Mastering Fox Control: Practical Guidelines for Homeowners

Foxes, with their stunning red coats and playful demeanor, may seem like a charming addition to your backyard, but don’t be fooled. These clever creatures can cause headaches for homeowners, wreaking havoc on gardens, threatening pets, and even posing potential health risks. If you find yourself having to deal with these unwelcome guests, don’t despair.

This comprehensive guide will arm you with practical strategies for effective fox control, from safe and humane fox removal methods to effective fox repellents. So read on and take the first step towards reclaiming your backyard.

Call 615-610-0962 For Fox Control in Nashville & Clarksville TN
Call 615-610-0962 For Fox Control in Nashville & Clarksville TN

Understanding Fox Behavior

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of fox control, it’s important to understand a little bit about these cunning creatures. Foxes are highly adaptable and intelligent animals that are found in both rural and urban areas. They are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they will eat anything from insects to small mammals, fruits, and even trash. Foxes are also known for their keen sense of smell, excellent hearing, and sharp claws and teeth. These traits make them efficient hunters, but they can also become a nuisance when they start to target your property.

Effective Fox Control Strategies

When it comes to dealing with foxes on your property, prevention is always better than cure. Here are some practical guidelines that can help you avoid unwanted fox encounters:

Secure your trash cans: Foxes are attracted to garbage, so make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids and are kept in a secure area away from the reach of foxes.

Protect your garden: Foxes love digging, which can wreak havoc on gardens. Install chicken wire or other barriers around your garden beds to deter them from digging.

Remove potential hiding spots: Foxes are known to take shelter in bushes and woodpiles, so keep your yard free from clutter and overgrown vegetation.

Keep pet food indoors: If you have outdoor pets, don’t leave their food outside as it can attract foxes. Instead, feed them indoors or ensure any leftover food is cleaned up promptly.

Install motion-activated lights and sprinklers: Foxes are nocturnal creatures, so installing motion-activated lights and sprinklers can startle them and deter them from coming onto your property.

If prevention methods fail, here are some strategies for safely removing foxes from your property:

Use noise deterrents: Foxes have sensitive ears, so loud noises can be an effective way to scare them off. You can use a loud radio, clapping hands, or even a homemade noisemaker with coins in a metal can to make noise and drive them away.

Use motion-activated deterrents: Similar to the lights and sprinklers mentioned earlier, there are also motion-activated devices that emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant for foxes but not harmful.

Use fox repellents: There are several types of animal repellents you can use to deter foxes, such as sprays or granules, that contain natural ingredients like hot pepper or predator urine to deter foxes. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and use caution when handling these products.

Humane Fox Removal

If all else fails and you need to physically remove a fox from your property, it’s important to do so safely and humanely. Here are some tips for humane fox removal:

Consult a professional: It is always best to seek the help of a professional wildlife control expert who has experience dealing with foxes.

Use live traps: Live traps can be effective in catching a fox alive. Once caught, make sure to release the fox in a suitable environment, preferably away from residential areas.

Never use poison or lethal traps: These methods are not only cruel but can also pose a danger to other animals and even humans.


In conclusion, dealing with foxes on your property may seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategies and precautions, it is possible to effectively control them. Remember to always prioritize prevention methods and use humane techniques for fox removal. With these practical guidelines, you can become a master at fox control and reclaim your backyard from these clever creatures.  So go ahead, put these tips into action, and enjoy a fox-free home!

Get rid of your nuisance fox problems with our advanced critter control solutions! Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed fox removal and control in Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee, and all surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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What You Need to Know About Fox Removal and Control

The Pros and Cons of Different Types of Animal Repellents

Are you looking for ways to keep nuisance animals away from your property? Animal repellents are one of the most effective solutions available. From natural, Eco-friendly options like coyote urine and mothballs to chemical sprays and ultrasonic devices, animal repellents come in a variety of forms. But before you invest in any kind of wildlife control solution, it’s important to understand both the pros and cons associated with each type of animal repellent.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the different types of animal repellents on the market today and discuss their advantages and disadvantages so that you can make an informed decision about which option is best for your needs.

Call 615-610-0962 For Wildlife Repellent Service in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Wildlife Repellent Service in Nashville Tennessee

Common Types of Animal Repellents

Chemical Repellents

One of the most popular forms of animal repellents on the market today is chemical sprays or scented foam repellents. These solutions are typically made from predator urine, skunk oil, or other strong-smelling ingredients that help keep animals away from your property. The advantages of chemical sprays include their effectiveness at deterring animals and their relatively low cost when compared to other types of repellents. However, one disadvantage with using chemical sprays is that they can be harmful to humans if used too liberally around food sources or in areas where people come into contact with them regularly.

Ultrasonic Animal Deterrents

Another common form of animal repellent which has seen a surge in popularity recently are ultrasonic devices. These devices produce ultrasonic sound waves that disrupt the natural habitat of nuisance animals and effectively repel them from your property. The benefits of using ultrasonic devices are that they are non-invasive, relatively inexpensive, and don’t require any hazardous chemicals. However, one disadvantage is that they may not be effective in particularly noisy environments or with certain types of animals.

Traditional OTC Repellents

There are also more traditional forms of animal repellents such as coyote urine and mothballs which have been used for centuries to keep animals away from areas where humans live and work. These solutions are often praised for their effectiveness at deterring a wide variety of wildlife without the use of potentially dangerous chemicals or equipment. On the other hand, these solutions can be expensive when compared to other types of animal repellents and can have an unpleasant smell which may be off-putting to humans.

Homemade Animal Repellent

If you’re looking to keep pesky animals out of your garden or yard but are hesitant to use harsh and potentially toxic chemical sprays, then homemade animal repellent might be just what you need. Not only is it non-toxic, but it’s also chemical-free, making it safe for both the environment and the animals themselves. There are several effective ingredients you can use to make your own animal repellent, such as the putrescent egg, which releases a smell that deters animals, or capsaicin oil, which irritates the eyes and nose of animals, keeping them away from treated areas. You can also mix in ground cayenne and red pepper, menthol oil, and spearmint oil, which animals also dislike. With a little experimenting, you can make a homemade animal repellent that’s both effective and eco-friendly.

Get Rid of Nuisance Wildlife Safely

Ultimately, choosing the right kind of animal repellent depends on your individual needs. It’s important to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of each type of solution before making a decision about which one is best for you. With a little research and consideration, you should be able to find the perfect animal repellent that meets all of your criteria.

Are you searching for an affordable critter control company that you can trust to safely get rid of problematic animals on and around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured wildlife removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee, Clarksville, and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Nuisance Fox Control Regulations in Tennessee

Tennessee is home to a variety of wildlife, including foxes. While these animals can be fascinating to watch, they can also become a nuisance when they start raiding your trash or digging up your garden. If you’re dealing with an overpopulation of foxes on your property in Tennessee, it’s important to know the state regulations for controlling and removing them.

In this blog post, we’ll cover what you need to know about nuisance fox control regulations in Tennessee so that you can keep both yourself and the animals safe.

Call 615-610-0962 For Fox Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-610-0962 For Fox Control in Nashville Tennessee

Common Signs of Nuisance Foxes

Nuisance foxes can be tricky to spot; however, there are several common signs that indicate their presence. For example, a strong smell of urine will often linger in areas where a fox is present. You may also find the animal’s tracks and droppings, which can be identified by their cylindrical shape and pointy ends. Foxes may also appear during dawn and dusk when they become active and search for food, disturb sleeping birds or scavenge through garbage. If you have a suspicion that there is a nuisance fox nearby, look for these signs or consider setting up a camera trap to get visual evidence. Then contact a professional Nashville wildlife control company for expert fox removal and abatement services.

Tennessee Regulations for Fox Trapping and Abatement

The first step in dealing with nuisance foxes is understanding Tennessee’s regulations. The state has a Nuisance Wildlife Control program that requires all wildlife control operators to be licensed and to use only non-lethal methods of removal. This means that any live capture traps must be checked every day, while poison and euthanasia are not allowed. Additionally, the program bans relocating foxes outside of their natural range or habitat.

Professional Fox Removal and Control Services

Nuisance foxes can cause a lot of problems if left unchecked. In some cases, they can pose a danger to both humans and animals alike. To keep their population under control, licensed fox removal and control services are available to assist property owners in deterring these animals from taking up residence near their dwellings. Professional fox trappers are state licensed and insured, plus they retain the proper equipment and resources to safely get rid of foxes and animal-proof the surroundings to prevent future fox activity. They are able to identify the most appropriate methods for controlling nuisance fox populations for commercial and residential properties, all without causing harm of any kind to the surrounding landscape or non-target wildlife. With the help of experienced fox removal experts, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of being impacted by these animals’ presence significantly.

Fox Control Methods

Once the nuisance foxes have been removed, it’s important to take steps to prevent their return. This includes eliminating food sources like garbage, pet food, and bird feeders, as well as sealing off access points around your property with fences or other deterrents. If you have pets, make sure you keep them secure at all times in order to protect them from any remaining foxes in the area.

How to Get Rid of Foxes for Good

Dealing with nuisance foxes can be a tricky situation, but understanding Tennessee’s regulations for removal and prevention is key to keeping yourself and the animals safe. Be sure to hire an experienced professional and practice proper precautions when it comes to removing and preventing foxes on your property in Tennessee. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can keep your home free of these unwanted visitors.

Are you tired of dealing with the nuisance fox activity on your property? Are foxes causing your landscape all sorts of grief? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed and insured fox removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We also work with many other types of wildlife and serve both residential and commercial clients.

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What You Need to Know About Fox Removal and Control

Where does that age-old phrase, “sly as a fox” come from? Well, if you knew anything about the species themselves, you would understand. Foxes are stealthy, cunning, and agile. These attributes, combined with their incessant curiosity and devotion to survival, make them a common nuisance pest in rural and urban areas. If you are noticing an increase in fox activity and tampering on your property, it is not too late to intervene.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about Fox removal and control, including where to get safe and professional critter abatement services in the Smoky Mountain region.

Fox Removal and Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Fox Removal and Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Spotting a Fox

It is common for people to confuse a coyote or stray dog, and sometimes even a cat, for a fox. Although similar in size to a medium dog, foxes have narrow heads, long snouts, and bushy tails. Here in the Tennessee region, the most prevalent species of fox is the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), which gets its name from its rust- colored fur coat. As for behavior, foxes can climb trees just like cats and bark like dogs. They use their barking skills to communicate with one another or to defend themselves in threatening situations.

Foxes tend to be a nuisance for home and business owners because they like to use man-made shelters as their own. They often choose things like dog houses, sheds, pool houses, jungle gyms, barns, and even gaps below, porches and patios as shelter. This can cause a lot of structural damage, plus pose certain hazards for children and pets. As notorious diggers and burrowers, they can also do a lot of lawn and foundation damage.

Foxes also pose safety and health threats. Not only are they carriers of diseases, potentially Rabies, but they are also known to attack children and pets upon provocation.

How to Get Rid of Foxes

Fortunately, deterring nuisance fox activity is simple. There are many strategies to choose from, but combining more than one typically generates the most successful results. These strategies include environmental modification, animal proofing, and professional animal trapping and removal.

As for a fox repellent, one of the key essential ingredients is urine. You can use your own urine, or you can purchase predator urine, which is typically made from coyote or Bobcat. Simply apply the urine to the perimeter of your property to create a barrier or invisible fence for foxes.

Tips for environmental modification include sealing up or blocking off any areas that foxes can use as shelter. It is also helpful to remove any type of edible material or food from your property, including pet food, livestock feed, birdseed, and squirrel feeders.

Professional critter control for foxes is the best approach to solving a nuisance fox problem. They have the proper resources, equipment, training, and permits to get the job done promptly, and most importantly, effectively.

Choose a service that adheres to safe and responsible animal removal and trapping, such as Smoky Wildlife Control of Tennessee! Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional fox removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients at the most competitive prices around.

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