Chipmunk Control: Understanding and Overcoming Infestations

Have you noticed small, striped rodents scurrying around your yard, digging holes, and nibbling on your garden plants? You’re not alone. Chipmunk infestations are a common problem for many homeowners and gardeners. These tiny creatures, though adorable, can cause significant damage to your property if not managed properly.

In this blog post, we will explore the behavior and habitats of chipmunks, identify signs of an infestation, understand the potential impacts, and provide effective prevention and control methods. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to protect your home and garden from these mischievous critters.

Holes in the ground made by chipmunks.
Holes in the ground made by chipmunks.

Overview of Common Chipmunk Species

There are 25 species of chipmunks, but the ones most often found in residential areas are the Eastern chipmunk and the Least chipmunk. The Eastern chipmunk is the larger of the two, measuring about 5 to 6 inches long (excluding the tail) and sporting a reddish-brown coat with distinctive black and white stripes running down its back. The Least chipmunk is smaller, with a slenderer build and darker stripes. Understanding which species that you are dealing with is the first step in successfully managing an infestation.

Habits, Diet, and Nesting Preferences

Chipmunks are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are omnivorous and have a varied diet that includes seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and insects. In the wild, they store food in their burrows to prepare for the winter months. These burrows, often located near tree roots or rock piles, can be extensive, with multiple chambers for sleeping, storing food, and rearing young.

However, when chipmunks venture into residential areas, they may create burrows under patios, sidewalks, and even house foundations. Their constant need to forage and store food can lead them into gardens and homes, where they can become a nuisance.

Beneficial and Problematic Roles

While chipmunks play a crucial role in ecosystems by dispersing seeds and aerating soil through their burrowing activities, they can also cause significant problems for homeowners. Their burrowing can damage lawns, gardens, and even structural foundations. Understanding their dual role helps us appreciate their place in nature while recognizing the need for control in residential settings.

Signs of a Chipmunk Infestation

Spotting a chipmunk or two in your yard isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm, but several signs indicate a more serious infestation. Look for:

  • Small holes (about the size of a quarter) in your lawn or garden beds.
  • Burrow openings near foundations, patios, or walkways.
  • Chewed plant stems or bulbs.
  • Droppings resembling small, dark pellets.

Distinguishing Chipmunk Activity

It’s essential to differentiate chipmunk activity from other pests like moles, voles, or mice. Chipmunk burrows typically have clean entrances without surrounding dirt mounds, unlike molehills. Observing their activity patterns—daytime for chipmunks versus nocturnal for many other rodents—can also help in identification.

The Impact of Chipmunk Infestations

Damage to Gardens and Structures

Chipmunks’ burrowing can undermine garden walls, patios, and house foundations, leading to structural damage over time. Their digging in flower beds and vegetable gardens can uproot plants and destroy root systems. Additionally, they may chew on garden hoses, irrigation systems, and even electrical wiring, creating hazards and requiring costly repairs.

Health Risks

While chipmunks are generally not aggressive, they can carry diseases like leptospirosis, salmonella, and hantavirus, which can be transmitted to humans through direct contact or indirectly through contaminated water or soil. They may also harbor fleas, ticks, and mites, posing additional health risks to pets and people.

Chipmunk Proofing and Prevention Methods

Landscaping and Yard Maintenance

To make your property less inviting to chipmunks, consider the following tips:

  • Keep your lawn mowed and free of debris.
  • Trim tree branches and shrubs to reduce cover.
  • Use mulch or gravel around plant beds to deter digging.
  • Remove food sources like birdseed, fallen fruit, and pet food.

Sealing Entry Points

Inspect your home and garage for potential entry points and seal any gaps or cracks. Use metal mesh or hardware cloth to cover vents, chimneys, and other openings. Ensure that doors and windows close tightly and repair any damaged screens.

Chipmunk Removal and Control

Humanely Deterring Chipmunks

There are several humane methods to deter chipmunks from your property. Motion-activated sprinklers, ultrasonic repellers, and natural repellents like cayenne pepper or garlic spray can be effective. Additionally, planting certain deterrent plants like daffodils, marigolds, or garlic chives can help keep chipmunks at bay.

Common Chipmunk Removal Methods

Live trapping is a popular method for removing chipmunks. Small animal traps are baited with peanut butter, sunflower seeds, or fruit. They are strategically placed near burrow entrances or along known pathways. Once captured, they are relocated far away from your property to prevent their return. Live trapping should only be carried out by licensed wildlife removal operators.

Professional Wildlife Control Services

If you have a severe infestation or prefer not to handle the removal yourself, consider hiring a professional wildlife control service. These experts can assess the situation, implement effective control measures, and provide advice on preventing future infestations.


Chipmunks, while charming, can become problematic when they invade our gardens and homes. By understanding their behavior and habits, recognizing signs of infestation, and implementing effective prevention and control methods, you can protect your property from damage and health risks. Taking proactive measures will help you enjoy a chipmunk-free environment, preserving the beauty and integrity of your garden and home.

Are chipmunks too much of a problem around your home or property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured commercial chipmunk removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife, including squirrels, and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Get Rid of Chipmunks in Your Yard

Are chipmunks wreaking havoc in your yard? These small rodents can be a nuisance, digging up plants and making burrows that could damage the foundation of your home. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get rid of chipmunks from your property. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about chipmunk removal and control so you can reclaim your yard!

Call 615-610-0962 For Chipmunk Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Chipmunk Control in Nashville Tennessee

Best Tips for Getting Rid of Chipmunks

Gain Some Chipmunk Knowledge

The first step in getting rid of chipmunks is to identify the type of chipmunk you have. Here in Tennessee, we have Eastern Chipmunks. The Eastern Chipmunk is an endearing animal that can be spotted living in the Eastern United States and Eastern Canada. They are omnivorous animals, eating mostly vegetation such as nuts, acorns, fruits, seeds, and buds. They’ll also sometimes snack on bugs and slugs to supplement their diet.

Eastern Chipmunks can easily be recognized by their five black stripes running along their back and two cheek stripes that meet just behind the head. When frightened or threatened Eastern Chipmunks will stand on their hind legs in order to scan for danger – an amusing sight! For the most part, they are solitary creatures that live in underground burrows which they dig themselves. These burrows serve as places of refuge from predators during winter months as well as protection for nesting sites for Eastern Chipmunks raising young.

Chipmunk Temptations

Once you understand chipmunks in the Smoky Mountain Region, it will be easier to come up with a plan for removal. Next, it’s important to understand why chipmunks are attracted to your yard in the first place. Common attractions include bird feeders, pet food bowls and compost piles. If possible, remove these items from your property as they can act as sources of food for chipmunks (and other pests).

Chipmunk Control

Control methods such as traps, repellents and fencing can also be used to get rid of chipmunks. Traps should be placed near burrows and tunnels, while repellents can be used to discourage chipmunks from coming back. Fencing is also a great way to keep chipmunks out as it acts as a physical barrier between your property and the rest of the outdoors.

Routine Lawn Care

Finally, make sure to practice good lawn maintenance when trying to get rid of chipmunks in your yard. Keep your grass trimmed short and remove any debris or clutter that could serve as shelter for the animals. Additionally, you can try planting certain plants such as lavender oil which are known to repel chipmunks.

Conclusion on Best Practices for Chipmunk Control

By following these steps, you’ll have a better chance at successfully getting rid of chipmunks in your yard. Remember, chipmunk removal and control is a process that requires patience, dedication, and the right methods.

Are you looking for a trusted Nashville critter control service that can help you get rid of armadillos at an affordable price? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured chipmunk removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Educational Facts About Chipmunks

Chipmunks are certainly cute and funny, but they have a lot more to offer! Learning all about chipmunks is fun because it gives you a greater appreciation for them, plus helps you understand their behaviors. As for property owners and residents, knowing more about chipmunks can give you an advantage when typing to stop them from pillaging your gardens and flowerbeds!

Continue below to review some of the most enlightening, educational facts about chipmunks, and where to get humane critter control assistance for chipmunks in Nashville, Tennessee, and its surrounding counties.

Chipmunk Critter Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Chipmunk Critter Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Chipmunks Come With a Warning Attached

Although you may have already gathered the fact from Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, chipmunks are really cool critters! Adorned with racecar-like stripes, bushy tails, and chubby cheeks, chipmunks are one of the most beloved animals among nature lovers. They are fast, curious, and mission-oriented, making them an entertaining species all year long.

Now, unlike the stars on the big screen, real-life chipmunks should only be admired from a distance. If they get too close, they can become a threat to your lawn, garden, flowerbeds, and even your house. They can’t help themselves, it’s just in their nature! But with smart and humane abatement strategies, you can protect your property from nuisance wildlife tampering, while also enjoying the presence of your neighborhood chipmunks, year-round.

What You Want to Know About Chipmunks

🐿 What They Are

Chipmunks are not squirrels, but they are part of the same family, known as Sciuridae. In fact, the word chipmunk is derived from the native Odawa word, “jidmoonh”, meaning red squirrel. Both chipmunks and squirrels are rodents, as they are part of the Rodentia Order. Here is the full scientific classification breakdown:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Subfamily: Xerinae

There are more than 25 species of chipmunks worldwide, but only one species does not exist in North America. That is the Siberian Chipmunk.

🐿 What They Do

Chipmunks build underground burrows that can be quite extensive. There, they hoard all of their seasonal findings. They hibernate in the winter, relying on their hoards when food is scare and the climate is cold.

Although they do not break into song like their famous counterparts, they do make some pretty cute sounds. Chipmunks squeak, chirp, and chitter-chatter to one another, communicating about possible threat and predators.

Chipmunks are solitary animals as adults. They traverse alone and do not bother one another when they are out of their burrows. However, chipmunks interact with one another during mating season. Come early April, chipmunks are ready to reproduce.

Chipmunk gestation is an average of 30 days, so babes are typically born between May and June. Mothers birth between 2 and 6 babies between May and June but can deliver up to 8! Baby chipmunks are called pups, kittens, or kits, and they rely on mother’s milk for the first 60 days of their lives! Although chipmunks usually only birth one litter, they will deliver a second if the first is lost.

🐿 What They Eat

Chipmunks are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and meat. The most common elements of their diet include nuts like hazelnuts and acorns, as well as grass, shoots, and general plant matter. Sometimes, chipmunks are known to eat worms, small frogs, bird eggs, and in rare cases, a baby bird.

Chipmunks have roomy cheek pouches that are similar to a hamster. These special cheek pouches let chipmunks stuff their mouths full of delicious findings and carry them back to their burrows for safe-keeping.

Do you have a nuisance chipmunk problem on your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional chipmunk removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Keep Chipmunks Out of the Garden

Now that spring is in full effect, many of you are thinking about your seasonal gardens. There is no greater feeling than growing a lush, verdant, and bountiful garden full of your favorite herbs, vegetables, fruits, and more. But there is no worse feeling than going out first thing in the morning to harvest your beautiful yields only to find that your garden has been pillaged by hungry chipmunks!

If you have dealt with nuisance chipmunks year after year, especially when tending your gardens, now is the time to finally learn how to keep them out of your garden and away from your house. That’s right; chipmunks can be destructive to more than just gardens, so active abatement is necessary for properties with high volumes of chipmunks.

Continue reading to learn how to get rid of chipmunks, including ways to keep them out of your garden.

Chipmunk Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Squirrel and Chipmunk Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Top Strategies for Chipmunk Control Around the Garden

Not only can chipmunks pillage your gardens, taking everything from your marigolds to your strawberries, but they can also damage the roots, thus preventing any future growth. This is a loss of joy and a loss of money. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get rid of chipmunks in the garden, and further protect your property from additional chipmunk damages.

There are various preventative methods you can use to keep chipmunks out of the garden. The most popular are those that are humane and non-toxic. These methods are safe for wildlife, people, pets, and the surrounding environment. The top three chipmunk abatement strategies include homemade, non-toxic animal repellent, environmental modifications, and automatic sprinklers.

Homemade Chipmunk Repellent

There are a lot of scents, spices, and sensations that chipmunks absolutely hate, and therefore, avoid like the plague. These include naphthalene (moth balls) cayenne pepper, menthol, spearmint, capsaicin, oil of black pepper, piperine extract, and anything else that produces the stinging sensation of hot peppers or mint leaves. Simply add any select combination of ingredients to a plastic spray bottle filled with water, mix well, and presto! You have a homemade, non-toxic animal repellent you can spray around your garden to ward off nuisance chipmunks. Just be sure to keep it away from pets and young children, as it can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Environmental Modifications

You can place moth balls, which contain naphthalene, around the perimeter of your gardens to protect them against nuisance chipmunks. They hate the smell, and if they detect it, they will stay far away. You can also install mesh or wire netting over the top of your gardens, but this is usually recommended in conjunction with another chipmunk abatement strategy, like a repellent. Chipmunks can sometimes find their way through the netting, so spraying it with a homemade repellent can help the chances of keeping them out.

Automatic Sprinklers

Chipmunks, like most animals, do not like to be spray with water without notice. By installing an automatic sprinkler system with motion detection technology, you can give nuisance chipmunks quite the unwanted surprise every time they trespass onto your garden areas. You might also consider placing a tape recording of a barking dog or children playing to trick them into thinking there are threats nearby. This is a good overnight strategy for garden protection.

Are you still having trouble with nuisance chipmunks no matter what you do? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for safe and affordable chipmunk removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We also provide squirrel removal and flying squirrel removal.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962