What You Need to Know About Raccoons in the Attic

Raccoons are clever and sneaky critters we must control. They are intelligent and agile, which makes them especially good at breaking into our homes, particularly the attic. Attics provide warmth, privacy, and ease of access, which is why they are a common target for raccoons and even other types of wildlife, such as bats, squirrels, and chipmunks. If you have tall trees near your roof, live in a one-level home, or located near forests or wooded areas, your property is certainly on the list of potential raccoon activity.

For this reason, you do not want to let your attic become a raccoon den. It is important to stay on top of attic inspections to ensure it is pest-free. Not only will raccoons cause immediate damage to your house, but the longer they are in your attic, the worse those damages get, and thus, more costly and invasive to repair.

Continue reading to learn what to do if you discover or suspect that you have raccoons in your attic, as well as who you can trust with prompt and professional raccoon removal and infestation cleanup service in Nashville, Tennessee.

Don’t Let Nuisance Raccoons Destroy Your Valuable Attic Space

You Do Not Want Raccoons in the Attic

Raccoons typically dwell within dens or hollow trees, where they hibernate for the winter and breed in the spring. They feed and nest their young and use these spaces as their homes.  Due to over-construction and new development, raccoons are being forced to find shelter among our residential and commercial neighborhoods. This is why raccoons are being discovered in garages, sheds, crawl spaces, and attics all over the U.S. They can squeeze through tiny openings in rooftops, siding, and cellars. Raccoons use these entrances to gain access to the dark, isolated, cozy spots within our homes; the most popular space being the attic.

Raccoons are a very serious problem to have because they create huge messes that lead to costly repairs and restorations for homeowners. They chew through electrical wiring, rip down insulation, saturate the area with urine and feces, and much more. The degree of damages depends on the length of time they were living in the attic. Sometimes, the attic dry wall and insulation can become so saturated that it can begin to leak through the ceilings in the main living spaces of the home. It is also known to create unpleasant odors in these same areas.

Hire a Professional Nashville Animal Removal Service

If you notice signs that you may have raccoons living in your attic, then contact a professional Nashville critter control company for emergency raccoon removal services. Common signs of raccoons in the attic include squeaking and scratching noises, lingering indoor odors, wall and ceiling stains, animal scat around the outside of the house, rummaged gardens or trashcans, and related pest infestations like lice, fleas, and ants. You see, a licensed Nashville critter control company can get rid of raccoons in the attic, clean up and decontaminate the mess, and then restore any structural damages they left behind.

Do you think you might have a nuisance raccoon problem in or around your place?  Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional emergency raccoon removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

The Top 4 Methods to Get Rid of Raccoons

Local raccoon populations are not really Eco-beneficial like so many other native Tennessee species. For instance, bats play a major role in our surrounding Eco-system and even our local economies, as they help farmers fertilize and sell their crops, which stimulates the economy. Plus, bats are excellent pest control because they eat hundreds of thousands of insects, like mosquitos, every night! This also protects our crops and gardens, and boosts our outdoor comfort.

But when it comes to raccoons, they are not so great to have around. They have a lot of characteristics and abilities that set them apart from other nuisance animals in the state, including their high intelligence. If you are spotting raccoons in or around your Nashville, Tennessee property on a routine basis, you need to take back control. Get rid of raccoons before they can cost you time, money, stress, or worse, ailment.

Continue reading to learn the top 4 methods that are most effective for getting rid of nuisance raccoons, and how to get started on the task as soon as tonight!

Raccoon Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Why Raccoons are Bad News

Raccoons are very intelligent, and they have excellent memories. They will remember the location of a reliable source of shelter or food, and return there night after night, until the resources are depleted or no longer available. Their intelligence allows them to be creative and clever when attempting to enter buildings and structures. This is why raccoons are often successful at such, and often infest areas like attics, crawl spaces, wall voids, garages, sheds, barns, tree houses, and similar hidden areas of commercial and residential edifices.

In addition to their high intelligence and cleverness, you have to consider their anatomical features. Raccoons have long, sharp claws, but what’s more advantageous for them is the fact that they have dexterous paws, almost human-like, allowing them to do all sorts of things. They use their paws to open windows, tear through screens, turn doorknobs, pry off roof shingles and siding, and so much more. They are also known to dig up lawns in search of juicy grubs and earthworms, and pillage gardens and flowerbeds for all they have to offer.

If ever to gain access to your property, for instance the attic, raccoons create a massive mess that is highly unsanitary and structurally damaging. If this type of damage is not covered under your homeowners’ insurance policy, you might be paying for the cleanup and repair yourself. Then worst of all, raccoons are known carriers of several infectious diseases and parasites, including the Rabies virus, Distemper, Roundworm, lice, and more. These illnesses can be transmitted to both people and pets, making local raccoons a threat, full-circle.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in Nashville

The wrong way to get rid of raccoons in Nashville would be to use any method that is unsafe, toxic, or harmful to raccoons and other animals. This includes shooting raccoons, or attempting to poison them with pest control products and chemicals. Not only are these against the law in most jurisdictions, it is very dangerous to both people and nature. Instead, here are the industry-accepted, best practices for Nashville raccoon control, in accordance with all local and Tennessee regulations that govern wildlife:

Environmental Modification

This phrase simply means changing your surrounding environment to divert raccoons away from your property. You see, raccoons are coming around because there is something, or perhaps a few things, that they are attracted to. If you remove or deny access to these things, you can thwart their interest and encourage them to move onto another territory. Remove all food and water sources, including pet food storage, pet food dishes, bird baths, and even squirrel feeders for the time being. Add chicken wire around your gardens, and cut down tree limbs that allow access to your roof. You can also apply a non-toxic raccoon repellent made from water, cayenne, menthol, spearmint, and cinnamon. Just be careful using this around areas where small children or pets play.

Giving Them a Scare

One of the safest and easiest ways to get rid of raccoons in Nashville is to scare them off. Try installing motion-sensed lights around the areas you’ve been spotting them, or even automatic sprinklers set to night mode. You can also place a talk radio outside, or a recording of dogs barking that goes off when it detects motion, like the new Alexa Guard feature on Amazon Echo devices. All of these things will make them think humans are around, and will frighten them away.

Trapping and Exclusion

To protect your home from nuisance raccoons, you will need to first block off all entry points to holes or hideaways that might allow raccoons entry. Then you will have to make any other necessary structural adjustments or modifications, such as tree trimming or removing a pet door, to ensure full security against raccoon intrusions. In addition to raccoon exclusion, you might also need to trap raccoons and remove them from your property in the case that you have raccoons in the attic. This is usually carried out using innovative supplies like cage traps, foothold traps, and body-gripping traps. Both raccoon exclusion (forcing them and keeping them out) and raccoon extraction (raccoon removal) are jobs that are best left in the hands of licensed and trained professionals who are properly equipped to do the job, safely and humanely.

Certified Raccoon Removal Service in Nashville, Tennessee Any Time or Day

Call Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for safe and affordable raccoon removal service in Nashville, Tennessee and all surrounding counties in the Greater Nashville and Middle Tennessee areas. We are a licensed and insured critter control company with hands-on experience in the wildlife trapping and removal industry. Not only do we offer a wide range of animal removal services, including cleanup and repair for animal damages caused by raccoons, but we also offer 24 hour emergency raccoon removal, property inspections, post-service follow ups, and free estimates. Just looking for some quick advice? We gladly provide that too, free of charge! Request a free quote, today.

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962