Now that spring is in full effect, many of you are thinking about your seasonal gardens. There is no greater feeling than growing a lush, verdant, and bountiful garden full of your favorite herbs, vegetables, fruits, and more. But there is no worse feeling than going out first thing in the morning to harvest your beautiful yields only to find that your garden has been pillaged by hungry chipmunks!
If you have dealt with nuisance chipmunks year after year, especially when tending your gardens, now is the time to finally learn how to keep them out of your garden and away from your house. That’s right; chipmunks can be destructive to more than just gardens, so active abatement is necessary for properties with high volumes of chipmunks.
Continue reading to learn how to get rid of chipmunks, including ways to keep them out of your garden.

Top Strategies for Chipmunk Control Around the Garden
Not only can chipmunks pillage your gardens, taking everything from your marigolds to your strawberries, but they can also damage the roots, thus preventing any future growth. This is a loss of joy and a loss of money. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get rid of chipmunks in the garden, and further protect your property from additional chipmunk damages.
There are various preventative methods you can use to keep chipmunks out of the garden. The most popular are those that are humane and non-toxic. These methods are safe for wildlife, people, pets, and the surrounding environment. The top three chipmunk abatement strategies include homemade, non-toxic animal repellent, environmental modifications, and automatic sprinklers.
Homemade Chipmunk Repellent
There are a lot of scents, spices, and sensations that chipmunks absolutely hate, and therefore, avoid like the plague. These include naphthalene (moth balls) cayenne pepper, menthol, spearmint, capsaicin, oil of black pepper, piperine extract, and anything else that produces the stinging sensation of hot peppers or mint leaves. Simply add any select combination of ingredients to a plastic spray bottle filled with water, mix well, and presto! You have a homemade, non-toxic animal repellent you can spray around your garden to ward off nuisance chipmunks. Just be sure to keep it away from pets and young children, as it can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and mouth.
Environmental Modifications
You can place moth balls, which contain naphthalene, around the perimeter of your gardens to protect them against nuisance chipmunks. They hate the smell, and if they detect it, they will stay far away. You can also install mesh or wire netting over the top of your gardens, but this is usually recommended in conjunction with another chipmunk abatement strategy, like a repellent. Chipmunks can sometimes find their way through the netting, so spraying it with a homemade repellent can help the chances of keeping them out.
Automatic Sprinklers
Chipmunks, like most animals, do not like to be spray with water without notice. By installing an automatic sprinkler system with motion detection technology, you can give nuisance chipmunks quite the unwanted surprise every time they trespass onto your garden areas. You might also consider placing a tape recording of a barking dog or children playing to trick them into thinking there are threats nearby. This is a good overnight strategy for garden protection.
Are you still having trouble with nuisance chipmunks no matter what you do? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for safe and affordable chipmunk removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We also provide squirrel removal and flying squirrel removal.
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