Act Fast

When you have a dead animal infesting your house or property, it is in your best interest to get rod of it as fast as possible. Do not hesitate to locate and removal a dead animal, especially if it is inside your home. The longer you wait to get rid of a dead animal carcass, the more consequences will pile up, including pest infestations like vultures, rodents, maggots, flies, lice, and tapeworms, as well as diseases like Rabies, Roundworm, distemper, Giardia, Legionnaires, Leptospirosis, and more.

2) Protect Yourself From Harm

As mentioned, dead animal carcasses are unsanitary and highly hazardous to your health. For these reasons, it is critical to take all the proper steps necessary to protect yourself from any type of exposure to disease or parasite. So, be sure to don yourself with a full face mask, heavy-duty work gloves, a sealable bag, a grasper tool (if available), and a shovel. You will need to pick the carcass up, place it in the bag, and bury it deep in the ground.

3) Hire a Professional Wildlife Removal Service

It may seem like a big project to locate, bag, and bury a dead animal, and it is. For this reason, most homeowners hire a local Nashville wildlife control company for dead animal removal service. They come fully-equipped to remove a dead animal and dispose of it according to all state and EPA guidelines. No, they will not bury it on your property! But they will ensure there are no residual hazards or dangers left behind.

Dead Animal Odor Detection

If you have not found the dead animal but can smell the distinct odor, you will need to do some further investigating. Start by walking in the direction that smells the most pungent. The most likely places inside a house to find a dead animal are inside cabinets, attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids. Outside, the possibilities are endless, but typically ground-level. Look in log piles, under porches and decks, in gardens, beneath chairs and benches, and even inside plastic tarps and covers, such as playset, grill, and pool covers.

If you cannot locate the dead animal, but the smell is putrid enough to give hint that the animal is too close for comfort, you will need to hire a local Nashville TN critter control company for an inspection. They have innovative technologies and astute industry knowledge to locate a dead animal in or around your house.

Do you have a dead animal in or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional dead animal removal in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding regions. We serve commercial clients, too.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Top 4 Ways to Get Rid of Armadillos in Tennessee

Armadillos are a common nuisance pest in the surrounding Nashville Tennessee areas. This is mostly due to the fact that they are notorious diggers, capable of destroying a backyard, front lawn, or garden in just one evening. If you are dealing with nuisance armadillo problems, rest assured that there are several effective methods you can use to abate or eliminate their activity, safely.

Continue reading to learn the top 4 ways to get rid of armadillos in Tennessee, and who to call for prompt and professional Nashville critter control for armadillos.

Armadillo Removal Nashville Tennessee
Armadillo Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Armadillo Removal and Control in Nashville Tennessee

Not only can armadillos dig up your lawn and gardens, causing an overwhelming sense of frustration and disappointment, but they can also cause damage to underground utilities and other structures that are in their digging territories. Pretty much, it is in your best interest to solve a nuisance armadillo problem as soon as you can, before their populations can increase in their damages worsen.

The most effective methods for armadillo control include environmental modifications, non-toxic repellents, structural installations, and professional wildlife removal services.

Cayenne Pepper Repellent

There are several spices and sensations that armadillos hate, so if they are present on your property, it is likely that armadillos will stay far away. Cayenne pepper is a very useful and effective spice, but you can also use menthol, mothballs, eucalyptus, and any other type of hot pepper spice. Simply combine your spices with water, transfer it into a clean spray bottle, and then mist the perimeter of your property and any areas of heightened armadillo activity. This solution will irritate noses, mouths, eyes, and sensitive skin, so be sure to keep children and pets away from any treated areas.

Garlic Plants

As mentioned, there are many scents and tastes that armadillos do not like, and garlic is one of them. It is suggested that an effective environmental modification you can make to your property is the addition of garlic plants. Plant them around your garden and property borders, as well as any areas where you know there has been armadillo activity.

Fence Installation

Fence installation is a common animal control method utilized by a wide variety of commercial and residential property owners. Structural boundaries like fences, barriers, and enclosures can be effective against armadillos, so long as you install them at least 24 inches high and 12 to 18 inches in the ground. This way, they can’t climb over or burrow underneath.

Professional Wildlife Control

When all else fails, you can always trust skills and resources of professional Nashville TN wildlife control company. They retain all of the proper resources, training, permits, and equipment to safely exclude armadillos and prevent them from coming back. If you have armadillos under your porch or infesting some other area of your property, they can also offer safe extraction services.

Are there nuisance armadillos causing trouble on your property and nothing seems to solve the problem? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed armadillo removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Middle Tennessee and its surrounding counties.

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Interesting Facts About Foxes in Tennessee

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Interesting Facts About Foxes in Tennessee

The most common species of fox here in Tennessee is the gray fox. Because of its mellow and pale color, many people often confuse gray foxes with coyotes. In fact, if you have been concerned about a coyote presence around your property, you may actually be spotting gray foxes. Now this doesn’t mean that you should turn the other cheek; gray foxes can quickly become a nuisance, especially because of their potent urine and excessive marking behaviors. Furthermore, foxes like to dig up yards and gardens, and can even pass along infectious diseases and parasites to dogs and cats.

Continue reading to learn some interesting facts about gray foxes in Tennessee, including how to get rid foxes when they start to become a threat to your property.

Fox Removal and Control Nashville Tennessee
Fox Removal and Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Top Facts About Foxes

Foxes are Related to Dogs

Foxes are part of the part of the Canidae family, which means they are distantly related to canines. But no, you do not want to make a stray fox your pet, as they are nothing like dogs. In fact, it is best to admire foxes in nature from far away, and to do your best to protect your property from nuisance fox activity.

Foxes are Omnivorous

Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat both plant material, like fruits and vegetables, as well as meat, like bugs, grubs, small and Fabians, small birds, rodents, and if available, even crayfish. When it comes to nuisance fox activity, this is a downfall because they will basically pillage your entire property for whatever grub they can find, whether that comes from your trash cans or your garden. To make matters worse, a single fox can eat 1 to 2 pounds of food on a daily basis, so you can rest assured that wandering fox is a hungry fox.

Not All Foxes are TRUE Foxes

There are 37 species of foxes in the world, but not all of them are considered true foxes. Of the 37 species, only 12 are categorized as a true fox species because they are part of the genus vulpes and Canidae family. The remaining 25 species of foxes are sub-species to these true fox species. The true fox species are the Red Fox, Arctic Fox, Bengal Fox, Blanford’s Fox, Cape Fox, Corsac Fox, Fennec Fox, Kit Fox, Pale Fox, Rüppell’s Fox, Swift Fox, and Tibetan Sand Fox.

Foxes are Covered in Whiskers

Most animals with whiskers grow them on their face, but foxes are special. They have whiskers on their face and their legs! There whiskers are important because they essentially work like a built-in navigation system or GPS. They help the fox remain alert to predators, hunt for prey, and find their way around their territories.

Foxes Can Climb Trees

Although we mentioned earlier, foxes are distantly related to dogs. But interestingly enough, foxes are quite similar to felines in terms of their climbing abilities. Not many people are aware that foxes can climb trees, which is why they are sometimes found on top of low level roofs and similar structures.

Foxes are Really Fast Runners

A fox can achieve running speeds of up to 45 miles an hour! That’s as fast as a car driving at regular roadway speeds! For gray foxes specifically, they can sprint up to 42 miles an hour, making them one of the faster fox species in the world. Take the red Fox for instance, which can achieve running speeds of up to 30 miles an hour.

Are you dealing with a nuisance fox problem on your property and need to get rid of foxes fast? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional fox removal in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding regions. We serve commercial clients, too.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers in Nashville

Woodpeckers are an interesting breed of bird that have earned themselves a bad reputation among tenants, homeowners, and commercial property owners. Although highly beneficial parts of our surrounding Nashville, Tennessee Eco-systems, woodpeckers are a real nuisance for home and business owners. Not only are they noisy, but they also leave behind unsightly structural damage to homes, sheds, buildings, and even trees. If you are experiencing a woodpecker problem in Nashville, it is time to learn how to manage it safely and effectively.

Continue reading to learn more about woodpeckers, and how to get rid of them on your Nashville, Tennessee property.

Woodpecker Removal Nashville Tennessee
Woodpecker Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Why Do Woodpeckers Peck?

There are three main reasons why woodpeckers peck: foraging for food, marking their territory, and chiseling for shelter. All three of these initiatives are carried out with a different type of pecking manner, the most damaging of which is excavating for shelter. Woodpeckers can cause an extreme amount of damage to siding and wood structures on residential and commercial properties with these pecking behaviors. They leave behind large, hollow pecking holes that are distinctive to woodpecker damage.

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers Safely

Fortunately, there are some safe and simple ways to get rid of woodpeckers without harming or killing them. In fact, it is important to know that woodpeckers are protected by state and federal laws. It is illegal and highly immoral to trap, harm, shoot, or kill woodpeckers without the proper licenses. The only authorized personnel permitted to deal with woodpecker control is wildlife rescue contractors.

Bird Deterrents That Target Woodpecker Species in Tennessee

You have a few options, in terms of deterrents, when it comes to getting rid of woodpeckers. You can choose to use tactile deterrents, visual deterrents, or sound deterrents to thwart woodpecker activity on your property. All three of these methods are non-lethal to birds and other animals, and relatively inexpensive to purchase.

Tactile Deterrents – There are products available on the market that are designed to adhere to woodpeckers down feather or fluff, preventing them from being able to fly or stay warm. These sticky repellents are not a good option since they put woodpeckers in danger and cause them to suffer. It is only recommended to use these products for extreme cases of woodpecker infestation. Examples of brands available include Bird Stop, Roost-No-More, and Tanglefoot Pest Control.

Visual Deterrents – Also a much safer approach, visual deterrents tend to work very well. Things like aluminum foil or reflective tape strips are frightening to woodpeckers. Hanging strips of aluminum foil, or using products like Irri-Tape, can thwart woodpecker presence overnight. Hang them long enough to blow in the breeze for best results. Also consider hanging windsocks, handheld windmills, and even plastic owls.

Sound Deterrents – Using sound machines that mimic common woodpecker predators, like hawks, can work well. The BirdXPeller Pro sound machine uses a woodpecker distress call followed by a Sharp-shinned Hawk call to scare woodpeckers away. Using sound deterrents works very well, especially when coupled with visual deterrents as well.

Looking for professional bird and wildlife abatement you can afford? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional bird removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all surrounding areas with commercial and residential critter control and cleanup.

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Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House

As children, we have wonderful memories of feeding the ducks at the park pond, or refilling our bird feeders with seed and nectar. Feeding wildlife on separate grounds is consequence-free; but now that you are a homeowner, is it really a good idea to be feeding wildlife from your own backyard? The answer sits on a spectrum, yet tends to veer towards, “no.”

Continue reading to learn why feeding wild animals can cause problems, and what you can do if you are already in over your head with nuisance wildlife activity on your property. 

Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

The Most Common Problems with Feeding Local Wildlife

The animals that are near your property likely include the usual species found here in Tennessee, such as birds, squirrels, raccoons, opossum, and skunks. If you live near wooded areas or bodies of water, then you can expect a much steadier frequency of animal activity. So, when you combine such locations with such species, you can open the door to a world of trouble if you choose to feed wild animals on your property.

Wild Animals Will Come Back for More

These animals are already on a hunt for food every night. And when they find a steady food source, they will remember it for a long time. This means they will cease to stop visiting your property, night after night. And what’s worse is that if they do not find the food that has been provide before, they will continue their search around your property for some. This leads to the consequences we mentioned before.

Wild Animals are Very Destructive

Not only will wild animals remember that your property is a sure source for food and continue to visit each night with more and more friends, but they will also cause a load of destruction. Animals like raccoons have human-like paws that allow them to grip, grasp, rip, and tear. With this advantage, raccoons will rip up lawns in search of grubs, pillage gardens for fruits and vegetables, and even try to access the inner parts of your home through the siding, roof, or garage. Once inside, the level of destruction only worsens; plus, it poses several health and safety risks since wild animals are known carriers of several infectious diseases and parasites.

They Will Make Your Home Their Own

So once animals know your yard is the place to eat, they will begin to help themselves to whatever else they want on your property. This includes shelter. They will make their nests under your porch or deck, in crawl spaces and attics, outdoor sheds and garages, and even tree houses and play sets! Log piles and stationary vehicles are other popular nesting destinations for animals like raccoons, skunks, and opossum.

They Carry Infectious Diseases and Parasites

The biggest threat that goes along with feeding wild animals on your property is the risk of being attacked or infected. As mentioned, wild animals are known carriers of diseases, parasites, and more. They are also capable of attacking curious pets and children if provoked, ill, or protecting their young. It is in the best interest of your home and family to not feed wildlife around your property.

If you insist on feeding animals, try to follow these tips:

☑ Use an animal-specific feeder, such as a bird feeder or squirrel feeder.

☑ Reduce the amount of food in warmer seasons when natural food sources are more abundant.

☑ Place the food in a centralized location to deter animals from walking across your lawn.

☑ If over-crowding occurs, spread out your sources to prevent aggressive or competitive behaviors.

☑ If you see an animal abandoned, injured, or behaving oddly, contact a licensed Tennessee critter control company, ASAP.

Are you having nuisance critter and pest problems at home or the office? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for professional wild animal removal services in Nashville, Tennessee. We provide service in all surrounding counties and districts too.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

2 Ways to Protect Your Garden From Nuisance Rabbits

This season, stop nuisance rabbits from destroying your flowerbeds and pillaging your gardens. Here in Nashville, rabbits are a common pest for homeowners, as they are infamously known for tearing up lawns and fresh sod, ripping up flowerbeds and pots, and indulging in fresh produce grown in ground gardens. But this spring and summer, you do not have to deal with nuisance rabbits stealing all of your well-earned garden yields; instead, implement some easy and effective rabbit control methods that are both safe for the environment and humane to all creatures.

Continue reading to learn the top two strategies for keeping pesky rabbits out of the garden, and a trusted last-resort option if nothing seems to work for you.

Rabbit Removal Nashville Tennessee
Rabbit Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Animal Repellents

Option one is to use an animal repellent. You have two choices here, to make your own or buy a product over the counter. If you choose to purchase a pre-manufactured rabbit repellent, just be sure it is environmentally safe, and non-toxic to pets and children. In fact, it is strongly recommended to just make your own animal repellent. A homemade solution is humane, non-toxic, and the recipe is simple. Just combine household spices and essentials with water, and transfer into a spray bottle. Use ingredients that are obnoxious and bothersome to rabbits, like ground red pepper, black pepper, menthol, spearmint, eucalyptus, and even cinnamon.

To Apply: Spray perimeter of garden with your solution. Be sure to keep pets and children away from treated areas.

Garden Fencing

Another option for protecting gardens against pillaging nuisance rabbits is to install a garden fence. You will need chicken wire, landscape garden staples, stakes, zip ties, wire cutters, a hammer, and mulch. When installing the chicken wire, be sure to bend the bottom of the wire on the outside of the fence so that it creates a 90 degree “lip” to prevent rabbits from tunneling underneath. Use the zip ties to connect the wire to the stakes, and use the staples every 2 feet or so to secure to the wire to the ground. When you are done installing your rabbit-proof fence, cover the outer lip with mulch.

Additional Tip: Install a motion detection sprinkler system that will scare rabbits away if they get too close!

What to Do When You are Not Seeing Results

If your chicken wire fence falls flat, and your homemade repellent doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, your next step is professional critter control assistance. Contact a local Nashville Tennessee animal removal service that can help critter-proof your entire property. They have the proper training and resources to safely get rid of rabbits without disturbing your premises.

Looking for a trusted critter control company in your area? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed rabbit removal services in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Middle Tennessee and its surrounding counties.

You Should Also Read:

FAQS About Animal Damages and Clean Up
How to Keep Chipmunks Out of the Garden
The Top 4 Methods to Get Rid of Raccoons

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962