The Ultimate Guide to Chipmunk Removal: Keep Your Yard Safe

Chipmunks may look cute and harmless, but these small creatures can cause significant damage to your yard if left unchecked. From burrowing holes that can ruin your landscaping to gnawing on ornamental plants, the havoc they wreak is far from negligible. If you are struggling with a chipmunk infestation and looking for effective solutions, you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to our Ultimate Guide to Chipmunk Removal. Here, we will provide you with comprehensive information on successful chipmunk deterrents and repellents, and practical steps to keep your yard safe, healthy, and chipmunk-free. 

Call 615-610-0962 For Chipmunk Removal Service in Nashville TN
Call 615-610-0962 For Chipmunk Removal Service in Nashville TN

Understanding Chipmunks

Before we dive into the methods of chipmunk removal, it’s essential to understand these furry creatures’ habits and behaviors. Chipmunks are small rodents that belong to the squirrel family. They are known for their striped backs and cheeks that they use to store food. Chipmunks prefer to live in areas with plenty of cover, such as overgrown lawns, bushes, or woodpiles. They are most active during the day and can produce two to three litters each year with five to eight offspring in each litter. This rapid reproduction makes it challenging to control chipmunk populations once they have infested your yard.

Signs of Chipmunk Infestation

The first step in chipmunk removal is to determine whether you have an infestation in your yard. Here are some common signs to look out for:

Holes and tunnels: Chipmunks dig burrows in the ground, creating holes or tunnels that are approximately two inches wide.

Damaged plants: These rodents gnaw on flowers, fruits, and vegetables, leaving behind bite marks and damage.

Chewed wires: Chipmunks can also cause electrical hazards by chewing on wires and cables.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to take immediate action to prevent further damage to your yard.

Effective Chipmunk Deterrents

There are several methods you can use to deter chipmunks from entering your yard. These include:

Removing potential hiding spots: Keep your lawn and garden tidy by trimming bushes, cutting back overgrown plants, and removing any debris or woodpiles where chipmunks may hide.

Using repellents: There are various commercial chipmunk repellents available in the market that use scents like garlic or predator urine to keep these rodents at bay. You can also make your own repellents using ingredients like cayenne pepper or peppermint oil.

Installing barriers: Physical barriers can be an effective way to keep chipmunks out. You can use wire mesh or fencing around your garden, plants, and trees to prevent access.

Natural Chipmunk Repellents

If you prefer a more natural approach to chipmunk removal, here are some options you can try:

Planting deterrent plants: Certain plants, such as daffodils, hyacinths, and alliums, are known to repel chipmunks due to their strong smell or taste.

Using predators: You can attract natural predators of chipmunks, such as cats, dogs, or birds of prey, to your yard to keep the chipmunk population in check.

Using sound and light: Some people have had success using ultrasonic devices or motion-activated lights to deter chipmunks. These devices emit high-frequency sounds or flashes of light that are unpleasant for these rodents.

Professional Chipmunk Removal Services

If your chipmunk infestation is severe or you are unable to control it on your own, it may be time to call in the professionals. Licensed and insured wildlife removal and control services offer effective and humane methods of chipmunk removal, such as live trapping and relocation.

Preventing Future Infestations

Once you have successfully removed chipmunks from your yard, it’s crucial to take preventive measures to avoid future infestations. Here are some tips to keep your yard safe:

Seal off entry points: Make sure there are no openings or cracks in your home’s foundation, walls, or pipes that could provide access for chipmunks.

Clean up fallen fruits and nuts: Chipmunks are attracted to food sources. Be sure to clean up any fallen fruits or nuts from trees regularly.

Use bird feeders wisely: If you have bird feeders, make sure they are not spilling seeds on the ground, as this can attract chipmunks.

By following these tips and being proactive in your approach, you can effectively prevent future chipmunk infestations.

In Conclusion

Chipmunks may be cute, but they can cause significant damage to your yard if left unchecked. By understanding their behavior, using effective deterrents and repellents, and taking preventive measures, you can keep your yard safe, healthy, and chipmunk-free. Whether you choose to tackle the infestation on your own or seek professional help, we hope this guide has provided you with valuable information for successful chipmunk removal.

Now it’s time to reclaim your yard and enjoy it to the fullest!  So, don’t wait any longer. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured chipmunk removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Get Rid of Chipmunks in Your Yard
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How to Keep Rabbits Away from Your Home

Rabbits may be cute, but they can cause a lot of damage to your garden and yard if left unchecked. That’s why it’s important to know how to keep rabbits away from your home. From rabbit removal techniques to rabbit deterrents and repellents, there are many ways you can protect your property from these furry pests.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most effective methods for keeping rabbits out of your home and garden so that you can enjoy your outdoor space without worry!

Call 615-610-0962 For Rabbit Removal in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Rabbit Removal in Nashville Tennessee

Rabbit Removal and Rabbit Proofing

One of the most effective rabbit removal methods is exclusion. This involves sealing off areas where rabbits may be able to enter your property, such as gaps in fences or under decks. Make sure to inspect your home for any potential entry points and seal them up with wire mesh or other materials. Setting up a tall fence around your yard can also be an effective way to keep rabbits from entering.

Environmental Modification

Another method you can use for rabbit control is environmental modification. Start by removing or barricading any potential food sources. This includes high-quality vegetation, young tree bark, tender shoots, and fresh grasses. They tend to seek out these foods in the springtime when new vegetation emerges. They have also been known to take other plant parts, such as seeds or flowers. Overall, most of a rabbit’s diet involves various kinds of leafy material.

Farmers can reduce rabbit damage by cutting grass shorter than normal around areas where the animals might be living or passing through. Furthermore, shaded or sheltered places should also be avoided; rabbits prefer sunny spots to rest where there is an abundance of food available.

Keeping pet food indoors and securing garbage cans are important steps toward keeping nuisance rabbits out of your yard and away from your garden plants. If you have fruit trees on your property, pick up fallen fruits as soon as possible so that they don’t provide a food source for rabbits.

Rabbits have a surprisingly good sense of smell, which allows them to recognize certain plants that may send warning signals. These include marigolds and cucumbers. To deter them from digging up your gardens, you can plant these pungent varieties around the perimeter. Doing so will create an invisible barrier between the wild bunnies and your precious plants!

Rabbit Repellents

In addition to rabbit removal and food source elimination, you can also deter rabbits from entering your property with target-animal repellents. There are many different types of commercial products available that can be used as rabbit repellents, such as scented sprays or granules that contain natural ingredients like putrescent egg, peppermint oil, garlic, or ammonia.

You can also create your own homemade repellent by mixing water, hot pepper sauce, and dish soap in a spray bottle. Spraying this mixture around the perimeter of your home and garden should help keep rabbits away. Just be sure to keep children and pets away from any treated areas. The solution could cause irritation and burning to the eyes, ears, nose, throat, and skin.

Keep Rabbits Off of Your Property For Good!

Overall, if you follow these steps to help keep rabbits away from your home or garden, you should have no problem enjoying your outdoor space. Make sure to inspect entry points for any gaps that could be used as access by rabbits. In addition, remove food sources that may attract them and use repellents such as sprays or granules made with natural ingredients to deter them from entering your property. With the right knowledge and effort, you can keep these furry critters away from invading your home and peace of mind!

Are you dealing with nuisance critters in or around your property? If so, contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed wildlife removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee, and its surrounding areas. We serve both residential and commercial clients with the most competitive prices around.

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What is Tunneling and Digging Under My Lawn?

Is your lawn starting to look more like a war zone rather than a grassy pasture due to animal tunneling? If so, now is the right time to act. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to your green, glossy lawn forever. Animal tunneling is a common problem for homeowners in the Tennessee areas, especially those who live close to a body of water. Not only can tunneling activity destroy the look of your lawn, but it will also kill grass, crops, and plants. And the nuisance activity will only persist until someone intervenes.

Continue reading to learn which species of animal usually cause this sort of lawn damage, and what you can do to get rid of them, safely.

Critter Control and Removal Nashville Tennessee
Yard Mole Removal – Groundhog Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Yard Moles and Groundhogs are Your Top Suspects

The two most common animals that practice underground tunneling are groundhogs and moles. Although voles and other species of wildlife are also known to exhibit the same behavior, their tunnels are not as noticeable from the surface.

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, create complex underground tunnel networks that contain separate entrances and exits. You can distinguish groundhog tunnels from other animals because they tend to be larger and wider, and have large openings around a foot wide.

Moles are subterranean mammals that have been biologically gifted with polydactyl forepaws, which allows them to dig intricate tunnel systems and search for grubs and worms. This activity causes above-ground lawn damage. You can tell you have a mole problem when your lawn has several tunnels that lead to mounds of dirt, known as “molehills.”

Critter Control for Yard Moles and Groundhogs

Regardless of whether you have moles or groundhogs ruining your lawn, it is a problem that must be dealt with as soon as possible. Not only will these tunnels damage your lawn, crops, and plants, they can also temp other animals to use them, such as mice and rats. The best way to get rid of a nuisance animal problem is to contact a licensed Nashville wildlife removal and control company for non-lethal animal abatement services. Never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a nuisance wild animal. There are laws that govern this practice, which is why a professional should always be contacted. 

Would you like a pest-free lawn this summer, safe from nuisance animal damages? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for safe and affordable Nashville Tennessee animal removal services for yard moles, groundhogs, and more.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962