Top 3 Tips for Dead Animal Removal

Dead animal smell cannot be mistaken. You have certainly detected the tell-tale odor of rot and decay before, but when it is coming from your property, or worse, inside your house, you are on high alert. No one wants to put dead animal removal off to the next morning; it is a task that must be dealt with upon immediate detection. But before you go around investigating your premises, be sure you are well-equipped to handle the job.

Continue reading to learn the top 3 dead animal removal tips you need to know to protect your home, yourself, and all of your loved ones, including pets!

Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

What You Need to Know About Dead Animal Removal

Dead animals are a hazardous material since they can carry disease and parasites. So, the task of removing a dead animal from your house or yard is a risky one. As soon as you discover a dead animal, the first step is to isolate the area, keeping children and pets away. Your next step is to prepare yourself for the task of getting rid of a dead animal.

Here are the top 3 tips for dead animal removal:

1) Act Fast

When you have a dead animal infesting your house or property, it is in your best interest to get rod of it as fast as possible. Do not hesitate to locate and removal a dead animal, especially if it is inside your home. The longer you wait to get rid of a dead animal carcass, the more consequences will pile up, including pest infestations like vultures, rodents, maggots, flies, lice, and tapeworms, as well as diseases like Rabies, Roundworm, distemper, Giardia, Legionnaires, Leptospirosis, and more.

2) Protect Yourself From Harm

As mentioned, dead animal carcasses are unsanitary and highly hazardous to your health. For these reasons, it is critical to take all the proper steps necessary to protect yourself from any type of exposure to disease or parasite. So, be sure to don yourself with a full face mask, heavy-duty work gloves, a sealable bag, a grasper tool (if available), and a shovel. You will need to pick the carcass up, place it in the bag, and bury it deep in the ground.

3) Hire a Professional Wildlife Removal Service

It may seem like a big project to locate, bag, and bury a dead animal, and it is. For this reason, most homeowners hire a local Nashville wildlife control company for dead animal removal service. They come fully-equipped to remove a dead animal and dispose of it according to all state and EPA guidelines. No, they will not bury it on your property! But they will ensure there are no residual hazards or dangers left behind.

Dead Animal Odor Detection

If you have not found the dead animal but can smell the distinct odor, you will need to do some further investigating. Start by walking in the direction that smells the most pungent. The most likely places inside a house to find a dead animal are inside cabinets, attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids. Outside, the possibilities are endless, but typically ground-level. Look in log piles, under porches and decks, in gardens, beneath chairs and benches, and even inside plastic tarps and covers, such as playset, grill, and pool covers.

If you cannot locate the dead animal, but the smell is putrid enough to give hint that the animal is too close for comfort, you will need to hire a local Nashville TN critter control company for an inspection. They have innovative technologies and astute industry knowledge to locate a dead animal in or around your house.

Do you have a dead animal in or around your property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for prompt and professional dead animal removal in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding regions. We serve commercial clients, too.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962

Should I Be Worried About Beavers on My Property?

Beavers are extraordinarily gifted aquatic mammals, making it no surprise that they are often considered a nuisance critter to both residential and commercial property owners. Here in Tennessee, beaver populations are abundant, so it is wise that you are inquiring on the potential downfalls of having beavers on your property.

Whether you are perusing potential land to develop or have recently moved into a new house with beavers nearby, continue below to learn what you need to know about beaver control and removal in Nashville.

Beaver Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962
Beavers Like to Chew and Gnaw on Tree Trunks!

Facts About the American Beaver

Here Nashville Tennessee, the native and local beaver species is the American beaver, scientifically known as Castor canadensis. Beavers are categorized as the largest rodent in North America and the second largest rodent in the entire world, falling just under the capybara. They are nocturnal semi-aquatic mammals that live near forested wetlands with abundant vegetation and flattened terrain. They will build their homes and territories around slow-moving streams, lakes, marshes, ponds, and similar environments.

Beavers mate for life, and upon choosing a partner they will continue to reproduce new offspring (babies are called kits) every April or May. This means they can be difficult to get rid of, as beaver populations continue to grow year after year. Furthermore, beavers are known to cause massive amounts of destruction and structural troubles for residential and commercial property owners. For these reasons and more, beaver populations require wildlife abatement.

Nuisance Beavers

Beavers are considered nuisance critters because they build dams known as lodges, as well as beaver ponds, canals, and similar structures that can cause flooding, creek destruction, and tree loss. In most cases, large beaver populations on a property would require a certain degree of critter control and beaver abatement modifications. This can include beaver extraction and relocation, or basic animal proofing applications.

Beaver Control Methods

Fortunately, there are many ways you can safely control a nuisance beaver population near your property. In fact, if you so choose, you can have the beaver population removed entirely and relocated to a safe and far away habitat. On the other hand, some properties can benefit from a controlled beaver population, as beavers do offer an ecological advantage to some degree.

In most cases, beavers need to be trapped and removed altogether Especially of preparing for new construction or land development. The most humane catch-and-release beaver traps on the market include conibear-style body grip traps and extra-large cage-type clam shell traps.

It is important to contact a licensed and insured Nashville wildlife control company for help getting rid of beavers in Nashville, Tennessee. They have the proper training, permits, experience, and resources to safely manage nuisance beavers within a convenient time frame.

Are you struggling to manage the nuisance beavers on your Tennessee property? Contact Smoky Wildlife Control at 615-610-0962 for affordable beaver removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial animal control.

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Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Smoky Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee 615-610-0962