Freaky Fun Facts About Vampire Bats

There are many popular misconceptions about bats. They are often portrayed as sinister creatures of the night, associated with darkness and death. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood bat species with a bad rep is the Vampire bat, mostly due to its unfortunate and misleading moniker.

So, for a Halloween treat this year, let’s take a closer look at Vampire bats and learn some freaky fun facts about them!

Bat Removal Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Bat Removal Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Clearing Up the Myths About Vampire Bats

Vampire bats are small, winged mammals that live in Central and South America. There are three species of vampire bat, all of which are relatively small. The largest of these, the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus), has a body length of around 3.5 inches (9 cm) and a wingspan of up to 8.5 inches (22 cm). The other two species, the White-Winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi) and the hairy-legged vampire bat (Trachops cirrhosus), are both slightly smaller.

Vampire bats are found in tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America. Common vampire bats inhabit a wide range of habitats, including rainforests, savannas, and even urban areas. White-winged vampire bats are found primarily in forested areas, while hairy-legged vampire bats prefer more open habitats such as grasslands. All three species of vampire bat are nocturnal, meaning that they are most active at night. During the day, they roost in dark, sheltered areas such as caves, trees, or buildings.

Vampire Bats Do Not Suck Blood

These bats are unique in that they feed primarily on blood, which they obtain by biting their victim’s skin and licking the blood that flows from the wound. Though they are capable of feeding on other animals, vampires prefer to dine on livestock such as cows and chickens. Vampire bats have a number of adaptations that enable them to feed on blood. Their sharp teeth are perfect for puncturing skin, and their saliva contains an anticoagulant that prevents the blood from clotting. They also have a special heat-sensing ability that allows them to locate warm-blooded prey in the dark.

Despite their reputation, vampire bats are fascinating creatures that play an important role in the ecosystems where they live. By feeding on blood, they help to control the populations of their prey animals. They also play a part in the dispersal of seeds and pollen, as they often defecate while in flight. As a result, vampire bats play an important role in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems.

Risk of Disease

Though they are capable of spreading disease, vampire bats are not considered to be a major public health concern. The diseases that they can transmit, such as rabies, are relatively rare. In addition, vampire bats typically only feed on animals, and so the risk of them transmitting disease to humans is considered to be low.

The Importance of All Bat Species

There are many popular misconceptions about bats. They are often portrayed as sinister creatures of the night, associated with darkness and death. However, bats are actually incredibly interesting and important animals. There are over 1,200 species of bats in the world, making them the second largest group of mammals (after rodents). They are found on every continent except Antarctica and can live in a wide variety of habitats, from rainforests to deserts. Bats play an important role in many ecosystems, serving as pollinators and seed dispersers as well as helping to control insect populations.

Despite their importance, bats are often misunderstood and feared. In many cultures, they are associated with darkness, death, and evil. This negative portrayal of bats is unjustified and can lead to real harm. Bats are vital to the health of our planet, and we should do everything we can to protect them.

Are you dealing with a nuisance bat problem on your property and need to get rid of them fast? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and Clarksville, TN. We serve commercial clients, as well.

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How to Feed Squirrels Without Turning Them Into a Nuisance

When feeding the wildlife around your home or office, it is important to follow certain guidelines if you want to prevent future nuisance critter problems. This point is especially true for squirrels. Squirrels are notorious for overstaying their welcome in terms of nuisance wildlife tampering and activity. Not only can they pillage your pots and planters, but they can also steal all your birdseed, pet food, and even your garbage.

As a squirrel admirer, you will be happy to learn that there is an easy way to nurture and feed your backyard squirrels without turning them into a nuisance. Continue below for these tips and more!

Squirrel Critter Control Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Squirrel Critter Control Nashville Clarksville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Tips for Feeding Squirrels

You can find squirrel feeders all over the place. From your local home improvement and garden stores to your favorite all-encompassing online retailer, squirrel feeders are easy to procure and even easier to set up. Just be sure you get yourself some quality squirrel feed! This is just one way you can protect your property from nuisance squirrel activity.

Let’s review some of the most important rules when feeding squirrels around your house:

Avoid Using Human Foods

Although it may be tempting to leave out some fresh fruit and vegetables, or some crunchy peanut butter, is not recommended to feed human food to squirrels. Not only is people food deficient of certain nutrients essential in a squirrel’s diet, but depending on manufacturing and ingredients, it can also make them sick. If you wish to make your own squirrel feed, aim for organic, unprocessed ingredients like nuts, legumes, and seeds.

Secure Your Trash

Squirrels love a good garbage raid. They will pillage any open and accessible trashcan whenever possible. Even if you are feeding squirrels, they will still go after your garbage receptacles if the opportunity is there. To prevent squirrels from reaching this level of nuisance activity, be sure to secure your trashcans inside until collection day or replace your trashcans with metal ones that cannot be chewed through. The same goes for pet food that is kept outdoors.

Place Feeders Further Away From Your House

When choosing locations for your squirrel feeders, it can be tempting to lodge them close by where you can see them and enjoy the show. But if squirrel feeders are too close to your house, you may run into some nuisance squirrel problems down the line. Hanging feeders too close to your siding can give squirrels access to your roof, which is a prime target for attic and chimney invasions. Hanging them from your patio can cause concern if you have young children or pets, as squirrels are known to carry diseases, and can become too comfortable, causing them to turn territorial and aggressive.

Are you concerned about the nuisance squirrel activity on or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed squirrel removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee, and surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Tell if You Have Squirrels in the Attic
How to Stop Squirrels From Emptying Your Bird Feeders
Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House

Essential Facts About Nuisance Raccoons

Raccoons can cause a lot of trouble for both home and business owners. Their high level of intelligence gives them an advantage in the scavenger world, while their dexterous, human-like paws give them the ability to grip, grasp, pry, and pull. These attributes make them the perfect storm in terms of residential and commercial pests.

If you are currently dealing with a nuisance raccoon problem or have noticed in increase in raccoon visits on your property or in your community, it is important to take the right precautions and implement the most responsible protections.

Continue reading to learn some basic facts about raccoons that will help you better understand their behaviors and give you the tools necessary to raccoon-proof your property against tampering and intrusions.

Raccoon Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Information About Raccoon Pests

What They Look Like

Raccoons come in all different sizes, shapes, colors, and more, depending on which region of the world they are from. Here in the Smoky Mountain region, the Common raccoon is usually a combination of muted colors, including gray, brown, white, and black. They have large, furry tails that are striped with black rings. Aside from their ringed tails, their most distinguishable trait is a black patch of fur around their eyes that resembles a burglar’s mask. Raccoon offspring are born without ring tails and black mask, as these traits develop as they get older. At full maturity, an adult raccoon is similar in size to a large house cat and weighs between 15 to 40 pounds.

Where They Live

Raccoons, like most mammals in Tennessee, prefer to live near water sources and forested areas. They will make their dens inside hollow trees or brush piles, or simply use dens that were previously dug by other animals. In populated areas, raccoons are known to use residential and commercial properties as a means of shelter. Attics, basements, garages, porches, crawl spaces, and roofs are some common areas where raccoons are found. They can cause an extreme amount of damage, which is why this behavior has classified them as a nuisance animal in these areas.

How They Behave

To each other, raccoons will chirp, purr, and grunt as a means of communication. In situations where raccoons feel threatened or scared, they will often hiss, snort, and growl. Many people assume raccoons in Tennessee are dangerous, but they will not attack unless they are sick, nursing young, or provoked in some way. In everyday life, raccoons are nocturnal, so they are only active at night. During active hours, they often hunt for food, but certain times of the year, they will also be on the lookout for warmer shelters. As mentioned earlier, they have highly dexterous paws and sharp claws, which gives them amazing climbing abilities. You will often spot raccoons high up in trees, on roofs, and more.

What They Eat

Raccoons are omnivores just like us. They eat animals, plants, legumes, and more. The most common foods eaten by raccoons in Tennessee include eggs, clams, fish, snails, beetles, insects, larva, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and even small birds and amphibians. In populated areas, raccoons are known to love pet food and garbage, so be careful leaving your trashcans out overnight. If you watch a raccoon eating near a body of water, it will look as though they are “washing” their meal, but really, they are just using their highly sensitive paws to better identify whatever it is they are about to eat.

When They Breed

Raccoons generally mate in the early spring, so you can expect late spring and early summer births. Female raccoons have a short gestation period, around 60 days, and can birth anywhere from one to five pups at a time. Raccoon babies are called “kits”, or more informally, “pups.” Pups stay with their mothers until the next spring, in which time they have learned to climb, feed, and care for themselves.

Why They are a Nuisance

Because of their high intelligence, climbing skills, and human-like paws that can grab hold of anything, raccoons are consequently a highly-destructive animal. They are known to dig up lawns in search of grubs, pillage chicken coops, destroy gardens and potted plants, pry open porch boards for access below, rip off roof shingles and siding, and much more. But above all else, they are most notorious for causing a large mess out of trashcans and dumpster containers. They will even eat pet food and livestock feed. These raccoon damages are more than just structural and costly, they are also a safety and health risk.

How to Get Rid of Them

If you have a nuisance raccoon problem in the Tennessee or Smoky Mountain regions, act now and hire a professional operator for safe critter control assistance. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable raccoon removal services in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial work.

Related Posts:

The Top 4 Methods to Get Rid of Raccoons
Make This Non-Lethal Animal Repellent Recipe to Get Rid of Raccoons
What You Need to Know About Raccoons in the Attic

What You Need to Know About Fox Removal and Control

Where does that age-old phrase, “sly as a fox” come from? Well, if you knew anything about the species themselves, you would understand. Foxes are stealthy, cunning, and agile. These attributes, combined with their incessant curiosity and devotion to survival, make them a common nuisance pest in rural and urban areas. If you are noticing an increase in fox activity and tampering on your property, it is not too late to intervene.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about Fox removal and control, including where to get safe and professional critter abatement services in the Smoky Mountain region.

Fox Removal and Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Fox Removal and Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Spotting a Fox

It is common for people to confuse a coyote or stray dog, and sometimes even a cat, for a fox. Although similar in size to a medium dog, foxes have narrow heads, long snouts, and bushy tails. Here in the Tennessee region, the most prevalent species of fox is the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), which gets its name from its rust- colored fur coat. As for behavior, foxes can climb trees just like cats and bark like dogs. They use their barking skills to communicate with one another or to defend themselves in threatening situations.

Foxes tend to be a nuisance for home and business owners because they like to use man-made shelters as their own. They often choose things like dog houses, sheds, pool houses, jungle gyms, barns, and even gaps below, porches and patios as shelter. This can cause a lot of structural damage, plus pose certain hazards for children and pets. As notorious diggers and burrowers, they can also do a lot of lawn and foundation damage.

Foxes also pose safety and health threats. Not only are they carriers of diseases, potentially Rabies, but they are also known to attack children and pets upon provocation.

How to Get Rid of Foxes

Fortunately, deterring nuisance fox activity is simple. There are many strategies to choose from, but combining more than one typically generates the most successful results. These strategies include environmental modification, animal proofing, and professional animal trapping and removal.

As for a fox repellent, one of the key essential ingredients is urine. You can use your own urine, or you can purchase predator urine, which is typically made from coyote or Bobcat. Simply apply the urine to the perimeter of your property to create a barrier or invisible fence for foxes.

Tips for environmental modification include sealing up or blocking off any areas that foxes can use as shelter. It is also helpful to remove any type of edible material or food from your property, including pet food, livestock feed, birdseed, and squirrel feeders.

Professional critter control for foxes is the best approach to solving a nuisance fox problem. They have the proper resources, equipment, training, and permits to get the job done promptly, and most importantly, effectively.

Choose a service that adheres to safe and responsible animal removal and trapping, such as Smoky Wildlife Control of Tennessee! Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional fox removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients at the most competitive prices around.

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Interesting Facts About Foxes in Tennessee
Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House
Which Animals Live in the Smoky Mountains?

How to Get Rid of Red Winged Blackbirds

Red-Winged Blackbirds are abundant in population here in Tennessee. And although both males and females are beautiful on the outside, they have a bit of a reputation. Red-Winged Blackbirds are known to be highly territorial, which causes them to act aggressively and threatening when a person or pet comes too close. They’ve even been known to attack larger birds, like hawks and crows! Although this is most common during breeding season, which is typically late spring through mid-summer, Red-Winged Blackbirds are known to demonstrate angry behaviors in the cooler seasons too, making aggressive bird encounters quite possible.

If you are dealing with aggressive Red-Winged Blackbirds in Tennessee, not to worry; there are some effective strategies you can apply that will protect your loved ones and your property, year-round.

Continue reading to learn how to get rid of Red-Winged Blackbirds safely and humanely, plus what you can do if you are ever confronted with one, face-to-face.

Bird Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Bird Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Red-Winged Blackbirds Behavioral Traits

By understanding why Red-Winged Blackbirds behave the way they do, you can better develop strategies to keep them at bay. As Passerine birds of the family Icteridae, it is suggested that Red-Winged Blackbirds are aggressive and territorial because they have a natural instinct to protect their breeding grounds.

Their prime breeding season typically begins in mid to late spring and extends to mid-summer. During this time, males protect the female nesting territories, and as their reputation suggests, will forcefully dart and dive at anything they perceive as a threat to that space.

If you are out on a walk and get thumped on the head by a Red-Winged Blackbird, you have probably walked too close to a female’s nest. Simply look up!

Red-Winged Blackbird Encounters

If you ever happen to come face-to-face with an aggressive Red-Winged Blackbird, there are some guidelines you should follow to keep yourself in the bird protected. Whether you are actively being attacked by a Red-Winged Blackbird or witnessing a display of threatening behaviors, here are some things you can do:

Get Away Fast – Quickly jog in the opposite direction and get away from the birds as fast as possible. If you can, take cover inside a shelter.

Stare Them Down – It is suggested that if you look directly at a Red-Winged Blackbird, you have less of a chance of being attacked. They usually hit their targets from behind.

Cover Your Head – If you frequent an area that is populated by Red-Winged Blackbirds, it is recommended to keep your head covered or protected, especially during breeding season. You wear a helmet, but a simple hat should do.

Nuisance Red Winged Blackbirds

To get rid of Red Winged Blackbirds that have proven to be a nuisance around your residential or commercial property, contact a local and trusted Nashville wildlife control company for professional bird abatement services. They have the necessary resources and acumen to safely control a nuisance bird problem in Tennessee.  

Are you dealing with nuisance birds in and around your property, but you have no idea how to get rid of them? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional bird removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients at the most competitive prices around.

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How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers in Nashville
What to Do if a Raccoon Comes Near You
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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

The Physical Characteristics of Tennessee Raccoons

Everyone has seen a raccoon in Tennessee before, but it can be difficult getting an up close look at them. After all, raccoons are nocturnal and therefore, only active from dusk to dawn when we are usually asleep. Also, they are quick on their feet, allowing them to run fast and promptly climb high into the trees. Although sometimes considered a nuisance critter, raccoons are clever and fascinating creatures that are fun to learn about. They are also fun to watch from a safe distance, as their behaviors are silly and adorable.

For that up close view you’ve always wanted, continue reading to learn what a raccoon looks likes and acts like in Tennessee.

Raccoon Removal Service Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Removal Service Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

What a Raccoon Looks Like in Tennessee

Here in Tennessee, we are home to the Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor). Although there are various species of coon, some of which with drastically opposing physical features, Tennessee raccoons are mostly identified by their black “bandit-like” masks across their visual cortex (eye area) and their dual-striped, bushy tails.

Their main coats are dense fur, and their colors can range from an amber brown to a dark gray or black color. Adult males can weigh up to 30 pounds in some regions. The average weight of adult raccoons can range anywhere from 4 to 30pounds. Males are generally 20% heavier than female raccoons.

Raccoons also have two legs, two arms, and very dexterous paws. Their paws almost resemble human hands, having five appendages, and include long sharp claws on each. Raccoons can stand on their hind legs and use their paws just as we do our hands. All this allows them to have impressive climbing and grasping abilities.

What Raccoons Act Like in Tennessee

As for behavior, raccoons evince clever and resourceful attitudes and mannerisms. They are loving and protective mothers and share similar gestation qualities as humans and other mammals. Raccoons retain acute senses that allow them to seek out food sources almost anywhere.

Raccoons have an incredible sense of touch and a notable memory span too. They are omnivores, meaning they meat, fruits, and vegetables, including nuts, insects, berries, small birds, and small invertebrates like frogs and crayfish. They basically eat what they can find, which is why they are a common nuisance in areas with dumpsters and trashcans.

Raccoons have been known to find their way into residential and commercial properties in over developed areas or neighborhoods near wooded lots. This makes them unpopular animals because they have proven to be a source of structural destruction, disease, and overpopulation. Nonetheless, they remain quite an exquisite species in nature.

If you are having trouble with nuisance raccoons around your Tennessee home or office building, act now before they can cause any structural damage or pose any health risks. Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for raccoon removal and control service in Nashville and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial properties.

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The Top 4 Methods to Get Rid of Raccoons
Make This Non-Lethal Animal Repellent Recipe to Get Rid of Raccoons
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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Can a Bat Give My Dog Rabies?

You love your dog’s curious nature. But sometimes, their primitive curiosity can get them into a bit of trouble. Whether your dog has just brought home a dead bat, you have caught them sniffing a grounded bat in the yard, or suspect that your canine has a bat bite, the Rabies virus should absolutely be a concern.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about your dog, the Rabies virus, and bats in Nashville, Tennessee.

Bat Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Bat Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Bats Are Known Carriers of the Rabies Virus

Tennessee is home to several species of bats, all of which are known carriers of the Rabies virus. Although a bat may carry the virus, it does not mean they are rabid. It does, however, mean they can transmit the illness to both people and pets.

Rabies is transmitted through the saliva or brain tissue matter of the infected. The infected saliva must come into contact with the victim’s blood, typically occurring via ingestion, scratch, or bite. Yes, bats have teeth, and they do bite if they feel threatened or provoked; especially mother bats protecting their pups. Bats are otherwise non-confrontational.

Dogs are often at the other end of bat confrontations because of their curious nature, as discussed before. Dogs will poke and sniff around at a bat, whether that bat is on a lower part of a tree trunk, on a patio chair, or grounded on the lawn. This can be frightening to a bat, causing them to lash out in defense. For this reason, dogs are more at risk of contracting the Rabies virus compared to relative house pets, like cats and horses.

Rabies is 100% Fatal for Pets

Once contracted, there is no cure for Rabies; it is fatal. This is primarily why Rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats are so critical. Not only do vaccines protect them from a fatal end, but they help stop the spread, both locally and globally. If your dog or cat is not vaccinated against Rabies and other transmissible diseases, talk to your veterinarian about the recommended vaccination schedule for your pet before the end of the year. You can also learn more about how to prevent rabies in animals directly from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Rabies Vaccines for People and Pets

If you believe your pet has been exposed to the Rabies virus, contact a veterinarian right away and schedule an exam. Tell them the details of your dog or cat’s interaction with the bat and they will be able to diagnose the illness from there.

If you or your loved one was bitten or scratched by a bat, it is strongly encouraged to have that bat trapped and tested for Rabies. Contact a Nashville TN critter control company for bat removal services and Rabies testing assistance.

Do you suspect that you have bats in the attic or around the house? Do you wish to implement some control tactics to better protect your pets and loved ones against the spread of bat disease? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for 24 hour bat removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial clients

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Should I Be Worried About Beavers on My Property?

Beavers are extraordinarily gifted aquatic mammals, making it no surprise that they are often considered a nuisance critter to both residential and commercial property owners. Here in Tennessee, beaver populations are abundant, so it is wise that you are inquiring on the potential downfalls of having beavers on your property.

Whether you are perusing potential land to develop or have recently moved into a new house with beavers nearby, continue below to learn what you need to know about beaver control and removal in Nashville.

Beaver Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Beavers Like to Chew and Gnaw on Tree Trunks!

Facts About the American Beaver

Here Nashville Tennessee, the native and local beaver species is the American beaver, scientifically known as Castor canadensis. Beavers are categorized as the largest rodent in North America and the second largest rodent in the entire world, falling just under the capybara. They are nocturnal semi-aquatic mammals that live near forested wetlands with abundant vegetation and flattened terrain. They will build their homes and territories around slow-moving streams, lakes, marshes, ponds, and similar environments.

Beavers mate for life, and upon choosing a partner they will continue to reproduce new offspring (babies are called kits) every April or May. This means they can be difficult to get rid of, as beaver populations continue to grow year after year. Furthermore, beavers are known to cause massive amounts of destruction and structural troubles for residential and commercial property owners. For these reasons and more, beaver populations require wildlife abatement.

Nuisance Beavers

Beavers are considered nuisance critters because they build dams known as lodges, as well as beaver ponds, canals, and similar structures that can cause flooding, creek destruction, and tree loss. In most cases, large beaver populations on a property would require a certain degree of critter control and beaver abatement modifications. This can include beaver extraction and relocation, or basic animal proofing applications.

Beaver Control Methods

Fortunately, there are many ways you can safely control a nuisance beaver population near your property. In fact, if you so choose, you can have the beaver population removed entirely and relocated to a safe and far away habitat. On the other hand, some properties can benefit from a controlled beaver population, as beavers do offer an ecological advantage to some degree.

In most cases, beavers need to be trapped and removed altogether Especially of preparing for new construction or land development. The most humane catch-and-release beaver traps on the market include conibear-style body grip traps and extra-large cage-type clam shell traps.

It is important to contact a licensed and insured Nashville wildlife control company for help getting rid of beavers in Nashville, Tennessee. They have the proper training, permits, experience, and resources to safely manage nuisance beavers within a convenient time frame.

Are you struggling to manage the nuisance beavers on your Tennessee property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable beaver removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial animal control.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

How to Stop Squirrels From Emptying Your Bird Feeders

Squirrels are thrifty little animals, which is why they are commonly a nuisance to all the bird-watching enthusiasts around Tennessee. Their agility and ingenuity allow them to quickly climb and access any bird feeder pole known to man, while their dexterous paws and fervent appetites allow them to pick and plunder your beloved bird feeders with precision and focus. If you are tired of nuisance squirrels pillaging your bird feeders every time you fill them up, take solace in knowing that something can be done.

Continue reading to learn how to stop squirrels from emptying your bird feeders, year-round.

Squirrel Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Squirrel Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Squirrel Control in Your Backyard

It may seem like squirrels are just too clever to keep out of your bird feeders, but a little environmental modification might change your mind. By implementing certain changes around your yard, overtime you can stop squirrels from raiding your bird feeders all year-round. Structural and environmental changes are designed to challenge squirrels, making it more difficult for them to access the bird feeder on your property.

Here are the top 5 ways to protect your bird feeders from nuisance squirrels:

Do Not Position Bird Feeders Near Trees

As you may already assume, squirrels or tree climbers. They are excellent at climbing trees, and they can climb from tree to tree without losing an ounce of endurance. Squirrels use trees as roadways to access the things that they want. Bird feeders that are attached to trees or located nearby trees are openly available to squirrels.

Instead of hanging bird feeders on trees or on a pole near trees, consider linking a line from one tree to another, then placing the bird feeder in the middle of the line. Squirrels have a hard time with a tight rope. After too many failed attempts, they will likely lose interest in your bird feeder.

Purchase a Squirrel Baffle

Squirrel baffle can be purchased online through several multi-department retailers or at your local home improvement store. Basically, a square baffle is a plastic, dome-shaped device that is installed underneath the bird feeder. The shape of the device makes it impossible for squirrels to climb over it and access the bird feeder.

Rig Your Bird Feeder Poles

Rather than purchasing a squirrel baffle, you can rig up your bird feeder poles in a way that makes it difficult for squirrels to climb them. For instance, you can use plastic tubing to cover your bird feeder pole. You can even grease up the plastic tubing with petroleum jelly. Squirrels will have a hard time climbing up the slippery pole and will likely move on to easier snacking.

Make a Homemade Non-Toxic Squirrel Repellent

There are many scents, sensations, and herbaceous plants that squirrels hate, like cayenne pepper and black pepper. If you place these ingredients around your property or in the areas of heightened squirrel activity, it can make squirrels turn up their nose and run away. Simply combine these ingredients with water and transfer them into a spray bottle.

You can spray this repellent around the bird feeder perimeter or in areas where squirrels like to hang out. Just be sure to keep children and pets away from treated areas, as pepper and other types of herbs can cause I, throat, and knows irritation. Don’t worry, the birds won’t notice the pepper solution at all!

Join Them!

As the old saying goes, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” One way to deter squirrels from stealing all of your birdseed out of your bird feeders is to simply provide them with their own feeders. You can purchase squirrel feeders and squirrel food any local home improvement store, or online through a compatible retailer. These days they have all sorts of different styles and designs, including the currently trending squirrel picnic tables. You can even build your own squirrel feeder.  Just be sure to set the squirrel feeders far away from your bird feeders, preferably on the other side of your property.

Are squirrels taking over your property and you worry there’s nothing you can do to stop them? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional squirrel removal and control services in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve both residential and commercial clients of the most competitive rates around.

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Which Squirrel Species are Found in Tennessee?
Why You Should Not Feed the Wild Animals Around Your House
How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers in Nashville

Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

What to Do if a Raccoon Comes Near You

Do you have a healthy raccoon population in your neighborhood? Whether you have lived there for years or just moved in, it is important to learn how to react to an up close raccoon encounter in the case that it ever happens to you. Continue reading to learn what to do if a raccoon comes near you or your family, whether in the house or outdoors in nature.

Raccoon Removal Company Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Raccoon Removal Company Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Raccoons are Attracted to Food, Water and Shelter

Raccoons are nocturnal, and crepuscular foragers, which means they are primarily active at night, and known to hunt for food right after dusk. Among the many things that stimulate a raccoon’s interest and curiosity, food is generally the number one priority, and the collective driving force behind their fervency to obtain as much of it as possible. This means raccoons will go to any lengths to get a decent belly-full. And since they are highly intelligent, exceptional climbers with dexterous paws, getting access to areas with food is easy for them.

Raccoon Abatement

If you are spotting raccoons on your property, it is time to reevaluate your home. Look for anything that can be a source of food or water for raccoons, including pet food, water dishes, bird baths, squirrel feeders, bird houses, garbage cans, gardens, and outdoor food storage areas. Remove these incentives and raccoons will quickly lose interest in your property.

You can even install motion-sensor lighting and sound machines to scare raccoons away or make a homemade raccoon repellent that is safe and non-lethal. And always be sure to take your garbage cans outside the morning of trash pickup day.

Dead Raccoons and Baby Raccoons

If you find a dead raccoon on your property, contact a Nashville Tennessee critter control company for safe and secure dead animal removal services. Raccoons carry several infectious diseases, whether dead or alive, so it is important to never make contact with them.

If you find baby raccoons on your property, it is important to leave them where they are and let nature take its course. You may also contact a local wildlife rescue organization to have them transported to a faraway habitat where they can safely live out the remainder of the lives.

How to Handle a Raccoon Encounter:

If you happen to experience an up-close encounter with a wild raccoon, be sure to handle the situation safely and humanely. Never attempts to harm, trap, or kill a raccoon under any circumstances, unless of course you are being physically attacked by one. It is common for raccoons to access the inner areas of your home, whether through attic or a doggy door. It is also common to spot raccoons on your property directly after dusk, right before it gets completely dark.

In the House

If you have a raccoon in your house wandering around, do not panic and act carefully. Leave the room, but not before closing all other interior doors and windows to encourage the raccoon to exit the way it came in. If this does not work, try using a long broom to gently usher the raccoon to the exit. But be sure to never corner a raccoon. This will only instigate it to defend itself.


If a raccoon approaches you outside, always stand up (if sitting down) and make yourself appear larger. So, this by standing tall and waving your arms up and down. You can also yell or holler to scare it away. Sometimes, people even use hose water to fend raccoons off. But this can be harmful to the raccoon and is not recommended.

Teach Children About Animal Safety

It is also important to teach children how to react to a raccoon encounter, explaining how they are dangerous and should be left alone. Tell them why raccoons live in the areas and what to do if they ever see one. Teach them to yell, “Go away raccoon!” if they ever encounter one close-by. Their screams will let adults know there are raccoons present, thus allowing them to manage the situation effectively.

Looking for a trusted wildlife removal and control service in your area? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for TWRA licensed raccoon removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Middle Tennessee and its surrounding counties.

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Nashville Tennessee Animal Removal
Nashville Tennessee Animal Removal 615-610-0962